2012 Medal & Award Recipients, p. 10
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients, p. 18
2012 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, p. 52
JULY 2012 | VOL. 22, NO. 7
Welcome New GSA Members! p. 27
Buckling an orogen:
The Cantabrian Orocline
Buckling an orogen:
The Cantabrian Orocline
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
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52 2012 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition
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60 Groundwork: Is the Anthropocene an issue of stratigraphy or pop culture?
4 Buckling an orogen:
The Cantabrian Orocline
G. Gutiérrez-Alonso, S.T. Johnston,
A.B. Weil, D. Pastor-Galán, and
J. Fernández-Suárez
Cover: Field photo taken from the northern hinge
zone, looking south, of the doubly plunging La Cueta
Syncline, located between Asturias and León, in
northern Spain. Notice the dramatic change in strike
of the fold limbs from NE-SW in the foreground
to N-S in the center of the photo to NW-SE in the
southern plunging hinge zone. The Devonian St.
Lucia and Portilla limestones delineate the La Cueta
Syncline, a typical sinuous structure from the hinge
zone of the larger Cantabrian Orocline. Photo taken
by Stephen T. Johnston. See related article, p. 4–9.
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GSA TodAy | 2012 July
Buckling an orogen: The Cantabrian Orocline
GSA Today, v. 22, no. 7, doi: 10.1130/GSATG141A.1.
G. Gutiérrez-Alonso, Depto. de Geología, Universidad de
Salamanca, Plaza de los Caídos s/n, 37008 Salamanca, Spain,
[email protected]; S.T. Johnston, School of Earth & Ocean Sciences,
University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3065 STN CSC, Victoria, British
Colombia V8P 4B2, Canada; A.B. Weil, Dept. of Geology, Bryn Mawr
College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010, USA; D. Pastor-Galán,
Depto. de Geología, Universidad de Salamanca, Plaza de los Caídos
s/n, 37008 Salamanca, Spain; and J. Fernández-Suárez, Depto. de
Petrología y Geoquímica, Universidad Complutense and IGEO-CSIC,
28040 Madrid, Spain
The Paleozoic Variscan orogeny was a large-scale collisional
event that involved amalgamation of multiple continents and
micro-continents. Available structural, geological, geochemical,
and geophysical data from Iberia are consistent with a model of
oroclinal bending at the lithospheric scale of an originally near-
linear convergent margin during the last stages of Variscan
deformation in the late Paleozoic. Closure of the Rheic Ocean
resulted in E-W shortening (in present-day coordinates) in
the Carboniferous, producing a near linear N-S–trending, east-
verging orogenic belt. Subsequent N-S shortening near the
Carboniferous-Permian boundary resulted in oroclinal bending,
highlighted by the formation of the Cantabrian Orocline.
Together, these data constrain oroclinal bending in Iberia to
have occurred during the latest Carboniferous over about a
10-million-year time window, which agrees well with recent
geodynamical models and structural data that relate oroclinal
bending with lithospheric delamination in the Variscan. This
late-stage orogenic event remains an enigmatic part of final
Pangaea amalgamation.
Orogenic belts that are bent in plan view are a ubiquitous
feature of recent and ancient orogens (e.g., Marshak, 2004; van
der Voo, 2004; Sussman and Weil, 2004; Weil and Sussman, 2004).
Where a bend is formed by buckling of an originally linear orogen
about a vertical axis of rotation, it is classified as an orocline
(Carey, 1955, 1958). Oroclines are amongst the largest geological
structures on Earth and have formed from Archean to recent
times. Their existence has profound implications for the tenets of
plate tectonics and challenges the fundamental assumption of
plate rigidity.
We describe the well-studied Cantabrian Orocline of northern
Spain. This is one of the first bent orogens reported in geoscience
literature, referred to as the “Asturian Knee” by Eduard Suess in
the late nineteenth century in his massive work Das Antlitz der
Erde (1885–1908) (translated to English in 1909). Suess recognized
that the structures, now attributed to the Early Carboniferous
collision between Laurussia and Gondwana during Pangea
amalgamation, define a significant bend in northern Iberia. Since
Suess’ description, the curved portion of the Variscan orogen has
been the object of numerous studies aimed at unraveling the
timing and kinematics of orogenic development, with more recent
emphasis on exploring the orogens impact at the lithospheric
scale (e.g., Julivert, 1971; Julivert and Marcos, 1973; Ries et al.,
1980; Pérez-Estaún et al., 1988; Weil et al., 2000, 2001; Gutiérrez-
Alonso et al., 2004, 2011a, 2011b; Johnston and Gutiérrez-Alonso,
2010). In the following sections, we summarize the results of
recent studies in the Cantabrian Orocline that help constrain its
timing, kinematics, and geometry. We also utilize insights from
analogue experiments to develop models of orocline formation
and speculate on possible causes of oroclinal bending. Finally, we
consider the assumption of plate rigidity in the light of our
current understanding of the Cantabrian Orocline.
The Cantabrian Orocline (Fig. 1) defines the core of a larger
curved orogenic system that weaves through Western Europe, and
it is located at the apex of the Ibero-Armorican Arc (Fig. 1). The
orocline is recognized by geometrical changes in the structural
trend of thrust-related folds that formed during the Carboniferous
Variscan orogeny. The orocline has a convex-to-the-west shape, an
E-W axial trace, and an isoclinal geometry in plan view. Both the
northern and southern limbs of the orocline strike E-W, thus
defining an arc with 180° of curvature. The Cantabrian Orocline
is characterized as a foreland fold-thrust belt with thrust vergence
toward the oroclinal core (Julivert, 1971). Thrusts imbricate a
Carboniferous foreland basin sequence, an underlying Lower
Paleozoic passive margin sequence, and a basal Ediacaran slate
belt. The distribution of sedimentary facies and paleocurrent data
show that the Lower Paleozoic passive margin faced outward,
away from the core of the orocline (Shaw et al., 2012). The
Variscan metamorphic hinterland surrounds the core of the
orocline to the west and south, and is overthrust in the west by
ophiolitic assemblages along foreland-verging thrusts. Recent
structural (Aerden, 2004; Martínez-Catan, 2011) and
sedimentological (Shaw et al., 2012) studies in central and
southern Iberia have revitalized an early suggestion of du Toit’s
(1937) that the Cantabrian Orocline continues to the south,
forming a second bend (the Central Iberian Orocline) that
together define a continental-scale S-shaped orocline pair.
To constrain the kinematics and timing of orocline develop-
ment, two approaches have been used that yield complementary
results: joint analysis and paleomagnetism in pre- syn- and post-
orocline sedimentary sequences (Fig. 2).
Joint sets are developed in strata that span the duration of
Variscan orogenesis, including late-stage orocline formation
(Pastor-Galán et al., 2011). Joints in structurally imbricated strata
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
that are continuously exposed around the orocline are shown to
be related to thrust formation and buckling. Thrust-related
synorogenic strata constrain thrust fault formation to have
occurred by 315 to 310 Ma (e.g., Alonso, 1987; Keller et al., 2007;
Merino-Tomé et al., 2009). In pre-orocline sedimentary
sequences, two orthogonal joint sets are identified, one parallel to
and another normal to arc-parallel thrust traces and the axes of
thrust-related fault-bend folds. The joint sets systematically trace
the curvature of the arc, changing orientation with regional strike
around the orocline (Fig. 2). Upper Pennsylvanian strata are
deposited in continental basins that unconformably overlie the
older, thrust imbricated strata. These strata have younger
orthogonal joint sets that trace 60% of total arc curvature (Fig. 2).
These sediments are interpreted to have been deposited, and their
joint sets developed, during orocline formation (Pastor-Gan et
al., 2011). Finally, joint sets in Early Permian strata that
unconformably overlie the curved Variscan structures show no
systematic change in orientation around the trace of the
Cantabrian Orocline and are therefore interpreted to post-date
orocline formation (Fig. 2). Hence, the pre-, syn- and post-
orocline sedimentary sequences and the joint sets they contain
limit the Cantabrian Orocline to have formed after about 315 Ma
and prior to the Early Permian (pre-299 Ma). This time frame is
consistent with the deposition of Upper Pennsylvanian strata (307
to 299 Ma) during orocline formation.
Paleomagnetic data have also been used to constrain the timing
of orocline formation. The rocks of the Variscan foreland in the
core of the Cantabrian Orocline were remagnetized during and
after early imbricate thrusting, yielding two syntectonic magneti-
zations that have been used to constrain the kinematics of subse-
quent deformation (Hirt et al., 1992; Parés et al., 1994; Stewart,
1995; van der Voo et al., 1997; Weil et al., 2000, 2001). In situ
paleomagnetic site means were individually restored to a known
Figure 1. (A) Correlation of tectonostratigraphic zones across the Variscan orogen
in southwestern Europe (modified from Franke, 1989; Martínez-Catan et al.,
2007). Iberia has been restored to its paleogeographic position prior to the
opening of the Cantabrian Sea (Bay of Biscay). Inset box indicates the location
of Cantabrian Orocline. (B) Simplified structural map of the Cantabrian
Orocline, highlighting the geometry of major thrusts and the orientation of
major folds.
Figure 2. Cartoon summarizing the devel-
opment of joint sets (Pastor-Galán et al.,
2011) and the acquisition of multiple mag-
netizations (Weil et al., 2001, 2010) in the
Cantabrian arc during formation of the
Cantabrian Orocline. (A) Joints and paleo-
magnetic vectors interpreted to develop
contemporaneously with formation of a near-
ly linear Variscan orogen in pre-Moscovian
and Moscovian times. (B) Arc during the
uppermost Kasimovian and Gzhelian times
when between 30% and 50% of the arc’s
present-day curvature was attained, deposi-
tion of the Stephanian BC basins occurred,
and development of fold-axis subparallel and
subperpendicular Stephanian joint sets were
formed. (C) Present-day geometry of the Can-
tabrian Orocline and the orientation of the
Early Permian paleomagnetic vectors show-
ing no rotation. (D) Proposed timeline for
successive magnetizations recorded in the
Cantabrian Orocline and their relation-
ships to the main phases of oroclinal forma-
tion and formation of sedimentary basins.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
reference direction based on observed geologic structures (e.g.,
local fold axis orientation) and geometric constraints. Such resto-
rations have an intrinsic error based on restoration path uncer-
tainty, constraints on the reference direction, and the timing of
magnetization acquisition, all of which have been well established
in the Cantabrian Orocline (e.g., van der Voo et al., 1997; Weil et
al., 2000, 2001; Weil, 2006; Tohver and Weil, 2008). Analyses of
paleomagnetic sites from structural domains distributed around
the arc of the orocline indicate clockwise rotations in the northern
limb of the Cantabrian Orocline, counter-clockwise rotations in
the southern limb, and complex interference folding in the hinge
zone (Fig. 2). The unconformably overlying Early Permian conti-
nental strata from both limbs of the orocline preserve a primary
magnetization that records no vertical axis rotation (Weil et al.,
2010) (Fig. 2). These data limit orocline development to have
started after acquisition of the syntectonic remagnetization of
thrust imbricated strata at 315 to 310 Ma and to have ended prior
to deposition of the unconformable Early Permian strata at 299
Ma, consistent with the constraints provided by joint-set orienta-
tion data.
One of the most challenging questions concerning orocline
formation is the evolution of their three-dimensional (3-D)
geometry. Do oroclines evolve as thick-skinned, lithospheric-scale
structures, or are they thin-skinned features that terminate against
crustal detachments? Extensive magmatism accompanied formation
of the Cantabrian Orocline, which is interpreted to reflect a thick-
skinned, lithospheric-scale response to active buckling (Gutiérrez-
Alonso et al., 2004, 2011a, 2011b). Syn-orogenic Variscan granitoid
magmatism was active from 345 Ma to 315 Ma and recorded the
building and collapse of the Variscan belt (Ferndez-Suárez et al.,
2000). Subsequent post-orogenic magmatism comprises intrusive
and volcanic rocks emplaced from 310 to 285 Ma, which are
penecontemporaneous with, and slightly post-date, oroclinal
buckling. The post-orogenic magmatic record consists of mantle and
crustal derived melts that show systematic changes in their age,
spatial distribution, petrology, and geochemistry and include
significant foreland magmatism in the core of the Cantabrian
Orocline (Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2011b).
Magmatism began in the orogenic hinterland region with
intrusion of mantle and lower crustal derived mafic melts from
310 to 305 Ma (Fig. 3C). These mafic rocks and their
accompanying granitoids are interpreted as a byproduct of
decompressive mantle and lower crustal melting, caused by
lithospheric extension around the outer orocline arc during
buckling (Fig. 3). Thinning of the lithosphere in the outer arc, a
concomitant rise of the asthenosphere, and coupled intrusion of
gabbros resulted in a regionally elevated geothermal gradient
across the arc. This increase in thermal energy resulted in melting
of middle-upper crustal rocks still hot from Variscan orogenesis
and led to intrusion of felsic, crustal derived magmas into the
outer arc of the orocline between 305 and 295 Ma (Fernández-
Suárez et al., 2000; Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2011b).
A different (albeit intimately related) magmatic history charac-
terizes the inner arc of the orocline, where magmatism did not
begin until 300 Ma and did not end until 285 Ma (Fig. 3D). Mag-
matism in the core of the orocline (foreland) began with the
intrusion of mantle and lower crust-derived mafic rocks and
granitoids and with widespread volcanism that continued until
292 Ma (Fig. 3D). This was followed by felsic, crustal-derived leu-
cogranite magmatism that continued for another 7 m.y. in the
foreland (Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2011b). The delayed onset of
magmatism within the foreland is interpreted to reflect initial
thickening of the lithospheric mantle in the core of the orocline,
forming an orogenic root that subsequently became gravitation-
ally unstable (Fig. 3). Delamination and sinking of the unstable
root facilitated upwelling of hot asthenospheric mantle beneath
Figure 3. (A) Block diagram depicting the effect of lithospheric bending around
a vertical axis and the resultant strain field (modified tangential longitudinal
strain). Strain ellipses depict arc-parallel shortening in the inner arc and arc-
parallel stretching in the outer arc. Note the different behavior of the mantle
lithosphere in the inner and outer arcs and the increase in thickness of mantle
lithosphere below the inner arc and thinning below the outer arc. (B) Snapshot
illustration of arc development starting with a linear belt resulting from a
Gondwana–Laurentia collision. (C) Second snapshot illustrating oroclinal
bending, which causes lithospheric stretching in the outer arc and thickening
beneath the inner arc (Gutrrez-Alonso et al., 2004). (D) The final stage of
oroclinal bending, depicting delamination and collapse of thickened
lithospheric root beneath the inner arc, replacement of sinking lithosphere by
upwelling asthenospheric mantle, and associated magmatism in the inner and
outer arc regions. (E) Two tomographic views of the analogue modeled mantle
lithosphere geometry after buckling around a vertical axis where the
lithospheric root is developed under the inner arc (topfrontal view from the
concave part of the model; bottom—view from below); 3-D coordinate axes
given. (F) Tomographic 3-D image of the delaminated lithospheric root obtained
with analogue modeling; 3-D coordinate axes given.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
the foreland core of the orocline, giving rise to mantle-derived
mafic magmatism and melting of the lower crust. The subsequent
felsic melts are attributed to melting of the fertile (pelite- and
greywacke-rich) middle crust upon upward migration of the ther-
mal anomaly above the high-standing asthenosphere.
The study of Sm/Nd isotopes from mantle-derived rocks
provides further evidence of mantle lithosphere involvement
during orocline development (Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2011a;
Ducea, 2011). Pre-Variscan mantle-derived volcanic rocks indicate
that the mantle lithosphere in NW Iberia was emplaced, or
metasomatized, at ca. 1.0 Ga, while post-Variscan mantle-derived
magmatic rocks yield neodymium model ages (TDM) of ca. 0.3
Ga. This change in mantle lithosphere age indicates that orocline
formation was coeval with removal of an older mantle lithosphere
and its subsequent replacement by a new, juvenile mantle
lithosphere (Fig. 3D). The syn-orocline mantle-derived melts were
contaminated by crustal sources during orocline formation and
yield model ages that span the inferred age of the underlying pre-
Variscan lithosphere and the new lithospheric mantle. The
resultant contamination indicates that melting of the continental
mantle lithosphere and lower crust, and the subsequent mixing
with upwelling asthenosphere, is likely responsible for generating
the new lithospheric mantle (Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2011a).
Major topographic changes in Earths surface usually reflect
lithospheric processes (Jiménez-Munt and Platt, 2006); therefore,
the major changes in lithosphere thickness and shape associated
with oroclinal buckling likely produced important topographic
changes that would be recorded in syn-orocline deposits. As stated
previously, oroclinal bending resulted in lithospheric thinning in
the outer arc and thickening in the inner arc. Due to the more
buoyant nature of the thinner outer arc (underlain by hot
asthenosphere) compared to the thicker inner arc (underlain by a
growing lithospheric root), a regional topographic slope was
established from a high in the outer arc to a low in the inner arc
(Fig. 3C). This orocline-induced topographic gradient is recorded
in the thick, conglomerate-rich continental deposits of Upper
Pennsylvanian age preserved throughout the inner arc.
Subsequent floundering of the lithospheric root under the inner
arc (Fig. 3D), and its replacement by hotter, more buoyant,
asthenospheric mantle, resulted in a topographic inversion that is
recorded in the unconformable Lower Permian sediments present
in this region that postdate the orocline formation (Weil et al.,
2010). These topographic changes agree with simple numerical
isostatic balance models of the lithosphere thickness variations
inferred from geological data (Muñoz-Quijano and Gutiérrez-
Alonso, 2007).
The structural, paleomagnetic, geochronologic, and
geochemical data summarized in this section indicate that mantle
replacement and orocline formation were coeval, suggesting that
the two processes were linked. Hence, magmatic, isotopic, and
sedimentological data are all consistent with our model of
Cantabrian Orocline formation involving the entire lithosphere.
One of the lingering questions regarding lithospheric-scale
orocline development is the physical and geometric response to
lithospheric buckling. To better understand the lithospheric
consequences of forming this scale of bending, we used thermo -
mechanical analogue modeling to gain insight into the feasibility
of lithospheric-scale orocline formation. Plasticines with contrast-
ing rheological behavior scaled to the mechanical properties of
the crust, mantle lithosphere, and sub-lithospheric mantle were
employed to model lithospheric-scale buckling about a vertical
axis (Figs. 3E and 3F). The modeling set-up imparted a vertical
thermal gradient during experimental runs. After buckling, the
models were imaged using 3-D computer tomography (CT). Details
of the experiments can be found in Pastor-Galán et al. (2012).
The experimental set-up consisted of a 30 × 12 × 8 cm elongate
model plate (crust and lithospheric mantle and its underlying
asthenospheric mantle), which was shortened into a buckle fold
about a vertical axis. Multiple experimental set-ups were used
with variable strain rates and lithospheric thicknesses. All
experimental runs were performed under a constant temperature
profile designed to maintain a stable viscosity contrast between
the different layers. Model results indicate that, regardless of layer
thicknesses used, or the strain rate employed during oroclinal
buckling, the mantle lithosphere thickened beneath the orocline
core and thinned around the outer orocline arc (Fig. 3). Thinning
in the outer arc was accommodated by radial tension fractures,
whereas thickening in the inner arc was dependent upon initial
lithosphere thickness; initially thick lithospheric mantle
thickened through formation of a tight, steeply plunging conical
fold, while initially thin lithospheric mantle thickened through
formation of recumbent conical nappes. Importantly, the
lithospheric-scale processes inferred to have taken place during
generation of the Cantabrian Orocline are well reproduced in the
analogue experiments.
All available structural, geological, geochemical, and geophysi-
cal data are consistent with the Cantabrian Orocline developing
by buckling of an originally linear orogen (Weil et al., 2000, 2001;
Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2004, 2008, 2011a, 2011b; Martínez-
Catalán, 2011). The question remains, however: What was the
geodynamic setting that gave rise to the buckle? Iberia lay close to
the center of the Pangea supercontinent during orocline forma-
tion. The east margin of the supercontinent was characterized by a
westward-tapering Tethyan oceanic embayment that pinched out
near Iberia. The Tethys is inferred to have had an E-W trending
mid-ocean ridge (Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2008), a north-dipping
subduction zone along its northern margin that descended
beneath the Laurasian portion of Pangea, and a passive southern
margin developed along the Gondwanan portion of Pangea.
The unique paleogeography of the Tethyan realm is the basis for
one possible explanation for orocline formation. Subduction of
the Tethyan mid-ocean ridge to the north resulted in Pangean
oceanic lithosphere being subducted beneath the Pangean
continental crust of Laurasia, a process referred to as self-subduction
(Gutiérrez-Alonso et al., 2008) (Fig. 4). Because of the continuity
of the oceanic lithosphere with Pangean continental lithosphere
across the northern Gondwanan passive margin, subduction-
related slab pull forces are predicted to have transmitted into
continental Pangea. The result would have been a profound
change in the Pangean strain regime, with shortening and
contraction within the inner region of Pangea that surrounded
the western end of the Tethys, and extension around the
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
supercontinent’s periphery (Fig. 4A). We suggest that it is the
contraction within the inner tract of the Pangean superplate that
gave rise to the Cantabrian Orocline, its concomitant lithospheric
delamination, and its related magmatic activity. Late Palaeozoic
radial rift basins characterize the periphery of northern Pangea,
which supports the idea of widespread extension around the edges
of the superplate (Fig. 4B). Slab pull forces subsequently resulted
in failure of the continental lithosphere along what was the
northern Gondwanan margin, creating a rift basin south of and
parallel to the southern Tethys margin. Self-subduction ended
with the formation of the Neotethys mid-ocean ridge, which
separated continental Pangea from the subducting slab. This final
stage is likely recorded in the widespread Permian-Carboniferous
unconformity in the continental basins of Europe.
Curved mountain belts that are demonstrably the result of the
buckling of originally linear orogens have commonly been inter-
preted as thin-skinned features involving only the uppermost
crust. Thin-skinned interpretations of oroclines are reconciled
with the plate tectonic assumption of plate rigidity by having the
orocline form above a crustal detachment that separates the
deforming orogen from the underlying plate. However, this model
commonly results in important space problems associated with
large-scale thrust sheet rotation. It is demonstrated that formation
of the Cantabrian Orocline was concomitant with profound mag-
matism, and deformation best explained as the result of buckling
of the entire lithosphere about a vertical axis. Lithospheric buck-
ling can also explain other ancient oroclines, such as the Alaskan
oroclines of the North American Cordillera (Johnston, 2001,
2008) and the New England Orocline (Cawood et al., 2011), and
provides a model for explaining magmatism and deformation
attending currently forming oroclines, like the East Carpathian
(Fillerup et al., 2010), the Calabria (Johnston and Mazzoli, 2009),
and the Melanesian oroclines (Johnston, 2004).
Comments by two anonymous reviewers and the editor greatly improved
the original manuscript. Financial support for this work was supplied by
Research Project ODRE II (‘‘Oroclines and Delamination: Relations and
Effects’’) number CGL2009-1367, from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation. J. Ferndez-Suárez wishes to acknowledge financial support
from project CONSOLIDER CGL2007-65338-C02-01/BTE by the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Technology. S.T. Johnston thanks NSERC for a
Discovery Grant. This is a contribution to IGCP 497.
Aerden, D.G.A.M., 2004, Correlating deformation in Variscan NW-Iberia using
porphyroblasts; implications for the Ibero-Armorican arc: Journal of
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GSA TodAy | 2012 July
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Manuscript received 28 Oct. 2011; accepted 20 Feb. 2012. ª
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
2012 GSA Medal & Award Recipients
Katharine W. Huntington
University of Washington
William Ernest “Bill” McKibben
Author, Educator, and Environmentalist
Roger A. Pielke Jr.
University of Colorado
Center for Science and Technology
Elizabeth (Lisa) Norby
National Park Service,
Geologic Resources Division
Bob Stewart
ExxonMobil Exploration
Kenneth D. Ridgway
Purdue University
Please join us at the GSA 2012 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Charlotte, North
Carolina, USA, to honor and greet the GSA medal and award recipients for 2012.
GSA Presidential Address and President’s Medal Presentation: Sunday, 4 Nov., 12:15–
1:15 p.m.: GSA President George H. Davis will deliver his Presidential Address; and Past
President John W. Geissman will present the 2012 President’s Medal to William Ernest
“Bill” McKibben, author, educator, and environmentalist.
Monday, 5 Nov., 12:15–1:15 p.m.: Join GSAs President George H. Davis and GSAs Vice
President Suzanne Mahlburg Kay for the presentation of GSAs medals and awards.
Monday, 5 Nov., 2–3:30 p.m.: Immediately following the awards presentation, please
be sure to attend the GSA Gold Medal Lectures for the opportunity to hear the 2012
Penrose, Day, and Donath medalists refl ect on their scientifi c careers.
Phoebe A. Cohen
Massachusetts Institute of
John T. Neubert, Jeffrey P. Kurtz,
Dana J. Bove,
and Matthew A. Sares
“Natural acid rock drainage
associated with hydrothermally
altered terrane in Colorado”:
Colorado Geological Survey
Bulletin 54 (2011).
Gordon E. Brown Jr.
Stanford University
2012 GSA
Please join us at the GSA 2012 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Charlotte, North
Carolina, USA, to honor and greet the GSA medal and award recipients for 2012.
GSA Presidential Address and President’s Medal Presentation: Sunday, 4 Nov., 12:15–
1:15 p.m.:
President John W. Geissman will present the 2012 President’s Medal to
“Bill” McKibben,
Monday, 5 Nov., 12:15–1:15 p.m.:
President Suzanne Mahlburg Kay for the presentation of GSAs medals and awards.
Monday, 5 Nov., 2–3:30 p.m.:
be sure to attend the
Penrose, Day, and Donath medalists refl ect on their scientifi c careers.
John M. Eiler
California Institute
of Technology
2012 GSA
Raymond A. Price
Queens University
(Professor Emeritus)
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
2012 GSA Division Primary Awards
Archaeological Geology Division
John W. Weymouth, University of Nebraska (emeritus)
Coal Geology Division
Leslie F. (“Jingle”) Ruppert, U.S. Geological Survey–Reston
Environmental and Engineering Geology Division
Shinya Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa,
Japan), Gibo, S., Egashira, K., and Kimura, S., 2010, Platy
layer silicate minerals for controlling residual strength in
landslide soils of different origins and geology: Geology,
v. 38, no. 8, p. 743–746, doi: 10.1130/G30908.1
Geophysics Division
Robert B. Smith, University of Utah
Geoscience Education Division
Kathleen D. Surpless, Trinity University in San Antonio
History and Philosophy of Geology Division
Gary D. Rosenberg, Indiana University–Purdue University
Hydrogeology Division
David L. Parkhurst, U.S. Geological Survey–Denver, for
Parkhurst, D.L., Thorstenson, D.C., and Plummer, L.N.,
1980, “PHREEQE: A computer program for geochemical
calculations”: U.S. Geological Survey Water–Resources
Investigations Report 80-96, 210 p., http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/
International Section
Richard H. Sibson, University of Otago, New Zealand
Limnogeology Division
Tim K. Lowenstein, SUNY at Binghamton
Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division
Jason B. Saleeby, California Institute of Technology
Planetary Geology Division
Peter H. Schultz, Brown University
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
Neal R. Iverson (Iowa State University), T.S. Hooyer, J.F.
Thomason, M. Graesch, and J.R. Shumway, 2008,
The experimental basis for interpreting particle and
magnetic fabrics of sheared till: Earth Surface Processes
and Landforms, v. 33, p. 627-645.
Sedimentary Geology Division
Gail M. Ashley, Rutgers State University
Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
Richard W. Allmendinger, Cornell University
Society Fellowship is an honor bestowed on the best of our
profession by election at the spring GSA Council meeting. GSA
members are nominated by existing GSA Fellows in recognition of
their distinguished contributions to the geosciences through such
avenues as publications, applied research, teaching, administration
of geological programs, contributing to the public awareness of
geology, leadership of professional organizations, and taking on
editorial, bibliographic, and library responsibilities. Learn more at
GSAs newly elected Fellows will be recognized at the 2012 GSA
Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony on Monday, 5 Nov., at the
Charlotte Convention Center. We invite you to read some of what
their nominators had to say:
M. Lee Allison, Arizona Geological Survey, “is an accomplished
scientist, a successful administrator of state geological surveys,
and a dedicated public servant for the geosciences. Lee is generous,
gracious, and humble, and brings great credit to the geoscience
profession.” —John C. Steinmetz
Irina Artemieva, University of Copenhagen, is nominated in
recognition of “innovative geophysical imaging and interpretation
of thermal, structural and compositional heterogeneity and
evolution of the continental lithosphere.” —Kevin P. Furlong
Eliot Anong Atekwana, Oklahoma State University, “As an in-
structor, Dr. Eliot Atekwana has always had a focus on students.
Whether a Ph.D. student writing his third paper or an under-
graduate who is just interested in geology, he guide and mentors
them to successful outcomes.” —Todd Halihan
Richard J. Behl, California State UniversityLong Beach, “Behls
extraordinary contributions include fundamental advances in
knowledge of sediment diagenesis and the sediment record of
climate change, superb teaching, path-breaking applied research,
and outstanding service to professional organizations and to the
public at largeaccomplishments that set a high standard for our
profession’s commitment to society.” —Robert E. Garrison
Prosun Bhattacharya, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden,
has made seminal and sustained contributions on the problem
of arsenic mobility and toxicity in aquifers. His work not only
addresses the source, mechanism, and distribution of arsenic in
sediments and groundwaters, but also remediation and manage-
ment of arsenic-contaminated groundwaters in underdeveloped
countries.” —Alan E. Fryar
Robert H. Blodgett, Austin Community College, is recognized
for his contributions as a passionate geoscience educator, a noted
textbook author, a persuasive advocate for faculty and students at
two-year colleges (2YC), and a strong leader for the Geo2YC
Division of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers.
—Heather Macdonald
Peter T. Bobrowsky, Geological Survey of Canada; elected to
Fellowship as the 2011 E.B. Burwell Award recipient.
Dwight C. Bradley, U.S. Geological Survey–Anchorage, is “a
creative, agile, and energetic researcher [who] has made
fundamental contributions to the field of tectonics at global and
regional scales. His work has broadened our understanding of
plate movement through time, the configuration of continents,
orogenic processes, and tectonic influences on the generation of
ore deposits.” —Alison B. Till
Susan L. Brantley, Penn State University; elected to Fellowship as
the 2011 Arthur L. Day Medal recipient.
Patrick A. Burkhart, Slippery Rock University, is nominated for
his significant impact in training and support of students and
professional geologists and for his strong and enthusiastic service
to GSA and other professional organizations including the
Pittsburgh Geological Society and the NASA Lunar and Planetary
Science Academy.” —Daniel K. Holm
Marc W. Caffee, Purdue University, “has distinguished himself
through publications on the theory and application of cosmogenic
nuclides for a vast range of geological applications, including
meteorite studies, Quaternary paleoclimate research, geomorphic
and landscape evolution studies and tectonics.” —Lewis A. Owen
Steven M. Cather, New Mexico Bureau Geology, is nominated “in
recognition of his outstanding publication record in stratigraphic,
structural, and tectonic research during a 25-year career at the
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.”
Charles E. Chapin
Moonsup Cho, Seoul National University, “has traced the Triassic
convergent HP/UHP suture zone across Korea westward into
east-central China, and eastward into western Honshu. His phase
equilibrium studies of Ca-amphibole solid solutions have provided
main P-T control on the blueschist-greenschist transition. Cho’s
Salton Sea geothermal research is still quoted in terms of mineral
parageneses.” —W. Gary Ernst
Philippe Claeys, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, “is a world leader
in the study of planetary science through his research,
administrative, and teaching skills. His publications include
pioneering work on the consequences of asteroid and comet
impacts and varied but related topics such as mass extinctions,
chemical and event stratigraphy, astrobiology, and geohazards.
—John E. Warme
Frank A. Corsetti, University of Southern California, is
nominated in recognition of his “exceptional geological research
in sedimentology, paleobiology and geochemistry, with a focus
on developing novel geobiological approaches; outstanding record
2012 GSA Fellows
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA FellowS
2012 GSA Fellows
of training young earth scientists, particularly as co-director of
the International Geobiology Summer Course; [and] laudable
commitment to serving professional organizations, including as
chair of the GSA Geobiology-Geomicrobiology Division.”
—David J. Bottjer
Randel Tom Cox, University of Memphis, “has 24 significant
articles pertaining to active faults and tectonic geomorphology in
the New Madrid seismic zone, the greater Mississippian
embayment, South Carolina, the Bay of Honduras, and Spain. His
16 other articles include five on cicadas and several on hotspots
and regional tectonics.” —Mervin J. Bartholomew
Jean M. Crespi, University of Connecticut, “is an unselfish
contributor to GSA, including three years on the NE section
Management Board, and Chair of the NE section meeting for
2012. Her research in structural geology of ancient and modern
orogens, both in the Taconic slate belt and Taiwan, is innovative
and enlightening.” —Laurie L. Brown
Dennis E. Dahms, University of Northern Iowa, “is an authority
on the glacial geologic history of the Wind River Range of
Wyoming, demonstrated with his 2004 review paper in
Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology, Part II: North
America, and a 46-page treatise published as GSA Digital Maps
and Charts Series no. 7 in 2010.” —P. Thompson Davis
Shanaka L. de Silva, Oregon State University, is nominated for
his extensive contributions to the scientific literature in
volcanology, petrology, and geochemistry, for being a highly
effective mentor to numerous graduate and undergraduate
research students, and for his deep involvement with education/
outreach and improving diversity in the geosciences.
—Diane R. Smith
David P. Dethier, Williams College, “excels at producing
exceptional undergraduate students who go on to graduate school,
collaborate on innovative senior thesis research, and co-author
solid papers. His research in the geomorphology of weathering
and soils is varied, quantitative, and high quality. He also excels at
applied research, mainly involving mass movements.
—Peter W. Birkeland
Tamara L. Dickinson, Office of Science & Technology (OSTP)
and USGS, “is nominated for her exceptional contributions to
administration of geologic programs and to science policy. Having
held positions at NASA, NSF, NAS-NRC, USGS, and OSTP, her
work has advanced the geosciences, organizations and informed
Congress and the President.” —Barbara L. Dutrow
Robert Dunn, University of HawaiiMa¯noa, “has made numerous
contributions to the understanding of the seismic structure of
oceanic spreading centers, back-arc basins and hotspots. His
ground-breaking results document the distribution of melt
beneath spreading centers placing fundamental constraints on the
accretion of oceanic lithosphere across a range of tectonic
settings.” —Jeffrey A. Karson
Annette S. Engel, University of Tennessee, “has made important
scientific contributions to the field of biogeochemistry of the
subsurface environment, particularly in karst terrain. Her work
has led to new insights into biological processing of chemical
compounds in aphotic and hydrothermal settings and more
recently along the Gulf Coast.” —Carol M. Wicks
Ismael Ferrusquia-Villafranca, Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, is a “senior researcher at the Instituto de Geología at
UNAM; a UNAM lecturer in stratigraphy; initiated UNAM
Vertebrate Paleontology studiesa lifetime undertaking;
authored >190 scientific papers; supervised >30 thesis/
dissertations; peer-reviewed >60 scientific papers; former chair,
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature;
member, eight professional organizations and founder of two.
—Robert A. Levich
John M. Ferry, Johns Hopkins University; elected to Fellowship as
the 2011 MGPV Division Distinguished Geologic Career Award
Malcolm S. Field, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “is
EPAs expert on water tracing and contaminant transport in karst,
with an international reputation. He is author of several computer
software packages and about 60 publications on karst
hydrogeology, and is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cave and
Karst Studies, the worlds leading journal in that field.
—Arthur N. Palmer
Ronald V. Fodor, North Carolina State University, is nominated
for Fellowship for outstanding publication of geologic research
and training geologists. Ron has published papers on chondritic
meteorites; oceanic volcanics; mafic and ultramafic xenoliths;
silicic intrusive rocks; and volcanic rocks in Arizona, Brazil,
Hawaii, Hungary, and Slovakia. He is an enthusiastic and
dedicated teacher.” —M. James Aldrich
Lisa R. Gaddis, U.S. Geological Survey–Flagstaff, “is one of the
foremost researchers in lunar pyroclastic volcanism. She has also
made significant contributions to planetary research on Mars,
Venus and the Earth. She is adept at utilizing complementary
datasets to resolve key questions, has served her community in
numerous leadership roles, and has made important contributions
to public education.” —Louise M. Prockter
Stephen Gao, Missouri University of Science & Technology, “is an
internationally recognized geophysicist whose research has
focused on geological questions at both the regional and local
scale. He is also an excellent teacher and mentor. His research
focuses on lithospheric structure, understanding the structure
and evolution of rift zones, and studies of earthquake
phenomena.” —G. Randy Keller
Ronald T. Green, Southwest Research Institute, is nominated for
his applied research contributions in the conceptualization and
development of instruments and numerical codes that have
allowed hydrogeologists to more completely assess and better
understand controlling influences of flow and transport in karst
aquifers.” —John Van Brahana
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA FellowS
2012 GSA Fellows
Tracy K.P. Gregg, University at Buffalo, is nominated for
“significant contributions to the study of volcanism throughout
the solar system, mentoring numerous successful geosciences
students, and support of the Planetary Geology Division of GSA.
—James Ray Zimbelman
Howard E. Harper Jr., Society for Sedimentary Geology, is
nominated for “his professional society leadership as Executive
Director of the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM). SEPM
is one of GSAs key Associated Societies. SEPM and GSA have
cooperated on GeoScienceWorld, the technical program at GSA
Annual Meetings with Sedimentary Geology Division, and
proposals to NSF.” —John W. Hess
Barry J. Hibbs, California State University–Los Angeles, is
nominated for “his studies on the hydrogeology of arid basins and
the effects of urbanization on water quality, his applied research
on water and environmental issues, the training of geologists, and
his service to the GSA.” —John M. Sharp
Lynn Highland, U.S. Geological Survey–Denver; elected to
Fellowship as the 2011 E.B. Burwell Award recipient.
John M. Holbrook, Texas Christian University; elected to
Fellowship for service to GSA Council.
Carl E. Jacobson, Iowa State University, “has deciphered the
complex history of the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schists, based on
meticulous study of structure, petrology, geochemistry, geo-
chronology and provenance. He and coworkers have provided
compelling constraints on the history of magmatism, erosion,
sedimentation, subduction, deformation and uplift of the
Mesozoic/Cenozoic continental margin of California.
—Raymond V. Ingersoll
Angela S. Jayko, U.S. Geological Survey–Bishop, “is an extremely
versatile field geologist who has used her mapping skills to solve
many important geologic problems ranging from uplift mechan-
isms for deeply-subducted blueschists to the nature and timing of
Quaternary faulting in Death Valley.” —Milton C. Blake Jr.
Alan Jay Kaufman, University of MarylandCollege Park,
“unravels ancient climates through the application of stable
isotopes and biomarkers to sedimentary sequences, including
helping to develop and test the ‘Snowball Earth’ hypothesis. He
has mentored a large number of diverse students, including high
school, undergraduate, and graduate students, several of whom
have won GSA awards.” —Roberta L. Rudnick
Jonas Kley, Universität Jena, is recognized for “his seminal
contributions to understanding the 3D structure and restoration
of the Central Andes and other mountain belts. His work demon-
strates exemplary international collaboration and dedication to
teaching generations of German and South American students.
—Richard W. Allmendinger
Christian Koeberl, University of Vienna, “is a leading authority
on terrestrial impact structures and the use of geochemical tracers
for impacts. He has been a leader in examining impact structure,
including playing a major role in drilling campaigns to the
Chesapeake Bay, Bosumtwi, and Chicxulub structures.
—Kenneth G. Miller
Fred A. Kruse, Horizon GeoImaging LLC: “Kruse and associates
developed the ENVI software for extracting geologic, and other,
information from the huge volumes of remote sensing imagery.
He has published papers and conducted worldwide user training
courses. ENVI is installed at 10,000+ sites worldwide and is
largely responsible for the geologic applications of remote
sensing.” —Floyd F. Sabins
Daniel Larsen, University of Memphis; elected to Fellowship for
service to GSA Council.
George O. Linkletter, ENVIRON International Corp., “is a
professional geologist with expertise in environmental geology.
Senior Vice President and Principal at Environ Corporation, he
provides technical advice and litigation support to major corpor-
ations, banks, federal and state agencies, and individuals.
Currently, he serves as vice-chair on the Board of Trustees of the
GSA Foundation.” —P. Geoff Feiss
Ning Lu, Colorado School of Mines, is nominated for Fellow
status “on the basis of his substantial ground-breaking research
and publication record in the field of vadose zone hydrology, its
relation to unsaturated soil mechanics, and the resulting impacts
on the understanding, analyzing, and forecasting of shallow
landslides.” —Paul M. Santi
Gregory A. Ludvigson, University of Kansas, “has made significant
research contributions in paleoclimatology and administration
of geologic mapping programs at the Kansas Geological Survey
and the Iowa Geological Survey. He advises graduate students at
the University of Kansas, lectures widely, and has chaired and
convened sessions at national and sectional meetings of GSA.
—Rex C. Buchanan
W. Andrew Marcus, Montana State University, “has focused on
the dynamics of fluvial sediment contaminated by mining; human
effects on rivers; interactions among wood and rivers; and the use
of remote sensing technology to understand rivers. His contribu-
tions have been original, insightful, and well-cited, and have
influenced the questions that other scientists ask.” —Ellen E. Wohl
Kevin L. Mickus, Missouri State University, is nominated for
“outstanding research involving the acquisition of gravity,
magnetic and electromagnetic data and using these results for
understanding crustal and upper mantle structure as well as for
environmental and archaeological applications.” —Robert J. Stern
Brendan Murphy, Saint Francis Xavier University, Canada;
elected to Fellowship as the 2011 GSA Distinguished Service
Award recipient.
John E. Mylroie, Mississippi State University, is nominated for
his development of the Carbonate Island Karst Model, extensive
educational contributions, and support of professional
organizations.” —Ira D. Sasowsky
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA FellowS
2012 GSA Fellows
Alan R. Nelson, U.S. Geological Survey–Denver: “For over three
decades, Alan R. Nelson has been making contributions to earth-
quake and tsunami geology in the Western USA and in other
areas such as Chile and Alaska. He has been a leader in developing
rigorous approaches to deciphering changes in relative sea levels
associated with these phenomena.” —John T. Andrews
Edmund Nickless, Geological Society of London, “has advanced
the geosciences in many ways including as a researcher, an
Assistant Director of the British Geological Survey and as
Executive Secretary of The Geological Society of London. He has
been instrumental in developing successful intersociety collabor-
ations with societies in the U.S. and across the world.
Patrick P. Leahy
John C. Pitlick, University of Colorado, is nominated for “sign-
ificant contributions to understanding sediment transport in
gravel-bed river systems and its applications to river restoration.”
—Jon J. Major
Anthony (Tony) R. Prave, University of St. Andrews, is
nominated for “his leading role in elucidating the Cryogenian-
Ediacaran stratigraphic record in western North America,
northern Namibia and the British Isles; his pivotal contributions
to the multinational FAR-DEEP scientific drilling project,
targeting the Paleoproterozoic Great Oxidation; and for
mentoring outstanding young scientists who have made
important contributions to geology.” —Paul F. Hoffman
Paul R. Renne, Berkeley Geochronology Center, “and his
colleagues focus on dating the major events that have shaped the
Earth (and the Earths Moon). He has worked on intercalibration
of astronomical and radioisotopic time and the timing of major
flood basalt events, catastrophic events, impacts, and important
events in primate evolution.” —Grant H. Heiken
Harry H. Roberts, Coastal Studies InstituteLSU, “is a
distinguished geologist. His pioneering research in the Gulf of
Mexico and elsewhere has covered topics as diverse as hydro-
carbon seepage, mass-movement processes in deltaic sedimenta-
tion, and wave/current interaction with fringing and barrier reefs.
This research is beautifully documented in his exceptionally large
body of publications.” —Barun K. Sen Gupta
Scott K. Rowland, University of Hawaii at Ma¯noa, is nominated
for his “unique blend of enthusiasm, scholarship and communica-
tion skills in teaching and mentoring university students at all
levels, for his community outreach, and for significant contribu-
tions in advancing research and education in volcanology, natural
hazards and planetary geosciences (40 published papers) during
the last 25 years.” —Michael O. Garcia
Kenneth H. Rubin, University of Hawaii at Ma¯noa: “There is
ample evidence in Ken’s publication record for the development of
significant new ideas in multiple geological disciplines and the
generation and interpretation of new data sets. Rubin is primarily
a geochemist, although his research program is cross- and
multidisciplinary. Rubin’s body of work demonstrates consistent
innovation, thoughtfulness, high quality of design and execution,
attention to detail and high overall impact. The work is well cited
(with over a thousand career citations, over half of which have
come since 2006).” —Charles H. Fletcher
Nathan D. Sheldon, University of Michigan, “is nominated for
innovative and ingenious contributions using the isotopic and
elemental geochemical compositions of paleosols that have
enabled novel reconstructions of ancient atmospheric CO
past climate histories, and paleoenvironmental settings to as early
as 1.1 Ga and for notable dedication to the education of young
earth scientists.” —Philip A. Meyers
Claus Siebe, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, is
nominated “because of his many published contributions to
volcanology, for implementing improved techniques in applied
volcanology, for providing essential expertise to government
agencies during volcanic crises, and for public outreach to explain
volcanic hazards to a concerned populace.” —Fraser E. Goff
John M. Sinton, University of Hawaii at Ma¯noa, “has dedicated
his professional career to the understanding of volcanic processes
in mid-ocean ridges, back-arc basins, and hot-spot islands. In 86
peer-reviewed publications, he successfully integrated detailed
field observations on land and in the ocean basins with geochemi-
cal/petrologic analysis of samples to document his fundamental
discoveries.” —Gregory Frank Moore
Schaun M. Smith, Chevron: “Over the past 30+ years, Dr. Smith
has consistently contributed to the body of innovative geoscien-
tific knowledge, both applied and interdisciplinary, in the areas of
environmental geology, and hydrogeological and paleohydrogeo-
logical research.” —Kenneth E. Kolm
Steven W. Squyres, Cornell University, elected to Fellowship as
the 2011 G. K. Gilbert Award recipient.
Bob Stewart, ExxonMobil Exploration Company, “is the true
embodiment of ExxonMobil Exploration Companys efforts to
teach the best geoscience to the best geoscientists. His passion for
recruiting the best and the brightest goes beyond his professional
job, as reflected by his deep concern for the geoscience workforce
and its diversity.” —John W. Geissman
Robert Hadley Sydnor, consulting engineering geologist, is
nominated for “his contribution to public safety as a regulatory
reviewer for the California Geological Survey, responsible for
ensuring incorporation of geologic information into more than
4,000 reports for construction of hospitals and schools, as well as
environmental impact under the California Environmental
Quality Act.” —Robert A. Larson
Scott W. Tinker, The University of Texas at Austin, “has made
distinguished contributions to the geosciences as Director of the
Bureau of Economic Geology, a major geologic research organiza-
tion and state geologic survey. His extensive geologic outreach to
the general public and government agencies, as well as leadership
of professional societies, including AAPG, support his nomina-
tion.” —Shirley P. Dutton
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA FellowS
2012 GSA Fellows
Robert J. Tracy, Virginia Polytechnic Institution & State
University; elected to Fellowship for service to GSA Council.
Robert D. Tucker, U.S. Geological Survey–Reston, is nominated
for “his indelible mark on field geology and tectonics of
metamorphic and igneous rocks in the northern Appalachian,
Norway, and Madagascar orogenic belts, combined with high-
precision TIMS U-Pb geochronology there and worldwide,
including training of geochronologists and critical contributions
to the Paleozoic time scale.” —Peter Robinson
Jasper A. Vrugt, University of California, Irvine; elected to
Fellowship as the 2011 Donath Medal (Young Scientist Award)
John Wakabayashi, California State University, is recognized as a
GSA Fellow “because of his impressive publication record on the
structural petrology and tectonics of the California Coast Ranges,
Franciscan Complex, and Sierra Nevada, his wide-reaching
applied research on seismic hazard analysis, and his significant
and long editorial service to the GSA.” —Yildirim Dilek
Robert C. Walter, Franklin and Marshall College; elected to
Fellowship as the 2011 Kirk Bryan Award recipient.
Chenshan Wang, China University of Geosciences, is nominated
for Fellowship “on the basis of his extensive published
contributions to a variety of aspects of the geology of eastern Asia,
and concepts transportable to other parts of the world; for his
extensive mentoring of earth sciences students; for his work as a
high-level university administrator; and for his contributions to
the economic geology of China.” —Stephan A. Graham
Ray E. Wells, U.S. Geological Survey–Menlo Park, is nominated
in recognition of his seminal contributions to the study of
forearc deformation and earthquake hazards of subduction zones.
Ray puts geologic mapping in a geophysical context, yielding
viable and quantitative tectonic models for the Cascadia forearc
and for subduction zones around the Pacific.” —Richard J. Blakely
Scott L. Wing, Smithsonian Institution, “is a field paleobotanist
who has contributed substantially to our understanding of
Cretaceous and Paleogene vegetation and climate. In particular,
his discovery of plant megafossils in the Bighorn Basin from the
Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum underscores his vast field
knowledge, dogged determination, and attention to detail.
Dana Royer
Fu-Yuan Wu, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, “is one of the
top geochemists in China and has led the world in studying the
continental growth processes in Asia. His major scientific
achievements are (1) the petrogenesis of granitoids and mantle
xenoliths from China and elsewhere, and (2) the development of
in-situ isotopic analysis using LA-ICP-MS.” —Sun-Lin Chung
Don G. Wyckoff, University of Oklahoma (emeritus); elected to
Fellowship as the 2011 Rip Rapp Archaeological Award recipient.
Ming Ye, Florida State University, “has contributed to the
numerical simulation of groundwater flow and solute transport in
saturated and unsaturated porous and fractured media and to
uncertainty analysis and risk assessment using stochastic
methods, GIS, and high performance computing.” —Mary C. Hill
Hund-Der Yeh, National Chiao Tung University–Taiwan, is
nominated “based on his exceptional contribution in
mathematical modeling of subsurface flow and transport and
aquifer heat extraction and thermal energy transfer system, and
his distinguished mentorship and educational service in
subsurface hydrology.” —Hongbin Zhan
Mei-Fu Zhou, The University Hong Kong, “is one of the most
productive and prolific scientists in China. He is particularly
known for his groundbreaking research on large igneous
provinces, oxide and sulfide ore deposits, ophiolites and podiform
chromitites, and the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Southeast
Asia. He is an internationally recognized research scientist of the
highest caliber.” —Paul T. Robinson
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
Arden L. Albee
Vincent P. Amy
Richard K. Bambach*
Richard W. Berry
Somdev Bhattacharji
Bruce A. Blackerby
Jim McCaslin Brown
Robert E. Carver
Paul A. Catacosinos
Kenneth W. Ciriacks
Charles E. Davis*
James F. Davis
Dwight E. Deal*
Phili Deboo*
William J. Dickerson Jr.*
Marlin L. Dickey*
Gordon L. Dolton*
David E. Dunn
Ballard E. Ebbett*
R. John Edmonds*
Wilfred A. Elders
William C. Elsik*
John W. Emerson
Richard L. C. Enright*
James W. Erwin
Rodger T. Faill
James E. Fassett
Gunter Faure
Rodney M. Feldmann
Donald L. Fife*
Helen B. Fink*
Kenneth F. Fox
Sherwood M. Gagliano
Charles H. Gardner
George D. Garlick*
John F. Gartner
Edward D. Ghent
Jackson E. Goffman*
Charles J. Gossett*
William F. Guyton
Douglas H. Hamilton*
Eugene R. Hampton
Robert D. Hatcher Jr.
Charles E. Helsley
Leo J. Hickey
Rudolph K. Hoagberg
Arthur Mekeel Hussey II
Alan V. Jopling
Frank R. Karner
Richard R. Kennedy*
James G. Kirchner
Darwin Knochenmus*
James B. Koenig
Chester Lao
Wesley E. LeMasurier
Arthur P. Loring
Charles W. Martin
Jereld E. McQueen*
Robert C. Milici
Richard M. Mitterer
David W. Moody
Duane M. Moore
Frederick N. Murray*
Emilio Mutis-Duplat
Anthony J. Naldrett
Stephen A. Norton
David G. Nussmann*
A. Thomas Ovenshine
Emile A. Pessagno
Henry N. Pollack
Richard H. Ragle
William C. Schetter*
Robert F. Schmalz
David W. Scholl
R.F. Jon Scoates*
Kevin M. Scott
Charles H. Shultz
Harry L. Siebert
Brian J. Skinner
Robert B. Smith
Alfred C. Spreng
David B. Stewart
Donald A. Swanson
Harry E. Thomas*
Heinrich A. Toots*
Samuel J. Tuthill
Ken C. Wehrman*
John T. Whetten
James H. Williams*
Richard S. Williams
John E. Wolfe*
Manfred P. Wolff*
Doy Lawrence Zachry
GSA salutes the following members and Fellows on their
50-year membership anniversariestheir dedication and loyalty
to GSA is much appreciated.
For a list of members who have surpassed the 50-year mark, see
Go to http://rock.geosociety.org/membership/50Yearfellows.asp
for a list of GSA Fellows.
GSA Fellows: Asterisks in this list indicate members who have
not yet been honored by election to GSA Fellowship. You can help
maintain a dynamic, vibrant cohort by nominating these and
other deserving geoscience colleagues; guidelines and nomination
forms are online at www.geosociety.org/members/fellow.htm. If
you have questions, please e-mail awards@geosociety.org.
Thanks for your membership!
GSA Celebrates New 50-Year Members for 2012
Gretchen L. Blechschmidt Award
Verena Schoepf, The Ohio State University
The Gretchen Louise Blechschmidt Award was established for
women in the geological sciences who have an interest in
achieving a Ph.D. in the fields of biostratigraphy and/or
paleoceanography, sequence stratigraphy analysis, particularly in
conjunction with research in deep-sea sedimentology, and a
career in academic research.
John T. Dillon Alaska Research Award
Sara Federschmidt, University of Kentucky
This award honors Dillon’s work on radiometric age-dating in the
Brooks Range, Alaska, USA. Selection of the awardee is guided by
method of study, including field-based studies dealing with the
structural and tectonic development of Alaska and/or studies that
include some aspect of geochronology (either paleontologic or
radiometric) to provide new age control for significant rock units
in Alaska.
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients
The 2012 GSA Committee on Research Grants awarded
US$554,164 to 303 graduate students (out of 636 applicants), with
an average grant of US$1,829. The committee also selected 10
alternate candidates in the event that any grantees return all or
part of their funds due to a change in their research project or
receipt of funds from another source.
Committee members: Allen Gontz (chair), Diana Anderson,
Julia Baldwin, Luis Buatois, Shanaka de Silva, Elizabeth Diesel,
Amy Draut, Robert Gastaldo, David Gillikin, Madeline
Gotkowitz, V.J.S. Grauch, Stephen Harlan, JoAnn Holloway,
Antun Husinec, Stephen T. Johnston, Oliver Korup, Francisca
Oboh-Ikuenobe, Frederick Partey, Michael Pope, Dawn Sumner,
Sarah Titus, Barry Warner, Julia Wellner, and Paul Wetmore.
The following awards will be presented Monday, 5 Nov., at the
2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Sponsored by the GSA Foundation
(proposals of exceptional merit in conception and presentation)
Benjamin W. Blonder, University of Arizona
Amy L. Brown, University of Florida
Seth Brazell, University of North CarolinaCharlotte
Brad Buerer, San José State University
Brian M. Culp, Pennsylvania State University
Shelly Donohue, Vanderbilt University
Ryan P. Gordon, Syracuse University
David A. Grunat, Rutgers University
Noelle C. Guernsey, Idaho State University
Zackry S. Guido, University of Arizona
Amanda L. Howard, University of Colorado–Boulder
Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia, University of Arizona
Mitra B. Khadka, University of Florida
Bronwen Konecky, Brown University
Lin Li, University of Rochester
Lindsay A. MacKenzie, University of Montana
Megan Rohrssen, University of California at Riverside
Stephen Sellwood, University of WisconsinMadison
Justin C. Stout, Utah State University
Alph S. Wright, Texas A&M University
Robert K. Fahnestock Award
John Templeton, Columbia University
This award honors the memory of Robert Fahnestock, a former
member of the Research Grants Committee. The grant is awarded
for the best proposal in sediment transport or related aspects of
fluvial geomorphology, Fahnestocks field.
Lipman Research Award
Jenni Hill, Texas Christian University
The Lipman Research Award was established in 1993 and is
supported by gifts from the Howard and Jean Lipman
Foundation; the current president of the Foundation, Peter W.
Lipman, was the recipient of a GSA research grant in 1965. This
award promotes and supports student research grants in
volcanology and petrology.
Sponsored by the GSA Foundation (continued)
Bruce L. “Biff” Reed Scholarship Award
James Worthington, University of Arizona
This award was established to provide research grants to graduate
students pursuing studies in the tectonic and magmatic evolution
of Alaska, primarily, and can also fund other geologic research.
Alexander Sisson Research Award
Dolores A. van der Kolk, The University of Texas at Austin
Family members of Alexander Sisson established an award in his
memory to promote and support research by students pursuing
studies in Alaska and the Caribbean.
Harold T. Stearns Fellowship Award
Richard K. Bono, University of Rochester
David O. Oakley, Pennsylvania State University
Harold Stearns established this award in 1973 to support student
research on the geology of the Pacific Islands and the circum-
Pacific region.
John Montagne Award
Nicholas Sutfin, Colorado State University
This award was established in 2000 to support student research on
Quaternary geomorphology.
Alexander & Geraldine Wanek Award
Stephen C. Phillips, University of New Hampshire
The Wanek Award was established in 2002 to support research
dealing with coal and petroleum resources, mapping, and
engineering geology; marine resources, petroleum economics,
appraisal, and evaluation; and the geology of phosphate resources.
Charles A. & June R.P. Ross Research Award
Kathleen A. Ritterbush, University of Southern California
The Ross Research Award was established in 2002 to support re-
search in biostratigraphy, stratigraphy, and stratigraphic correla-
tion; paleogeography and paleobiogeography; interpreting past
environments of deposition and their biological significance; and
the integration of these research areas into better global under-
standing of (1) past plate motions (plate tectonics and sea-floor
spreading); (2) past sea-level events, including their identification
and ages; and/or (3) changes in climate and the effects of those
climate changes on Earths inhabitants through geologic time.
Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Cascadia Research Award
Joshua E. Shinpaugh, North Carolina State University
This award supports field-oriented graduate student research that
contributes to the understanding of the geologic processes and
history of the Pacific Northwest convergent margin and/or to the
evaluation of its hazard or resource potential.
Diversity Award
Aileen Chea, San Francisco State University
The Diversity Award was established to promote and support
minority students in the geosciences.
Two minority graduate student research grant submissions were
deemed of exceptionally high merit in conception and presenta-
tion by GSAs Diversity in the Geosciences Committee. Each
recipient will be awarded US$500.
Magdalena S. Donahue, University of New Mexico: “Multi-stage
uplift in the Rocky Mountains: exploring uplift mechanisms and
timing using low-temperature thermochronology, detrital zircon
geochronology and geomorphic analysis.
Timothy A. Shin, The University of Texas at Austin: “Exhumation
of high pressure rocks in the Aegean backarc: Tug-of-War of
Greek Titans.
These grants were established to encourage and support desert
studies by students worldwide, either in their senior year of
undergraduate studies or at the master’s or Ph.D. level. Each
student will receive a cash award of US$2,500.
Ethan G. Hyland, University of Michigan: “Assessing spatial
variability and calibrating paleosol moisture proxies in dry
Omer Yetemen, University of Washington: “Modeling the role of
solar radiation on catchment development in semi-arid ecosystems.
This fund provides one-year grants to support the Ph.D. theses
and post-doctoral research of East Asian scientists in Cambodia,
China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea,
Thailand, and Vietnam. The 2012 recipient will be announced
later this year.
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients
Sarah Sheffield, Auburn University
James Taylor, Auburn University
Emily Beverly, Baylor University
Amos Culbertson, Baylor University
Meghan Dovick, Binghamton University
Daniel Dabrowski, Boston College
Mathew Knauss, Bowling Green State University
Amanda Getsinger, Brown University
Bronwen Konecky, Brown University
Shannon Loomis, Brown University
Jessica Rodysill, Brown University
Satrio Wicaksono, Brown University
Jonathan Goodell, California State University–Bakersfield
Yi Fang, California State UniversityLong Beach
Denise Marie Weide, California State UniversityLong Beach
Heather Clifford, California State UniversityLos Angeles
Joshua Graham, California State UniversityNorthridge
Andrew Macumber, Carleton University
Ian Delaney, Central Washington University
Molly Partridge, Central Washington University
James Patterson, Central Washington University
Patrick Geesaman, Colorado School of Mines
Ian Hogan, Colorado State University
Nicholas Sutfin, Colorado State University
Richard Zaggle, Colorado State University
John Templeton, Columbia University
Stephen Durham, Cornell University
Hehe Jiang, Dartmouth College
Samuel Michalak, Dartmouth College
Ryan Poythress, East Carolina University
Mitchell Ward, East Carolina University
Jill Ghelerter, Georgia State University
Bridget Alex, Harvard University
Bastien Varoutsikos, Harvard University
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients
(listed in alphabetical order by university)
Emily Charaska, Idaho State University
Noelle Guernsey, Idaho State University
David Huber, Idaho State University
Benjamin Rendall, Idaho State University
Richard Bykowski, Indiana University
Mark Leatherman, Indiana University
Ryan Wilson, Indiana University
Bethany Welke, Indiana University–Purdue
Alexander Morrison, Iowa State University
Joshua Obrien, Iowa State University
Ning Zhang, Iowa State University
Kate Amrhein, Kansas State University
William Busch, Kansas State University
Lorita Mihindukulasooriya, Kent State University
Sheri O’Connor, Lakehead University
Johanna Blake, Lehigh University
Daniel Minguez, Lehigh University
Jamey Cooper, Loma Linda University
Jimmy Wilhelm, Loma Linda University
Kathryn Denommee, Louisiana State University
Dian He, Louisiana State University
Gregor Lucic, McGill University
Dario Harazim, Memorial University
Camilla Crifo, Miami University
Rajesh Singh, Miami University
Cynthia Tselepis Loertscher, Miami University
Nicole Ladue, Michigan State University
Gerson Laura, Missouri State University
Jonathan Obrist, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Lauren Kay, Montana State University
Terra Spotts, Montana State University
Daigo Yamamura, Montana State University
Cora Gannaway, New Mexico State University
Sean Gaynor, New Mexico State University
Sarah Hendrickson, New Mexico Tech
Ahmadreza Malekpour Alamdarie, New Mexico Tech
Andrea McHugh, New Mexico Tech
Robert Salaz, New Mexico Tech
Matthew Sophy, New Mexico Tech
Joshua Shinpaugh, North Carolina State University
Kathryn Altman, Northern Arizona University
Brandon Boldt, Northern Arizona University
Matthew Cochrane, Northern Arizona University
Jonathan Griffith, Northern Arizona University
Patrick Maloney, Northern Arizona University
David Sherwood, Northern Arizona University
Daniel Solway, Northern Arizona University
Kasey Todd, Northern Illinois University
Hannah-Maria Brame, Ohio University
Robert Reynolds, Oklahoma State University
Dale Burns, Oregon State University
Jason Kaiser, Oregon State University
Ellen Chamberlin, Pennsylvania State University
Max Christie, Pennsylvania State University
Alicia Cruz-Uribe, Pennsylvania State University
Brian Culp, Pennsylvania State University
Michael Donovan, Pennsylvania State University
Matthew Gonzales, Pennsylvania State University
Lauren Milideo, Pennsylvania State University
Christen Miller, Pennsylvania State University
Claire Mondro, Pennsylvania State University
David Oakley, Pennsylvania State University
Matthew Travis, Pennsylvania State University
Emily Jenkins, Portland State University
Courtney Savoie, Portland State University
Elizabeth Westby, Portland State University
Kyle Samperton, Princeton University
Clement Bataille, Purdue University
Chiara Borrelli, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Veronika Homolova, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Emily Chin, Rice University
Catherine Beck, Rutgers University
David Grunat, Rutgers University
Anna Hermes, Rutgers University
Aileen Chea, San Francisco State University
Brad Buerer, San José State University
Susan Gervais, San José State University
Martin Zaleski, Simon Fraser University
Eric Gottlieb, Stanford University
Adam Jost, Stanford University
Mariana Bonich, Syracuse University
Ryan Gordon, Syracuse University
Sarah Ledford, Syracuse University
Margaret Zimmer, Syracuse University
Jennifer Hendricks, Texas A&M University
Alph Wright, Texas A&M University
Jenni Hill, Texas Christian University
Peyton Lisenby, Texas Christian University
Jeremy Deans, Texas Tech University
Kelly Best, The Ohio State University
Stephen Levas, The Ohio State University
Verena Schoepf, The Ohio State University
Meredith Bush, The University of Texas at Austin
Amanda Calle, The University of Texas at Austin
Kyung Won Chang, The University of Texas at Austin
Adam Goldsmith, The University of Texas at Austin
Mariya Levina, The University of Texas at Austin
Nicholas Perez, The University of Texas at Austin
Michael Prior, The University of Texas at Austin
Caleb Rhatigan, The University of Texas at Austin
Spencer Seman, The University of Texas at Austin
Jeffrey Senison, The University of Texas at Austin
Dolores van der Kolk, The University of Texas at Austin
Natasha Vitek, The University of Texas at Austin
John Warden, The University of Texas at Austin
Fotios-Christos Kafantaris, The University of Texas at El Paso
Fernando Nuñez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México
Olivia Gibb, Université du Québec Montréal
Peter Johnson, University at Buffalo
Timothy Astrop, University of Akron
Patrick Newman, University of Akron
John Ellis, University of Alabama
Rachel Frohman, University of Alaska–Fairbanks
Hirotsugu Mori, University of Alaska–Fairbanks
Grant Shimer, University of Alaska–Fairbanks
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients
Ben Collins, University of Alberta
Matthew Mahony, University of Alberta
Emily Stafford, University of Alberta
Rui Wang, University of Alberta
Elizabeth Balgord, University of Arizona
Benjamin Blonder, University of Arizona
Jordon Bright, University of Arizona
Nathan Evenson, University of Arizona
Zackry Guido, University of Arizona
Adam Hudson, University of Arizona
Tyler Huth, University of Arizona
Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia, University of Arizona
Andrew Laskowski, University of Arizona
Rebecca Lybrand, University of Arizona
Caitlin Orem, University of Arizona
Devon Orme, University of Arizona
Clayton Painter, University of Arizona
Martin Pepper, University of Arizona
Courtney Porter, University of Arizona
Amy Schott, University of Arizona
Jenna Shelton, University of Arizona
James Worthington, University of Arizona
Christian Barron-Ortiz, University of Calgary
Emily Lindsey, University of California at Berkeley
Marisa Palucis, University of California at Berkeley
Sarah Werning, University of California at Berkeley
Cara Harwood, University of California at Davis
Leslie Moclock, University of California at Davis
Laura Santare, University of California at Davis
Jeanine Ash, University of California at Los Angeles
Sara Henry, University of California at Riverside
Jeremy Owens, University of California at Riverside
Megan Rohrssen, University of California at Riverside
Gary Motz, University of Cincinnati
Natashia Pierce, University of Cincinnati
Nicholas Sullivan, University of Cincinnati
Andrew Zaffos, University of Cincinnati
Evan Anderson, University of ColoradoBoulder
Cailey Condit, University of Colorado–Boulder
Amanda Howard, University of Colorado–Boulder
Nicholas Blegen, University of Connecticut
Philip Glauberman, University of Connecticut
Susanna Blair, University of Florida
Amy Brown, University of Florida
John Ezell, University of Florida
Mitra Khadka, University of Florida
Tania Villasenor Jorquera, University of Florida
Danielle Haskett, University of Georgia
Adam Sarafian, University of Georgia
Judith Sclafani, University of Georgia
Daniel Cukierski, University of Iowa
Neo McAdams, University of Iowa
Kathryn Rathbun, University of Iowa
M. Kathryn Rocheford, University of Iowa
Tandis Bidgoli, University of Kansas
Maureen Logan, University of Kansas
Ashley Barton, University of Kentucky
Cory Black Eagle, University of Kentucky
Sara Federschmidt, University of Kentucky
Lucas Rohrer, University of Kentucky
Daniel Eldridge, University of MarylandCollege Park
Yadviga Zhelezinskaya, University of MarylandCollege Park
Marissa Mnich, University of Massachusetts–Amherst
Christopher Maio, University of MassachusettsBoston
Sarah Aarons, University of Michigan
Lydia Staisch, University of Michigan
Petr Yakovlev, University of Michigan
Michele Stillinger, University of Minnesota
Didem Onen, University of Missouri
Whitney Bausch, University of Montana
Erika Colaiacomo, University of Montana
Fred Kellner, University of Montana
Lindsay Mackenzie, University of Montana
Audrey Boerner, University of NebraskaLincoln
Juan C. Jaimes, University of NebraskaLincoln
Jonathan Baker, University of Nevada–Las Vegas
Aubrey Bonde, University of Nevada–Las Vegas
Sarah Evans, University of Nevada–Las Vegas
Joel Edwards, University of NevadaReno
David Shaw, University of Nevada–Reno
Abigail D’Ambrosia, University of New Hampshire
Stephen Phillips, University of New Hampshire
Avriel Schweinsberg, University of New Hampshire
Jeffrey Carritt, University of New Mexico
Brad Jeffrey, University of New Mexico
Kelsey McNamara, University of New Mexico
2012 GSA Research Grant Recipients
Magdalena Ellis, University of North CarolinaChapel Hill
Jesse Hill, University of North CarolinaChapel Hill
Roger Putnam, University of North CarolinaChapel Hill
Ethan Theuerkauf, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Jennifer Aldred, University of North CarolinaCharlotte
Kimberly Aquino, University of North CarolinaCharlotte
Seth Brazell, University of North CarolinaCharlotte
Brandt Kayser, University of North CarolinaCharlotte
Chelsea Korpanty, University of North Carolina–Wilmington
Shannon Dulin, University of Oklahoma
Nicholas Famoso, University of Oregon
James McNabb, University of Oregon
Diane Skipton, University of Ottawa
Andrew McDonald, University of Pennsylvania
Colin Phillips, University of Pennsylvania
Matthew Finkenbinder, University of Pittsburgh
David Pompeani, University of Pittsburgh
Richard Bono, University of Rochester
Nilotpal Ghosh, University of Rochester
Nandini Kar, University of Rochester
Lin Li, University of Rochester
Brittney Marshall, University of South Carolina
Benjamin Oliver, University of South Carolina
Elizabeth Petsios, University of Southern California
Kathleen Ritterbush, University of Southern California
Lydia Tackett, University of Southern California
Brian Ferwerda, University of South Florida
Matt Jarrett, University of South Florida
Shubhabrata Paul, University of South Florida
Joshua Slattery, University of South Florida
Claire Astore, University of Tulsa
Jonathan Calede, University of Washington
Logan Chinn, University of Washington
Danika Globokar, University of Washington
Brendan Miller, University of Washington
Caroline Pew, University of Washington
Jillian Schleicher, University of Washington
Nathan Andersen, University of WisconsinMadison
Tyler Blum, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Meagan Bosket, University of WisconsinMadison
Laura Hayes, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Gabriella March, University of WisconsinMadison
Anthony Pollington, University of WisconsinMadison
Dana Marion Smith, University of WisconsinMadison
Sellwood Stephen, University of WisconsinMadison
Andrew Walters, University of WisconsinMadison
Kelsey Winsor, University of WisconsinMadison
Justin Calhoun, University of WisconsinMilwaukee
Steven Greenwood, University of WisconsinMilwaukee
Jonathan Hoffman, University of Wyoming
Claire Lukens, University of Wyoming
Deirdre Ratigan, University of Wyoming
Natalie Bursztyn, Utah State University
Robin Nagy, Utah State University
Elijah Portugal, Utah State University
Justin Stout, Utah State University
Shelly Donohue, Vanderbilt University
Lindsey Yann, Vanderbilt University
Nikolaos Apsilidis, Virginia Tech
Sarah Eagle, Virginia Tech
Sarah Mazza, Virginia Tech
Jacalyn Wittmer, Virginia Tech
David Majewski, Washington State University
Lauren Bugdalski, Wayne State University
Matthew McKay, West Virginia University
Rachel Bowles, Western Kentucky University
Eliza Andrews, Western Washington University
Graham Messe, Western Washington University
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
Geophysics Division
Allan V. Cox Student Research Grant
David A. Grunat, Rutgers University
Geophysics Student Research Grant Award
Daniel A. Minguez, Lehigh University
Hydrogeology Division
Hydrogeology Division Student Research Grant Awards
Amy L. Brown, University of Florida
Ryan P. Gordon, Syracuse University
Mitra Khadka, University of Florida
Stephen Sellwood, University of Wisconsin
Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology,
and Volcanology Division
MGPV Division Student Research Grant Awards
Anthony D. Pollington, University of WisconsinMadison
Kyle M. Samperton, Princeton University
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
J. Hoover Mackin Student Research Award
Sharon Bywater-Reyes, University of Montana
J. Hoover Mackin Student Research Award Honorary Mention
Matthew Finkenbinder, University of Pittsburgh
Arthur D. Howard Student Research Award
Danika Globokar, University of Washington
Arthur D. Howard Student Research Award Honorary Mention
Nicholas Sutfin, Colorado State University
Marie Morisawa Award
Elizabeth Thomas, Brown University
Sedimentary Geology Division
Sedimentary Geology Division Student Research Grant Award
Erika J. Colaiacomo, University of Montana
Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
Structural Geology and Tectonics Division Student Research
Grant Awards
Aileen Chea, San Francisco State University
Brian M. Culp, Pennsylvania State University
David O. Oakley, Pennsylvania State University
John Templeton, Columbia University
James Worthington, University of Arizona
Alph S. Wright, Texas A&M University
Northeastern Section Undergraduate Research Grants
Douglas Barber, Allegheny College
James Carrigan, University of MassachusettsAmherst
Max Davidson, Union College
Christopher J. Honess, Syracuse University
Kyle Kissock, Bucknell University
Jason Muhlbauer, Bucknell University
Rodrigo Perez, McMaster University
Seth Pratt, SUNY Oswego
Juliet Ryan-Davis, Middlebury College
Samantha Sinclair, SUNY Syracuse
Ekatherina Wagenknecht, University of Massachusetts
Jaci White, Lafayette College
North-Central Section Undergraduate Research Grants
Olivia Barbee, Eastern Illinois University
Jason Coenen, University of WisconsinOshkosh
Chelsy A. Herring, University of WisconsinOshkosh
Neal Ringerwole, Grand Valley State University
Rocky Mountain Section Undergraduate Research Grants
Kathleen D. Cox, Fort Lewis College
Logan Hartle, Fort Lewis College
Lily Jones, Oglala Lakota College
Tim McCallum, Fort Lewis College
Adam Zurn, Fort Lewis College
Southeastern Section Graduate Research Grants
Gopal Bera, University of Southern Mississippi
Joseph Boreman, University of Georgia
Sahale Casebolt, Virginia Tech
Mohammad Huq, Auburn University
Evan Kelly, University of Kentucky
Allison Platsky, University of Georgia
Jingyuan Sun, University of North Carolina
David Szynal, East Carolina University
2012 GSA Division & Section Student
Research Awards
Six GSA Divisions and four GSA Sections have recognized the following student research grant recipients who
submitted proposals of exceptionally high merit in conception and presentation in their fields. These students
will be honored at the 2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
2012 Cole Awards
The 2012 Gladys W. Cole and W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research
Awards for postdoctoral research are funded by the GSA
Vance T. Holliday of the University of Arizona will be awarded
US$7,000 from the Gladys W. Cole Fund for research in geomorphol-
ogy of semiarid and arid terrains for his project, “Paleoshorelines and
their bearing on alluvial geomorphology in the American South-
west.” The award will be presented at the Quaternary Geology
and Geomorpholgy Division Awards Ceremony at the 2012
GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, on
Tues., 6 Nov.
Eduardo Leorri of East Carolina University will be awarded
US$6,500 from the W. Storrs Cole Fund for research in inverte-
brate micropaleontology for his project, “Geochemical composi-
tion of foraminiferal tests: Implications for environmental
monitoring and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.” The
award will be presented at the Cushman Foundation for Forami-
niferal Research Awards Ceremony at the 2012 GSA Annual
Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, on Tues., 6 Nov.
2012 Subaru Minority
Student Scholarship
Subaru of America Inc., in partnership with the GSA
Foundation, has generously funded a scholarship program to
benefit minority undergraduates considering a degree in the
geosciences. The Subaru Minority Student Scholarship Program
provides US$1,500 to one student in each of GSAs six North
American regional Sections and to one student in a low-income
country from GSAs International Section (nominated by a GSA
Campus Representative). The students also receive free
registration to attend the GSA Annual Meeting and a one-year
complimentary membership in GSA.
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage minority
students to continue studies in the geosciences as a degree choice.
Nomination forms for the 2013 program will be e-mailed to
GSA Campus Reps later this year. Questions? Contact Diane
Lorenz-Olsen, awards@geosociety.org, +1-303-357-1028.
Nicolette Buckle, Oberlin College (North-Central Section)
Kiara J. Gomez, Smith College*
Kelly E. Hattori, University of North Carolina–Wilmington
(Southeastern Section)
David A. Lukudu, North Dakota State University (Rocky
Mountain Section)
Selva Marroquin, Tufts University (Northeastern Section)
Maria Fernanda Podesta, University of Buenos Aires
(International Section)
Angela Roman, Santa Barbara City College (Cordilleran Section)
* No nominations were received from the South-Central Section. As a result, the
second highest rated student from all U.S. Sections was selected to receive this
If you would like to contribute to the GSA Foundation, please
go to www.gsafweb.org or contact GSA Foundation Chief
Development Offi cer Anna Christensen at +1-303-357-1007
or achristensen@geosociety.org. See page 50 of this issue
for more information on how GSA and the GSA Foundation
are working together to support geoscience research.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
This award recognizes one geology field camp instructor
based on his or her safety awareness, diversity, and technical
excellence. The following field camp leader has been awarded
US$10,000 to assist with his summer field season: Bruce Douglas,
Indiana University.
This award funds summer field camp attendance for the
following undergraduate students, who will receive US$2,000
each, based on diversity, economic/financial need, and merit, to
attend the field camp of their choice.
Hehewutei Amakali, Appalachian State University
Olivia Barbee, Eastern Illinois University
Na Hyung Choi, University of Georgia
Peter Chutcharavan, University of Michigan
Angelica Connelly, Fort Lewis College
Rania Eldam, The University of Texas
John Decker, North Carolina State University
Elizabeth Gammel, Northeastern Illinois University
Jeanette Harlow, California State University–Long Beach
Jory Lerback, Franklin & Marshall College
Abigail Maxwell, University of Georgia
Miranda Mikesh, North Carolina State University
Kelsey Padilla, California State University–Bakersfield
Bach Pham, The University of Texas at Dallas
Ethan Shavers, St. Louis University
Yen Joe Tan, Lafayette College
Samuel Ybarra, Arizona State University
The following students and faculty will receive scholarships to
participate in the fourth annual GSA/ExxonMobil Field Seminar
in the Bighorn Basin of north-central Wyoming, which
emphasizes multidisciplinary integrated basin analysis.
Dudley Baker, The University of Texas at Austin
Douglas Barber, Allegheny College
Naomi Barshi, Smith College
Conner Burt, University of Colorado at Boulder
Jonathan Delph, Arizona State University
Jeanette Harlow, California State University–Long Beach
James Jolles, Franklin & Marshall College
Tucker Keren, Hamilton College
Caitlin Leslie, Grand Valley State University
Ian McCary, Eastern Connecticut State University
Julia Mulhern, Wesleyan University
Mark Nahabedian, Santa Barbara City College
Brett Perry, University of Nevada–Las Vegas
Ryan Purcell, Miami University
Melissa Zambrano, Texas A&M
Ian Hogan, Colorado State University
Dylan Loss, University of Florida
Karin Ohman, University of California at Santa Cruz
Amanda Owen, Royal Holloway University of London
Chantelle Parrish, West Virginia University
Austin Reed, Wesleyan University
Dane Sheldon, University of Rhode Island
Kathryn Stack, California Institute of Technology
Steven Lundblad, University of HawaiiHilo
Stephen Nathan, University of Massachusetts–Amherst
2012 GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp
Award Recipients
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
John Patrick Abraham
Steve Adamek
James K. Adamson
Timothy G. Alessi
Jaclyn Allen
Pam Allison
Raquel Alonso-Perez
Jan P. Amend
Mohammed Dahiru Aminu
Alison M. Anders
Tania Maria Anders
Ronald Francis Andrews Jr.
Liath Appleton
Chris Armistead
Joan L. Aron
Gabriel Asato
Michael E. Augustyniak
Brett Baker
Robert T. Bakker
Mansoor A. Baloch
Steven S. Barrell
David Andrew Barry
Sarah Hosken Bartling
Francine Baumann
Travis K. Bavin
Jacob Beale
Daniel W. Bean
Jim Beaver
Wayne Adriance Belding
Chris Berg
Marian P. Berndt
Todd Anthony Bianco
Roger Wayne Biebl
Mark A. Borchardt
Julie Bowles
Brent Breithaupt
Arjan Brem
Jason G. Brown
Kathleen M. Browne
Patricia Morris Bryan
Paul Buck
Roland P. Buehlmann
Thomas J. Burbey
William Burgess
Recep Cakir
Anthony A. Caldarelli
Victor R. Calloway
Tracy H. Campbell
Dylan G. Canales
Michele Carbone
Alexandre Carnier
Neil E. Carriker
Honza Catchpole
Leonardo Ceballos Joven
Poul Christoffersen
Tracy Christopherson
Robert D. Cicerone
Lee Clapp
Allan Clark
Patricia A. Cobb
Christopher B. Cogan
Russ Colson
Xavier Comas
Dawn Conroy
Joseph Powell Cook
Michelle L. Coombs
Jonathon L. Cooper
Aaron Michael Correll
Steven R. Corsi
James B. Cotner
Robert Coward
Mia Marie Cowgill
Dan M. Cox
Barbara Crawford
James A. Creighton
Gardiner W. Cross
Frederick Curtis
Janet Cushing
Paul Cutler
Diana M. Dalbotten
Toby Christian Dawborn
David Joseph De Simone
Geza I. Demeter
Yoann Denéle
Adam Michael Dennis
Vincent de Paul
Barrett Taylor Dixon
N.N. Dogra
Brett Dooley
William Doran
Robert Alan Drake
Guillaume Duclaux
Don Duggan-Haas
Christopher John Dunbar
Richard Dunning
Adam Duskocy
Stephen Dymmock
Douglas Robert Eck
Doug Edmonds
Heather Lynn Egger
Jean Taylor Ellis
Jennifer Engstrom
Ian Lee Everhard
Elaine Katherine Fagner
Trent Farnum
Donald Glenn Fay
Steven Fechner
John Folsom Ferguson
Nick Ferina
Nelson Ferreira Fernandes
Lynn S. Fichter
Stephen W. Field
Sean Fitzsimons
Donald Forsyth
S.I. Fraser
Barry A. Frey
Kathryne Frey
Hannah Friedrich
Jason Furlow
Santiago B. Gangotena
Joseph Edward Garcia
William Payton Gardner
Paul A. Garner
Joan Marie Gawloski
Dedre Gentner
John L. German
Cyrus Park Gillett
William E. Glassley
Dennis Michael Gleason
Philippe Goncalves
David John Good
Matthew Charles Gottfried
Dustin Graves
Scott A. Green
Christopher A. Greenhoot
Baohua Gu
Andrew Gustin
Maksym A. Gusyev
Scott A. Hageman
Cynthia Hall
Kevin J. Hanson
Glenn F. Harrison
Altug Hasozbek
Sarah Marie Hayes
David Hayward
Kevin Patrick Hefferan
Mary Hegmann
David R. Hembree
John F. Hennessy
Joshua P. Hepler
Dean Leslie Hewson
David Michael Hillix
Gustavo Hincapié Jaramillo
Heide Hlawaty
Brian Leon Hoffman
Terri Hood
Dwight T. Hoxie
Jyr-Ching Hu
John Hunter
Amber Huntoon-Colvin
Edward J. Huskinson Jr.
Kelvin Hussey
Mads Huuse
Narimitsu Ito
Ellen A.R. Iverson
Giridharan Jagannathan
Anthony Jakeman
Sveinn Peter Jakobsson
Rick Johnson
Robert Simpson Johnson
Leigh Justet
Ed Floyd Kaiser Jr.
Ozge Caglayan Kaya
Nuretdin Kaymakci
Gareth Mark Keevil
Ronald Kies
Quinn T. Kiley
James Wesley King
Jimmy R. Kirk
John P. Klein
Sheri L. Klug Boonstra
William Koehn
Matthew A. Kon rst
Erin Kraal
Christopher Krajicek
Larry R. Kramka
Ned William Kruger
Ravindra Kumar
Michael James Lace
Charles H. Lake
Nancy Lamm
Rebecca S. Lange
Barry W. Larson
Peter Leiggi
Christian F. Lenhart
Richard Jason Lenz
Mark R. Lewis
Robert Lewis
Qiong Li
Weiqiang Li
Jih-Pai Lin
David C. Logan
Lloyd Loope
Stephen Lorentz
Thomas Lyttle
James Grant MacBroom
Jose Luis Macias
Michael P. Madison
Suzanne Magdalene
Maria G. Mangano
Garrett Manion
Michael E. Mann
Luiz Eduardo Mantovani
Courtney Joanne Marshall
Keith Neil Martens
Charles Martin
Dennis Martin
Kylara Margaret Martin
Joshua B. Massey
Mark Mathison
Lisa Herring Mayo
Rory McFadden
M. Tish McKee
Samuel A.A. McLeod
John McRobbie Jr.
Elton McWilliams Jr.
Ronald B. Meade
Carol Beaton Meyer
Sidrah Haider Mirza
Sumit K. Mishra
David Mohrig
Jan Russell Moles
Eric Monteil
Mainak Mookherjee
John Edward Mooney
Daniel J. Moore
Eric Morales-Casique
Briana Mordick
Mario Moreno-Sanchez
Welcome New GSA Members!
The following individuals (more than 2,650!) submitted their applications for GSA membership between
August 2011 and January 2012 and were approved by GSA Council at its April 2012 meeting.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Ryan P. Dale
Elizabeth Dalley
Keegan Daly
Joseph Scott Dargel
Elizabeth DeFazio
Adam Christian Denton
Kara Marie D’Onofrio
Matthew Drouillard
Rachael Elizabeth Dye
Seth Abel Edman
Shama Ejaz
Francis Emejeamara
Patricia Engel
Michelle L. Fame
John Farmer
Ga Ferguson
Steven Flank
Alexandre Jeanette Fowler
Jennifer Lynn Galvin
Rachel Emmele Gilgen
Nicholas Robert John Goodwin
Andrew M. Graham
Daniel Edward Grif tts
Erin Guzowski
Scott Albert Haire
Sean Robert Hammersburg
Cierra Michele Hancock
Walter Harston
Jody Michelle Hauser
Sean Hays
Dana Hayward
David Heeszel
Jakob Heyman
Trevor C. Hobbs
Montana Mae Horchler
James Conrad Howard II
Alyssa Ann Howlett
Kate Ito
William Z. Jacobson
Stephen Tucker Johnson
Woodong Jung
Varsha Karki
Brian Allan Karpes
Britney S. Katz
Mary Kazantseva
Niranjan Kaur Khalsa
Farkhondeh Kiani Harchegani
Philip Klintmalm
Jessica Lindberg Kozarek
Janice Kukuk
Justin LaForge
Jamie Marie Laginess
Jason Lai
Michael Joseph Lamons
Philip Lane
Amelia Lanza
Todd R. Lau
Ryan Michael Ledin
Daniel Joseph Levine
Matthew Michael Lewis
Andrew John Lindlof
Kimberly Joanne Litz
Michael Lord
Rachael Lubitz
Maryann Wasiolek
Laura Eileen Wasylenki
Fred M. Weaver
Andrew Weir
Yi Hua Weng
Melanie Werdon
Jill Wertheim
Richard Wigington
DeBonne Natalie Wishart
Jessica Witt
Seth J. Wittke
Jennifer Woodham
Joe Woodske
Bradley Worley
Don G. Wyckoff
Daniel B. Wynne
Haining Yang
Li Yat Cheung
Brian Patrick Yurk
Larry Zazzera
Thor Zednik
Liang Zhao
Rixiang Zhu
Maggie Zimmerman
Sandy M. Zucker
Justin Andrews Zumbro
Stephanie E. Zurenko
Christopher A. Acheson Jr.
Hande E. Adiyaman
Rosalyn Adler
Kathryn Albright
Kayla R. Andres
Brenten Austin
William A. Barnes
Elissa Christine Barris
Katherine G. Becker
Krishan Bhanot
Karl S. Bloor
Louis Maximo Bodin
Jennifer Bradley
Susan Bresney
Maria T. Brown
Jake Budish
John G. Bu od
Jonathan Parks Buie
Kyle Randall Burch
James Bush
Hannah Byrness Cady
Fernando Miguel Calabozo IV
Victoria Sarah Campbell
Matthew Paul Castelli
Monica Castro
Robert Charnock
Micah Joseph Chase
Carus Benjamin Clarke
Lily Rachel Cohen
Christina E. Coulter
Carolyn Coyle
Josh Aaron Creamer
Ted Rosner Crook
Joe T. Cropsey
Chad Michael Crotty
Georg Rumpker
Joel Thomas Russell
Mike Sandiford
Paul Schenk
Chris L. Schneider
Martin A. Schoonen
William M. Schuh
Kathryn Schuller
Alexandra Schultejann
Robert K. Schwartz
David R. Scott
Seymour M. Sears
Tomohiro Sekiguchi
Mark D. Shapley
Robert Bruce Shaver
Evgenya Shelobolina
Steve Sheppard
Hironao Shinjoe
Scott T. Shipley
Allison M. Shumway
Martin E. Siem
Ndinannyi Kenneth Singo Sr.
Anup Kumar Sinha
Alexander Smirnov
Robert D. Smith
Olena Smyntyna
David R. Snoeyenbos
Richard J. Soare
Elizabeth Solleiro-Rebolledo
Michael Soreghaan
Kenneth Springer
Jack Parsell Stewart
David E. Stilwell
Scott Stine
Clay Sullivan
Catherine Summa
Colin D. Sumrall
John F. Syphrit
R a d u T a a n
Zaid Patrick Taha
David Bruce Taylor
Michael Joseph Teti
JoAnn Thissen
Jennifer Patricia Thomas
Warren M. Thomas
Chris L. Thompson
Jacob Thompson
Joel Thompson
Robert Gordon Thompson
Robert J. Thompson
Luz Mary Toro
Amy Townsend-Small
Patrick Troy
David Raiford Turner
Martin Frank Turner
Deon Van der Merwe
Sytze van Heteren
Vincent Joseph Varricchio
Gaston Venegas Rodriguez
Nicole Vermillion
Philip Villeneuve
Ate Visser
Jasper A. Vrugt
Kelin Wang
Daniel P. Morris
Linda D. Morse
Veronica Alicia Munoz
Tony Murphy
John F. Mustard
James D. Myers
Edward Nater
Bethany T. Neilson
Richard J. Nevle
Andrew Vern Newman
Horton Newsom
Wai Yi Ng
Jason Allen Nichols
Matt W. Oberhelman
Brian E. O’Brien
Tonia Dee O’Brien
Mary H. Ohren
Alex Okello
Olalekan Dare Olawale
Ole Olmanson
Amy J. Ording
Beatriz Ortega
Edgardo A.R. Ortiz-Corps
Tugba Özdogan
Ken Papp
Timothy Kevin Parker
Renee Parkhurst
Robert P. Pascoe
Sergio Pastor
Anne Paterson
Tyler D. Patrick
Donald A. Pattalock
David Peck
Katherine Louise Pedley
Shanchi Peng
Wayne Pennington
Dean Michael Peterson
David C. Pieri
Robert Lee Pigott II
Alexander Popovici
Richard Potts
Anu R. Pradhan
Joseph A. Preusser
Nathan E. Pritchard
Liangwei Qu
Sudipta Rakshit
Joy M. Ramstack Hobbs
Jackie Randell
Ruey-Juin Rau
Robert Harris Ray
Carol Anne Raymond
Colleen Reda
James F. Reilly II
Bradley T. Reitz
Zbigniew Remin
Michael Riettini
Douglas B. Rigby
Ioannis Rigopoulos
John Rodgers
Barry Roser
Kimberly A. Roush
Terence Geoffrey Rowley
Dalia Rubin
Arlan Ruen
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Adam Bartok
Rebecca M. Bartusewich
Jeison D. Basabe
Ramia M. Bashara
Tammy W. Baswell
Julie M. Bauer
Ashlyn Baum
Justin H. Baumann
Kyrie Baumgartner
Jonathan William Bay
Michael James Beach
Gildas Beauchamps
Lauren Bechelli
Ellen Margaret Bechtel
Erin K. Beck
Mandi Beck
Stephen Beckage
James Bradley Becker
Kathy Becker
Scott Karl Becker
Kevin Bruce Beidelman
Charles Vernon Beightol V
Jeremy Bellow
Sarah Jane Bembrick
Stefano Benato
Bradley Daniel Benavides
Amanda L. Dorothy Bender
Paolo Benelli
Michal Ben-Israel
Sarah Benjaram
Kristen Bennett
Nicole Bennett
William Matthew Benson
Jonathan Benton
Gopal Bera
Andrew W. Berkey
John Michael Berlejung
Katherine Bermudez
Emily Berquist
Sarah Frances Berry
Mathew Beshears
Robert Fraser Betzler
Brandon Beuttel
Scott Bey
Jennifer Lynn Beyer
Rashaad Bhamjee
Proma Bhattacharyya
Nanxi Bian
Matthew Z. Bickham
Robert G. Bickhart Jr.
Andrew J. Biebuyck
Michael Anthony Bierwagen
Victoria Ashlea Bierwirth
Jeremiah I. Bihl
Janis Bikše
Coralyn Kai Bingman
Thomas Henry Birren
Deepti Bisht
Rosemarie Barga Bisquera
Corrina Bissell
Kelsey Bisson
Joshua Bitner
Daniel Lamar Black
Darrin Bledsoe
Alyssa Anderson
Daniel Steven Anderson
Emily S. Anderson
Heidi E. Anderson
Jordana Krisdene Anderson
Krista Michaela Anderson
Eliza Mae Andrews
Charles Stephen Andros
Kolbe D. Andrzejewski
Tracy K. Anunsen
Adam Christopher Arce
Ryan Haynie Ard
Alejandro Arenas
D. Ryan Arnott
Jake Philip Arpke
Gerardo Fernando Arrieta
Kris E. Asp
Claire Astore
Katelyn Rahsan Atakturk
Kristopher Dean Atherton
Meghan Elizabeth Attanasio
Beth Avram
Mitchell Burgess Awalt
Adebayo Olujinmi Ayorinde
Joshua Osamudiame Azobu
Diana A. Azouggagh
Esther Babcock
Jamye Jorn Babocsi
Lauren Marie Babuska
Nils Rainer Backeberg
Adam S. Backus
M’bark Baddouh
Daniel T. Baggot
Christopher Thomas Bagley
Emily Marie Bahus
Phillip Anthony Bailey III
Melanie Dell Bain
Sarah Marie Bain
Christopher Baker
Krista Meghan Baker
Kaveh Bakhishi
Eric Ball
William Aaron Ball
Nathaniel Ballard
Michelle Balmer
Jillian Bambrick
Ryan Banas
Jessica F.M. Banaszak
Bharat Banjade
Vanessa Baratta
Douglas Barber
Taylor Michael Barbrack
Anthony Allen Barkan
Collin William Barker
Kaylee Beth Barket
Donna Marie Barlow
Kyle Eugene Barnes
Travis Barnett
Jacob Byron Barnhart
Michelle Antoinette Baroldi
Steve Barone
Zach Barr
Vitor Rodrigues Barrote
Danielle Barrs
Russelle Westermann
Karin Ursula White
Keridwen McLeyne Whitmore
Paul Cranston Wilcox
Dan Witowski
Skyler Wood
Rachel Yanega
Britany Louise Young
Sarah B. Zachrich
Sebastian Zapata Sr.
Taylor Zimmerman
Callie Zuck
Pamela M. Aaron
Sarah Aarons
Oluwasegun Oladapo Abatan
Neil Robert Abdalla
Mohamed Abdelkareem
Nina Abdollahian
Stephen Abernathy
Pride Abongwa
Anastasia Abramova
Thomas E. Ackart
Laurel Caroline Ackison
Zablon Adane
Ali Adnan
James Nkansah Adu
Liana Marie Agrios
Steffany Fierro Aguilar
Hifzhul Arif Ahmad Munif
Shakib Ahmed
Kerstin Ahrens
Lisa K. Akers
Mark Jonathan Akland
Samrat Alam
Ryan Albee
Casey K. Albritton
Karen Estrella Alcala
Binyam Alemu
Bridget A. Alex
Sarah Alexander
Mohamed S. Alfaitouri
Munazzam Ali
Usman Ali
Mohammed H. Aljahdali
Amy Allen
Brett Allen
Daniel Allen
Joshua James Allen
Lindsay Nicole Allen
Mitchell David Allen
Sarah Dawn Allen
Jordan Elizabeth Alling
Evan Stanley Allred
James Alphonse
Saeed Saad M. Alshahrani
Charlotte Jean Alster
Erin H. Altick
Elisabeth Ames
Lisa Marie Anaya
Lars Anderas
Dane E. Andersen
Nathan Andersen
María Fernanda Lucantis
Leila Malcom
Gregg Marcinkowski
Steven Richardson Mattocks
Andrew McConkey
Sarah Medley
Ariana Mercer
Charles Connor Messler
Clinton Meyer
Cristofor Michels
Jared Lee Gerhardt Midgett
Matthieu B. Miller
Stephanie Mitchell
Alex Moody
Rick James Ray Morgan
Julio F. Morin
Patrick Charles Moulden
Oguz Mulayim
Garrett Mull
Elizabeth Carrington Murphy
Andrew Nesheim
Maxwell Okure
Meghan Ori
Ivan Orsic
Monica Patel
Conor Justice Pesicka
Anthony Orestino Pezzotti
Aurora D. Pinkey-Drobnis
Lynnette La Mar Pitcher
Kara Jade Quan-Montgomery
Steve M. Raciti
Tyler Winston Randall
Adam Joseph Richmond
Stephen Robert Riley
Meredith A. Rivin
Vincent Joseph Roccanova
Andrea M. Rocchio
Steven Louis Rubinyi
Emma Ruhmann
Prafulla K. Sahoo
Bridget Therese Sanderson
Christine Saniuk
Kurt Schmidt
Eric Nathan Schmieg
Julia Schneider
Ryan J. Schriner
Nicolas Schuck
Matthew Schumacher
Jeffrey L. Shipman
Daniel E. Sigward
Amanda Desiree Smith
Vann Edmond Smith
Teira Solis
Kathleen Claire Soulliere
Ana C. Tapia
Jessica Nichole Tashman
Sami Taylor
Arianne Terry
Inemesit Brian Ezekiel Udoh
Sarah A. Ulrich
Brian J. Van Benschoten
Alianora Walker
Eileen Weigel
Nicholas Weiner
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Emma Coronado
Jankel Lucia Coronado
Alexandra Cory
Zachary M. Kramer Cotter
Ernie Charles Cottle
April M. Courtney
Jennifer Cox
Tristan Craddock
Matthew Ryan Craig
Kelsey Taylor Crane
Alison Craven
Alex Crawford
Christine Lynn Crawford
Camilla Crifo
Julia Criscione
Peter Scott Crislip
Michael Cronin
Levi Augustine Crooke
Christine Crosby
David Bruce Cross
James Joshua Crowell
Matthew Cruz
Valerie J. Cruz-Rodriguez
John Daniel Cuchta
Huan Cui
Jeff Cullen
Alexander Robert Culpepper
Katherine E. Cummings
Kelli Jeanne Cummings
Robert Murray Cundari
William Cupples
Steve Curlis
Bryan Joseph Currie
Lorelei Curtin
Daniel Curtis
Daniel Robert Curtis
Charles Doug Czajka
Joseph Theodore Dague
Maxwell P. Boulet Dahlquist
Dustin R.L. Dahn
Heng Dai
Iris Daly
David Damby
Christina Dance
Suresh Dande
Donya C. Danesh
Terryl Daniels Jr.
Lindsey MaDonna Danielson
Michael William Danuser
Margaret Darnell
Supriya Das
Gita Ariel Datt
Omar Davalos
Bryant Jefferson Davis
Derek Davis
Jennifer Anne Davis
Michael Joseph Davis
Patrice Davis
Rebecca Davis
Danielle N. Day
Joshua David Day
Sarah Day
Paulo Steven De Sa Rego
Jody Ann DeAraujo
Michael Castelli
Jessica Xiomara Castro
Jackson Sinclair Cates
Amy Cattelino
Robert E. Causer
Justin Paul Cave
Emma K. Caverly
Kyrsti Autumn Cecil
Edin Cekic
Anthony D. Cerruti
Alexandria Ceschini
Rebekah D. Cesmat
Jason Michael Cesta
Jesse S. Chadwick
Matthew Ryan Chaffee
Joanne Chan
Kar Woon Chan
Michael A. Channer
Emily J. Charaska
Marc Charette
Sreejita Chatterjee
Connor Neil Chatterton
Logan Arron Chatterton
AIleen Chea
Yangyang Chen
Brenton Michael Chentnik
John Thomas Chesley
Shelley Chestler
Barry Chew
Diya Chowdhury
Eric Christensen
Chelsie Lee Christenson
Joe Christianson
Amber Ciravolo
Alejandro O. Cisneros De León
Anthony J. Clarke
Cornelia Clarke
Matthew E. Clemens
Claire Cleveland
Michael Cloos
Karen Clyne
Alexander Owen Cobley
Kelley Jordan Davis Coker
Elizabeth C. Cola
Erika Jean Colaiacomo
Thomas Colby
Abby J. Cole
Meredith Anne Cole
Shannon Collings
Ben Collins
Alexander Colon
Clinton Colwell
Norris Nelson Comer
Wade Condict
Randall Vance Conger-Best
Marvin Keith Conn
Amber Jean Conner
Greg Connock
Elizabeth Renee Connolly
Katheryn E. Coode
Tamara Jean Cook
Matthew Thomas Cooley
Leandra Cooper
Christopher Andrew Corder
Sarah Ann Broer
Ben Brooker
Gary Lee Brooks II
Hilary Ann Brooks
Richard Brooks
Thibaut Rice Brooks
Candice E. Brothers
Lilianna Broussalian
Mark Brown
Nathan D. Brown
Emma Broz
Alison Rae Bruegger
Christine Michelle Brussell
Alexander Bryk
Matt John Bryker
Karen R. Buchanan
Sean Buckley
Natasha Budimirovic
Katherine Renee Bueltmann
Ty Buller
Andrew T. Bullinger
Jason Bullman
Anna Bulochnikova
Alexa Burgess
Amanda Burke
Amanda Rae Burke
Jessica Burleson
Eric David Burnham
James Blake Burroughs
Patti J. Burton
John E. Burwick
William David Busch
Aaron Bush
Meredith Bush
Harris Lowell Byers
Bryan Fred Byrd
William Byrne
Anastasija Cabolova
Jordan Cahill
Zachary Calamari
Sarah Caldwell
Amanda Zulema Calle
Christopher John Callinan
Kody J. Callister
Heather J. Cameron
Daniel T. Campbell
Mark T. Campbell
Joe Canchola
Kerlyn Candelario
Caroline Canelas
Wentao Cao
Gina Lauren Cappiello
Emily Carbone
Sebastian Carisio
Grant Carlson
Jordan Ashley Carney
David Carrell
Diane Carrico
Lucas Carrion
Morgan Brittany Carson
Carlos Patricio Carvajal
Katharine T. Casey
Ronald Wilson Cash
Simeon Caskey
Lee Anne Bledsoe
Nicholas Thomas Blegen
Brittany Sarah Blevins
Sahrah Louise Bliss
Elias Morgan Bloch
James Douglass Blount
Erik Blow
James A. Blumenschein
Abby Kay Boardman
Adam Robert Boardman
Benjamin Boatwright
Caitlin McGinnis Boblitt
Andrew Alexander Bochko
Brandon Richard Bockrath
Peter Bodor
Krystle Boks
Uyanga Bold
Austin Boles
Trevor Bollmann
Greg Bongey
Mariana Bonich
Nick Bonini
Brett Joseph Bonotto
Susannah K. Boote
Patricia Ann Bordonaro
Daniel John Borer
Joseph Robert Boro
Chiara Borrelli
Stephanie Bosch
Mariann Bostic
Michael Conner Bouchard
Casey Bouck
Diana Marie Boudreau
Bridgit Boulahanis
Michael Gene Bourne Jr.
Shiera Cristina Bova
Andrea Bowen
Jared Bowen
Jack A. Bowles III
Ryan Lee Bowman
Rachel Meghan Boyack
Ashley M. Boyd
Kathryn Ann Bradbury
William B. Bradford
Kyle Edward Bradley
Aidan Wolf Brady
Shannon Brady
Jamie Brainard
Joel Brann
Alana M. Brannon
Sam Breadner
Latisha Ashley Brengman
Greg Brick
James L. Bridgeman III
Mary Elizabeth Brill
Sarah Ashley Brinkmann
Kathleen Brinton
Emily Brislawn
Jesse Broce
Billie Jo Brockhum
Hannah Faye Brocklehurst
John Joseph Brockman
Nick Brockman
Robert Joseph Broda
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Jill Ghelerter
Sarthak Ghosh
Katherine Teresa Gibble
Christopher Kyle Gibson
Carlene Anne Gilewski
Ashley Diane Gilliland
John Gipson
John Thomas Gist
Elizabeth Gitelman
Rachel Glade
Evan R. Gladney
Sarah Elizabeth Glancy
Amy Christine Glasgow
Philip J. Glauberman
Chase Thomas Glenister
Danika Globokar
Nathan Glover
John Godfrey
Christy Yvonne Gof net
Adam Scott Goldsmith
Yonaton Goldsmith
Courtney Goll
Cezar Gomez
Derik P. Gonzales
Matthew Scott Gonzales
Jazmin Gonzalez
Sara Gonzalez
Jonathan Andrew Goodell
Zachary L. Goodman
Galen Gorski
Jennifer Goshorn
Antara Goswami
Kendal M. Gotthelf
John Daniel Govi
Bonnie R. Govoni
Taylor Alan Grage
Evan J. Gragg
Robin Graham
Ashley Grakowsky
Trevor J. Grandy
Lauren Elizabeth Graniero
Daniel Vincent Grant
Leah Rae Grassi
Harrison James Gray
Kelly Marie Gray
Sarah M. Gray
Aurora J. Green
Hunter Green
Jeff Green
Nicholas R. Green
Rebecca N. Greenberger
Sophie Emily Greene
Sean Y. Greer
Patricia Gregory
Jeri Ann Grevis
Christopher Grif n
Megan Charleen Grif n
Jonathan Gilbert Grif th
Katie Rose Grif th
Kathleen M. Grigg
Ashley Grijalva
Michael Thomas Grimaldi
Brittany L. Grimm
Aaron Lawrence Grissom
Thomas M. Fontana
Jeremy Keith Foote
Chanse Michael Ford
Sophia Katherine Ford
Tanya C. Forde
Emily J. Forsberg
Stephen Tinley Fortney
Kelsey Ann Forward
Marine Severine Foucher
Andrew Peter George Fowler
Margaret E. Frabell
Kendle James Fraley
Rose Frank
Amelia Franklin
Carie Marie Frantz
Christine Frasca
Benjamin Kyle Fraser
Marissa N. Fratturelli
Kristen Frederick
Kyle Fredericks
David Freedman
James Lawrence Freeman
Adam Freierman
Susan Abigail French
Frederick Freudenberger
Claire Nicoli Friedrichsen
Allen Nicholson Frierson
Lauren Frisch
Kayla Jilayne Frisinger
Fabian Carlo Froehlich
Richard From
Brooke Frusher
Anthony M. Frushour
Arthur William Funk II
Don Fuorry
Michael S. Fusco
Seth Gainey
Ryan Gall
Kirsten LeRay Gallagher
Adrian Carlos Gallo
Garrett Gamache
Joseph Patrick Gandol
Jonathan Lloyd Garber
Lilian Garcia
Lizeth Caballero García
Matias Nicolas Garcia
Ollin Garcia Pliego
Damla Gargili
Ry Garlow
Katherine M. Loughridge Garner
Krista Garrett
Brandon Jordan Gaspar
Eric Curtis Gaver
Sean Gaynor
Rachael Christina Gehrman
Adam Ansel Gehrts
Frederick Paul Geier
Halldor Geirsson
Jennifer Lynn Georgek
Lindsey Rae Gerber
Questor J. German
Susan Gervais
Karl Gesch
Amanda Getsinger
Katie Joanna Elder
Daniel Lee Eldridge
Robert Miles Ellenberg
John H. Ellis
Magdalena A. Ellis
Trevor Charles Ellis
Kristin Elmer
Erica Emerson
Robert Earl Endicott
Daisuke Endo
Can Engin
Benjamin Lee Engleman
Matthew Enos
Clarissa Lise Enslin
Sarah Dempsey Eppich
Cat Erickson
Wynter M. Erickson
Nicole Eriks
Daniel Espada
Diane Kaitlynn Estes
Nathan Evenson
Tuba Evsan
Christina Maria Facemyer
Shah Faisal
Chloé Fandel
Yi Fang
Mark Farrugia
Dawn Farver
Kenneth Jared Fath
Benjamin Isaac Faulkner
Daniel Anthony Favorito
Shawn Andrew Favreau
Preston Thomas Fedell
Sara Federschmidt
Timothy Scott Fegel
Johnathan Robert Feldman
Louis Arthur Feldman
Ashley Lynn Ferguson
Mackenzie Burd Fernald
Megan Dunleavy Ferre
Daniel R. Ferreira
Lauren Ariel Ferreira
Brandon Ferro
Alisa Fersch
Andrew Fields
Rachel Filo
Katherine Megan Finan
David Finn
Nicole Aubree Finnegan
Evan Michael Finnes
James Mitchell Fisher
Timothy Farland Fitzhugh
Paul M. Fix
Megan E. Flansburg
Anson W. Flaspohler
Alexander Gist Fleshman
Nicholas J. Flies
Bridget Marie Floyd
Barrett A. Flynn
Joseph D. Flynn
Steph Fochtman
Neil Foegen
Virginia Catherine Foley
Lane Berend Folkers
Meghann Decker
Savannah Defoe
Rebecca de Graffenried
Benjamin DeJong
Ian Arburua Delaney
Jennifer E. Delaney
Kevin M. DeLano
Nikiforos Delatolas
Amy Delbecq
Amanda DeLisle
Marianna Demou
Barton Arthur Dengel
Kara Elizabeth Dennis
Brandi Elaine Denton
Shane P. DePinto
Aubry Anne DeReuil
Alison Dernbach
Adam Dettmer
Nickolas Diaz
Stacee DiBell
Travis Dickinson
Cory Patrick DiDonato
Courtney S. Dieruf
Russell B. Dill
Lyndsay Mason DiPietro
Geoff R. Dipre
Theresa Marie Dits
Sherrie Dix
Anna Dlugolecki
Nicholas Andrew Dolan
Shelly Donohue
Michael Philip Donovan
Tom Doody
Linda Doran
Melissa Dorton
Richard Dorton
Neil William Dotzenrod
Eric Matthew Doubet
Evan Doughty
Travis Melvin Doughty
Meghan Ann Dovick
Anna C. Downey
Sarah Liam Doyle
Joseph Cameron Dransfi eld
Marissa Beth Drehobl
Nicholas Drew
Nicholaus Driscoll
Chad Drzewiecki
Lauren Dudziak
Amanda Duggan
Joseph J. Dumont
Casey James Duncan
Ann G. Dunlea
Marsha Elizabeth Dunn
Christina Dwyer
Eric Easley
Katherine Ann Ebeling
Christopher Shaun Edge
Joseph Stephen Edmonds
Joel H. Edwards
Andi Eglinton
Rebecca Rose Eiden
Mustafa Eissa
Aya El Attar
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Joel Phillips Johnston
James Jolles
Atunima Emmanuel Jonathan
Evan Jones
Matthew Christopher Jones
Matthew F. Jones
Meghan R. Jones
Steven A. Jones
Jessica Caitlin Jordan
James Robert Jorgensen
Taus R. Chraemmer Jørgensen
David H. Ju
Karla Juarez-Lopez
James Kaapana
Abhy Kadakia
Fotios-Christos A. Kafantaris
Maureen J. Kahn
Benjamin Carl Kaiser
Joseph Anthony Kalbarczyk
Stephen Kallenberg
Taka Kanaya
Mike Kane
Michael Alex Kang
Philip A. Kaplan
Melpomeni M. Karathanos
Bobak Karimi
Sita Karki
Rachel Elena Karlov
Kalyan Karmakar
Caroll Karns
Laura Karson
Brian Christopher Kastl
Aaron John Katona
Rick M. Kauffman
Mahir Kaya
Thomas V. Kazmierczak
Tyler M. Keck
Martin Keeler
Klaus-Peter Keilig
Daniel C. Kelley
Gwendolyn Virginia Kelley
Robert James Kelley
Caitlin Kelliher
Fred Kellner
Rosemary G. Kelly
Heather Kendall
Jamie R. Kendall
Siobhan Kenney
Scott Brian Kenyon
Nathan Robert Kerns
Phillip James Kerr IV
Jeff Kerwin
Sean Patrick Kerwin
Nicole S. Khan
Nitesh Narendra Khonde
Jennifer Rose Kielhofer
Meredith Ann Kiesel
William C. Kimmel III
Julien Kimmig
Sara Janene King
Arthur M. Kinne
Sean Kinney
Clara Jeanene Kirk
Kelsey Kirkland
Claire Hruby
David P. Huber
Michael Huber
Scott Huck
David Huckle
Shahen Huda
Amy Hudson
Haley Alissa Huff
Jarrett Shawn Huff
David John Huffmyer
Anna K. Hughes
Natalie J. Hughes
Robert B. Hull, V
Mohammad Rezaul Huq
Keegan Allen Hurt
Michael John Hurth
Yahaira Marie Hutchinson
Alexander Huth
Tyler Huth
Sun Hwang
Diar Ibrahim
Fumie Iizuka
Kate Ingenloff
Jeffrey Scott Ingram
Scott M. Ireland
Rodrigo Iriarte
Sergey Ishutov
Olivia Iverson
Kesli Ivy
John J. Jacisin III
Carl Jonathan Jacklitch
Ashley Jackson
Taylor Leigh Jackon
Juan C. Jaimes
Krista Lyn Jankowski
Kimberly Jarden
Briana L. Jasinski
Akhtar Javaid
Anna Sophie Jaworski
Sarah Jeffrey
Nicolas Jelinski
James Edward Jenden
Charles Wesley Jenkins IV
Emily N. Jenkins
Jerica Jenkins
Christopher Jennings
Matthew Clay Jenschke
Hehe Jiang
Peng Jiang
Qiqi Jiang
Gloria Jimenez
Cong Jin
India John
Beth A. Johnson
Brandon C. Johnson
Chris William Johnson
Christina F. Johnson
Curtis Lawrence Johnson
Dane Johnson
Elle Elisa Johnson
Gina M. Johnson
Julie Johnson
Madison Lauren Johnson
Andreas Jack Johnsson
Fabio Hering
Daniel Hermanns
Anna L. Hermes
Victoria Nicole Hermosilla
Cynthia Elizabeth Hernandez
Edween Leonel Hernandez
Jessica Hernandez
Jered J. Hernández-Elizalde
Matt N. Herod
Yesenia Herrera
Dana M. Heston
Chelsea Hethcote
Eric Spider Heuneman
David Keith Hewson
Louis D. Heying
Lainey Heyl
John E. Hickle III
Anthony Warren Hicks
Aaron Hiday
Brendan Hildum
Aaron Butler Hill
Daniel W. Hill
Jenni Hill
Brian Himes
Erika Jean Hirst
Ryan Hladyniuk
Franklin Hobbs
Chad Hobson
Laura Hockenbury
Lauren L. Hoffman
Markus Hoffmann
Daniel James Hogan
Ian Hogan
Stephanie Charlotte Hogan
Daniel Robert Hoin
Joshua Holand
Justin Allen Holcomb
Lauren Neala Holder
Aaron Holland
Mark Holland
Spencer Thomas Holmes
Mindy Beth Homan
Madeena Homayoun
Veronika Homolova
David F. Hon
Jeffrey S. Honke
Seth Ian Hooper
Rachael Hoover
William F. Hoover
Chris Ray Hooyboer
Nathan Russell Hopkins
Cassandra Jean Hornback
Alexandra Michelle Horne
Andreas Hotschek
Nicole Houck
Devin Hougardy
Candice Houghton
Kerry L. Howard
Robert Howard
Haleigh Daniel Howe
John Thomas Howell
John Hoyt
Andrea C. Hrenchuk
John A. Hribljan
Jennifer Elizabeth Gross
Noelle Choahnna Guernsey
Shannon D. Guffey
Jon Kalani Guillaume
Kristel Guimara
Junhua Guo
Tracy Stiles Gurule
Laura Michelle Gwin
James Morgan Haag
Tiffany Marie Hackett
Jennifer Rebecca Hage
Skylar A. Haines
Julia Halbur
Christopher R. Halcsik
Jarrett Christopher Hale
Jennifer Hall
Veronica O. Hall
Jason Hallman
Amy Hamby
Coleman J. Hampton
Joshua Earl Hampton
Christopher Hancock
Sebastian Chance Hancock
Tracy E. Handrich
Pete J. Hansen
Jennifer Hanson
Layla Hantash
Ryan Hapeman
Audrey Happel
Ryan William Hardenburger
Samer Hariri
Evelyn Harker
Ashley Marie Harper
Daniel Harper
Elisha B. Harris
Jason Mitchell Harris
Tyler Harris
Whitney Christine Harris
Chandler Stephen Harrison
Michelle Harrison
Ryan Michael Hartman
Kristen Hope Hasbrouck
Danielle Haskett
Kathleen Marie Hauser
Barbara M. Hauzenberger
Jane Hawken
David Witmer Hawkins
Jared Blake Hawkins
John Michael Hayes
Simon Nicholas Heath
Klaus H. Hebig
Laura Anne Hedger
Jennifer Heeth
Jessica Heighton
James A. Heim
Devin Helfrich
Sarah Heller
Nora Rose Hauer Hencir
Jennifer Kathleen Hendricks
Stephen M. Hendricks
Elizabeth Heness
Stephanie Hennelly
Jesse Henning
David Hergesheimer
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Kimberly Laura Alison McCaw
Erica L. McConkey
Allison McConnell
Colleen McConvill
Rebecca Gabrielle McCracken
Charles McCrackin
Ailsa McCulloch
Robert Gregory McDermott
Jacob Michael McDonald
Bo Allen McDougald
George S. McFadden
Austin McGlannan
Brendan Patrick McGowan
Casey McGuffy
Sherri Lynn McIlrath
Michael Zackery McIntire
Susan Kay McKenzie
Samuel Tyson McKinney
Meghan Leigh McKnight
Victoria Elizabeth McLauchlin
Rachel McLaughlin
Annalize Querida McLean
Heather Lynn McMillian
Brian McMullen
Justin McNabb
Christine Marie McNiff
Benjamin McPherson
Caitlin Ana Meadows
Derek Meadows
Katherine Meek
Lauren Michelle Meeker
Rachael Marie Megnia
Daniel Meidel
Bethany Morgan Meier
Emily Maria Mellicant
Dianne Ruth Meltzer
Sarah Menassian
Steve Menges
David Adam Mertz
Graham Messe
Schuyler Van Antwerp Metcalf
Kyle Shuhert Metcalfe
Farag Mewafy
Aurelien Gabriel Meyer
David Francis Meyer
Eric Meyer
Justin L. Miceli
Justin Michael
Zachary David Michels
Tyson Robert Milbrand
Kimberly Anne Miles
Lauren Milideo
Corey Thompson Miller
Daniel Nicholas Miller
Ian Virgil Miller
Joshua Keith Miller
Megan Marie Miller
Samuel E. Miller
Scott Rinehart Miller
Silas Miller
Kurtis Levi Milliron
David C. Mills
Arthur Scott Minar
Lucy Miner
Jason Paul Lundy
Rebecca Lybrand
Andrew William Lyda
Chelsea Ann Lyle
Glenn Alan Lynde
James Brice Mabry
Mary Kate Cecilia MacDonald
Christina Machak
Melissa K. Macias
Nicholas Paul Macintyre
Kristen Antoinette MacKenzie
Kirsty MacLeod
Elizabeth H. Madden
Pilar Madrigal
William Magee
Stephanie Marie Mager
Tiffany Sue Mahan
Masoumeh Mahdavi
Nicole Elaine Mainwaring
Julie Marie Makar
Sarah Ann Makin
David Maldonado
Alaina Mallette
Cathryn Mallonee
Issa Mamam Nbiba
Sankar Manalilkada Sasidharan
Luca Mancinelli
Sanjay Kumar Mandal
Matthew Manfredonia
Margot Mansfi eld
Fernando Mantilla-Durán
Mehmet Maral
Sandra G. Marek
Chris Mark
Sarah Marks
Amanda Marie Marquez
Kara Marsac
Nicolette Marie Marschke
Brittney Joy Marshall
Gary T. Marshall
Haleigh Jane Marshall
Benjamin Taylor Martin
Carl Albert Martin
Jean-Philippe Martin
Josephine Martin
Kristina Martin
Shannon Elizabeth Martin
Tyler Martin
Zachary James Martin
William Martin-Black
Kelly Mary Marton
Lenny Masciangioli
Stefanie M. Massignan
Charles B. Masters
Andrew Douglas Matsumoto
Rachel Matt
James P. Mauch
Ginny Mauldin-Kinney
Lindsey Marie Maurer
Skyler P. Mavor
Abigail Arielle Maxwell
Andrea Mayus
Kristen E. McCall
Laura McCaughey
Parker Laubach
Nicholas R. Lawhon
Andrew Christian Lawrence
James Leask
Alexandra Lee
Christina Lee
Madeline Lee
Jessica L. Lehman
Malia Laina Lehrer
Eric Lemke
Anthony Lenci
Zach P. Lenth
Samantha Elaine Leone
Caitlin Elizabeth Leslie
Stephen J. Levas
Mariya Levina
Jana Levison
Piper Elizabeth Lewis
Lin Li
Paul Lidstone
Lauren B. Lighthart
Brianna M. Lind
Clinton James Lindgren
Cary Lindsey
Emily L. Lindsey
Thomas Jason Liner
Derrick Lingle
Rachel C. Lippoldt
Peyton Everett Lisenby
Micah Lisk
Ryan Cutrone Littlewood
Huan Liu
Junzhe Liu
Yiduo Liu
Yi-Wei Liu
Bridget Livers
Lucy Fay Livesay
Robert Livesay
Danijela Ljepoja
Max Kaufmann Lloyd
Leanna Lockhart
Thomas Drury Lockwood
Katherine Helen Lodder
Christopher J. Lombardi
Eric Matthew Lonetti
Brian M. Long Jr.
Brooke Lamonte Long
Kristy Jeanne Long
Rebecca Lopez
Jorge Lorenzo Trueba
Joseph Grant Losoya
Dylan P. Loss
Bertha Louis
Amber Michelle Lounsberry
Patrick Loury
Erin Love
Chris Lowe
Katherine Lowe
Erin Elizabeth Lower
Gregor Lucic
Michael I. Ludlam
Deborah Ludrosky
Kara Ludwig
Elizabeth Anne Lundstrom
Katie Kirsch
Louise M. Kiteley
Matthew Jordan Klebanoff
Marin Jane Klinger
Sarah Luciana Klingler
Brian Daniel Klipp
Scott M. Kloubec
Timothy Charles Knapp
Eric Nathanial Knoedler
Katja Knoll
Michael Köbberich
Brett Aric Koca
Carrie Koch
Robert Carl Koch Jr.
Jennifer Kolm
Brant Evan Konetchy
Hamed Hooshmand Koochi
Kraig Jerrold Koroleski
Jesse P.J. Koroscil
Caitlyn S. Korren
Adam Mark Koster
Maneh Kotikian
Nicole Kotlan
Sarah Railli Kowall
Rebecca Kraft
Adam James Kranz
Vyt Krasauskas
Laura Kratz
Todd M. Kremmin
Kevin Joel Kresch
Stephanie Kromhout
Timothy Andrew Kropp
Montana J. Krukowski
Ania Krzywicki
Jeff Kubran
Maja Kucharczyk
Kyle John Kucker
Harold Kuehn
Cameron Scott Kuney
Kayla Kurtz
Kleighton Kutz
Wesley Allen Labor
Taylor Susan LaBrecque
Loren Labusch
Taylor LaCasse
Crystal K. LaFlamme
Anthony Taylor LaFon
Adriane R. Lam
Colin Patrick Lamb
Jennifer Lynn Lamp
Matthew N. Lancaster
Ashley Landers
Jeffrey Allan Landis Jr.
Claire Landowski
Kyle Richard Landry
Kelley Marie Lange
Amanda Lanning
Kristiana Lapo
Patrick Laquer
Clifton Russell Largess III
Mark Oscar Larson
Natalie Jane Larson
Reneilwe Lasarwe
Keith Lassman
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Rachel Marta Pohnan
Caitlin M. Pointer
Robert Kirby Poirier
Alexander K.H. Pollard
Nicholas M. Pollock
Valerie Pompa
Christina Pondell
Kate Hébert Pool
Renae Dei Poole
Rebecca Poore
Courtney Porter
Elijah Wayne Portugal
Jason Allen Porys
Kaitlyn Michelle Pospiech
Hayley Dawn Pothier
Kristina Pourtabib
Mellisa Lauren Powers
Ryan Poythress
Sarah Jean Praskievicz
Damon H. Pratt
Katie E. Premo
Carolyn Nicole Prescott
Peter Vincent Price
Adam Carl Pritchard
Brittany Nicole Pritchett
Kyle Prokosch
Keith Jeffrey Prosk
Ryan Purcell
Ben Purinton
Donna Brita Purvis
Danielle Marie Pustulka
Barbara Lynn Putnam
Roger Lowell Putnam
Mathieu Pythoud
Dustin Ernst Quade
Roselina Quadros
Maura Quady
Katelyn Marie Qualls
Kathryn Ann Quesnell
Erik M. Smith Rademacher
Shelby True Rader
Mariah Radue
Ryan Rague
Rebecca Anne Rainville
Derek C. William Raisanen
Daniel Ramirez-Caro
Oswaldo Eduardo Ramos
Meridith Ramsey
John Anthony Ramus
Robert Lee Raney
Andrew Jess Rankin
Cailtin Rankin
Matthew Rankin
Samreen Rashid
Eric Rasmusson
Diana Kristine Rathfelder
Jennifer Denise Ratliff
Erica Rau
Kaitlyn Louise Rawhouser
Michael Jess Rawitch
James Ray
Shenandoah Raycroft
Danny Lee Redding Jr.
Michael Joseph Redman
Matthew B. Osman
Ray Joseph Ostrander
Chelsea Faith Ottenfeld
Brice Aaron Otto
Gilman Reno Ouellette Jr.
Dyan Padagas
Paolo Pace
Kristin Leigh Pacey
Luis Fernando Pachon
Artur Pacyga
Ayla Pamukcu
Manish Kumar Pandey
Konstantinos Papapavlou
Andrew Parisi
Caroline Marie Parisi
Ann Parkin
Molly E. Partridge
Daniel Pastor-Galán
Robert Patalano
Bradley D. Patrick
Sam Patrick
Catherine Regina Patterson
James Dale Patterson
Austin Cole Patton
Patrick Patton
Troy Pavoggi
Daniel Bernard Pawlak
Rodrigue Payen
Jacob Hans Payne
Brittney Michelle Payton
Sara E. Pazzaglia
Casey Aaron Pearce
Candice Peeler
Thomas Pegg
Jennifer R. Pehrson
Justin Peinado
Timothy John Pelbath
Gary Peltack
Jennifer Pence
Michelle Penkrot
Tyler Pennetti
Martin Bailey Pepper Sr.
Benjamin Perdue
Zachary Perlman
Ashley Evelyn Peters
Sarah Christine Peters
Timothy James Peters
Lars Petersen
Dana Peterson
Kelsey Peterson
Bryan Petry
Andrew Phillips
Colin B. Phillips
Benjamin Dane Phippen
Kyle Piddington
Jennifer Piela
Ian Kerens Driscoll Pierce
Donald Pierquet-Flores
Samuel Pierre
Nadia Pierrehumbert
Tyler James Pierson
William Michael Pilesky Jr.
Eric Pilles
Harrison Zachary David Ploeg
Ian M. Nesbitt
Levi P. Neukirch
Mark Neumeyer
Robert Neusel
Johanna Nevitt
Julie Jean New
Alexander Scott Newberry
Eli Newby
Chris Newton
Melanie N. Newton
Tuong Nguyen
Four Nomor Nichols
Lydia B. Nickolas
Alexis Nielsen
Bryan R. Nielson
Austin Rockwell Niestrom
Chelsea I. Nissen
Shembah S. Njukwing
Rebecca Ruth Nobles
Yongwoo Noh
Patrick Nolan
Seth R. Nolan
Dan Nolen
Elizabeth Katherine Norment
Novak Damnjan Novcic II
Eric Nowariak
Luke Nowicki
Fidele Nsonguh Tibouo
Fernando Nuñez
Eric Thomas Nystrom
David Owen Smith Oakley
Julia Mackenzie O’Brien
Tara Renee O’Brien
Lauren O’Connell
Darragh O’Connor Sr.
Kevin P. O’Connor
Sheri O’Connor
Thomas O’Dougherty
Erik Oerter
Christopher Oest
Karl Albert Oetjen
Jordan Karon Offutt
Conor Ofsthun
Sean O’Hara
Daniel O’Hare
Rachel P. Oien
Gregory Stephen Ojeda
Caitlin M. Olejniczak
Andrew R. Oligmueller
Nash Oliver
Nansen Herman Olson III
Tyra A. Olstad
Emmanuel Oluwaseun Onalaru
Logan M. O’Neil
Didem Onen
Emine Mercan Onur
Ngozika Onuzo
Michael Jennings Orefi ce
Nadine Orejola
Kathryn Lynne O’Rourke
Christina J. Orrick
Berlaine Ortega-Flores
Priscila Ortega-Morales
Benjamin Christopher Osborne
Joseph Robert Mingrone
Daniel Aaron Minguez
Thomas Miszkiel
Frank M. Mitlin
Mridul Mittal
Daniel Mizsei
Meagan E. Mnich
Alex Moats
Jacob Marlin Moen
Reda Mohammed
Emily Katherine Mohr
Roya Monadjemi
William Montz
Brandi R. Moore
Dennae Andre Moore
Keith David Moore
Rebecca Moore
Steven Joseph Moorhead
Alexander Morgan
Brian Morgan
Abigail Lauryn Morris
Derek Morris
Dominic Morris
John Joseph Morris
Richard Ryan Morriss
Savannah Morrow
Khashayar Mortazavi
Annie Gabrielle Mosher
Stella G. Mosher
Dago Andres Mosquera
Darryl Alan Mott
Meg Motz
Rusty Mourning
Seyed Zahed Mousavi Alouji
Mohamed Salem Moustafa
Dan Moyer
Chase Mueller
Jason G. Muhlbauer
Keith N. Muhlestein
Muhammad Ma’ruf Mukti
Isaac Mulamba
Connor Patrick Mulcahy
Julia Mulhern
Riley Mulhern
Bethany Murphy
Megan A. Murphy
Robert J. Murphy
Rachel Helen Murray
Monica Rose Mustain
Christopher Myers
Matthew M. Myers
Marcy Nadel
Brynley M. Nadziejka
Tetsuro Nagase
John Robert Nance
Rodrigo Alberto Narro Perez
Mallery May Navis
Ahmed Amr Nayel
Lorraine Marie Negron
Kristin Melissa Negrycz
Nicole Neira
Kaitlyn Nelson
Petros Georgios Neofotistos
Jacquelyne Nesbit
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Jason Michael Sprung
Steven M. Spurling
Poorna Srinivasan
Vishnu Srinivasaraghavan
Travis George St. Hilaire
Nathan Barry Stansfi eld
Caleb W. Stanton
Andrew Starkey
James Alan Stearns
Benjamin R. Steavenson
Rhowe Stefanski
Ronald Alexander Steiner
Jonathon C. Stencil
Cavaille Stepanova
Drew Stephanidis
Melanie Stephens
Nathaniel Scott Stephens
Jill Stephenson
Michael Walter Stepowyj
Meagan Nicole Stettnisch
Eric Stevens
Mallory Stevenson
Zach Stewart
Michele D. Stillinger
Robert J. Stinson
Victoria R. Stinson
Michael Edward Stockoski
Derek Robert Stone Jr.
Harrison Stout
Sean M. Stout
Erin Elise Stover
Diana J. Strickley
Stephanie Strother
John Robert Strubbe
Bonnie Jean Stull
Timothy John Stunkel
David Satchmo Sugnet
Brendan Sullivan
Daniel Mark Sumner
Jeanne Lambert Sumrall
Jingyuan Sun
Janelle Iris Sunga Marasigan
Daniel Scott Sutton
Erika Swanson
Heidi Lorraine Swanson
Keiran Alexander Swart
Daniel Sweeney
Mark Sweeney
Theodore Swiczkowski
Michael Swierenga
Melissa S. Sybert
Nicholas L. Sylva
Amanda Marie Szabo
Jesscia Szkody
Eva Sztechmiler
David Szynal
Chelsea Tabor
Kathryn Alice Tackett
Larry Paul Tackett II
Henry S. Talley
Kristian Talmadge
Yen Joe Tan
Ming Tang
Brooke Tantillo
Deepa P. Shah
Mihir Pradip Shah II
Gregory Paul Shaheen
Kuan Shan
David W. Shaw
John B. Shaw
Neil Shea
Kody Shellhouse
Jenna Lynn Shelton
Rebecca Shelton
Xiaoyu Shi
Jennifer Shinn
Joshua Erik Shinpaugh
Charles M. Shobe
John Shuf ebarger
Josh Travis Shultz
Annmarie Sibello
Zachary Sickmann
Virinder Pal Singh Sidhl
Victoria Sieglen
Mayra Guadalupe García Sierra
Kathryn Simmons
Blake Ross Simon
Antonello Simonetti
Caitlin Marie Simpkins
David Simpson
Whitney Renee Sims
Arvind Singh
Sushant Kumar Singh
Blake Singleton
Brandi Singleton
Robert F. Singleton III
Diane R. Skipton
Samuel L. Skurupey
Aaron Jeremiah Slonecker
Darin Lee Slusher
Daniel Smart
Saundra Mae Smart
Zachary Austin Smart
Brent Laurence Smith III
Brian Smith
Dane McKean Smith
Eli Ryan Smith
Jansen A. Smith
Joshua Michael Smith
Matthew Smith
Peter G. Smith
Skyler Smith
Mary Grace Smythe
Jonathan W. Snatic
Rebecca A. Snelling
Timothy Steven Snider
Kaj Snow
Duarte Miguel Soares
Guilherme Sonntag Hoerlle
Charles Wesley Sorrell
Michael Souffront
Charles Scott Spath III
Chris Spencer
Flora Sperberg
Katherine Elizabeth Spevok
Brian Spitzmiller
Terra M. Spotts
Courtney Jean Sprain
Danielle Elara Sackett
Ramin Safaei Jazi
Charles Safrit
Samantha Sager
Migdalys Beatriz Salazar
Taha Salli
Jeffrey Reinhard Salow
Leroy James Salyers
Adam Salzer
Joshua Michael Sams
Taylor Sanchez
Benjamin J. Sanderfoot
Thomas C. Sanders
Alexandro Sandoval Jr.
Jonathan Horvath Sands
Justina Lyn Santiago
Adam Robert Sara an
Shraban Sarkar
Jessica Savage
Kathleen E. Scanlon
John Scarpinato
Lisa Schaaf
Allison Courtney Schaiberger
Caroline Rebecca Scheevel
Peter Scheuermann
Aspen Gae Schindel
Kristen M. Schlanser
Kenneth W. Schlosser
William Schmahl
Diana M. Schmid
Abraham Schmidt
Hillary Schmidt
Andrew Gustav Schneider
Max J. Schnuck
Verena Schoepf
Amy M. Schott
Cynthia Dodgen Schraer
Adam John Schroeder
Emily Clauder Schroer
Kimberly Schulte
Mary Hannah Schultz
Darin Michael Schwartz
Grace Schwartz
Valerie Schwartz
Avriel Diane Schweinsberg
Jon Schwenk
Leah N. Scott-Samuel
Michael Joseph Scouten
Briana Seapy
Tiffany Searle
Emily Sue Seeger
Shana Segbers
Paul Raymond Seibert
Julia L. Seidenstein
Christiana Seiffer
Victoria Sellers
Jorge F. Selva
Jordan Seng
Jeffrey J. Senison
Jay Riley Senor
Ji-Hye Seo
Andrew Sergeant
Eric R. Sergent
Christophe Serié
Daniel Walker Reed
James Reed
Kevin Reed
Jeremy Reese
Emma Reeves
Ian Clinton Reeves
Margo Elaine Regier
Brittany Reidel
Marcy Reiford
James Reiners
Elizabeth Reinthal
Robin Reith
Kathryn E. Resner
Violeta Mirthala Reyes-Orozco
Robert Reynolds
Emily Riccio
Michelle C. Richter
Lauren Ricketts
Alexander Riddle
Nicole M. Ridlen
Warren Riggers
Amber Ritchie
Elizabeth Ritz
Andrew Pearson Roark
Patrick Homer Robbins
Nicolas Mattos Roberts
Adam Jeffrey Robinette
Andrew Robinson
Mark Edward Robinson
Alex Robson
Erica Roche
Thomas James Rodengen
Valeria Rodriguez
Aura C. Rodriguez Canacas
Alejandro Rodriguez Trejo
Carly Roe
Tara Roeder
Erin Roehrig
Justin S. Rogers
Sarah M. Rogers
Ryan K. Rogowski
Lucas Rohrer
Elizabeth Anne Root
Neil Seth Rose
Tyler Roses
Stephen Rosling
Rachel Ross
Bobbie Roth
Catherine A. Rothacker
Sasha Rothenberg
Cari E. Roughley
Elliott Andrew Rouillard
Elliot Michael Rouleau
Thomas Edwin Rowe
Melinda Rucks
Gregory A. Ruetenik
Kathleen Rugel
Elvira Cristina Ruiz Jimenez
John Russell
Robert James Russell
Lindsay Erin Sabey
Alexander Sacco
Brittany Sacco
Matthew Jordan Sachs
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Sabrina Woodlief
Olivia Paige Woodruff
Paul E. Woods
Phillip Woods
Anna Lee Woodson
Alexis Wright
Alph S. Wright III
John Wright
Kendra Wright
Michael Paul Wrigley
Sunny Wenhui Wu
William J. Wylie III
Luke Wynn
Cianna Elizabeth Wyshnytzky
Allen Wywrot
George Xanthos
Chicheng Xu
Seth Jordan Yakel
Osiris Annel Yañez-Herndez
Margo Yaravitz
Jonathan Yates
Vincent Yates
William James Yazell
Julia A. Yeakley
Nurbek Yessetov
Justine Marie Yglesias
George M. Yordanov Jr.
Jacqueline M. Yost
Allison Young
Sarah E. Young
Gang Yu
Dhokela Yzeiraj IV
George Zack
Winston Zack
Melissa Zambrano
Osbaldo Zamora Vega Sr.
Anna Maureen Zappulla
Zayin Zayin
Mjahid Zebari
Jenna Marie Zechmann
Karen L. Zelzer
Laura Zemanek
Marc Anthony Zeyak Jr.
Ning Zhang
Linduo Zhao
Yadviga N. Zhelezinskaya
Jiajia Zheng
Xiaoli Zhou
Yichen Zhou
Bryce Thomas Zimmermann
Tiara P. Zimmermann
Robert Wayne Zinke
Sarah Kaitlyn Ziomek
Janet E. Bader
Ann M. Bailey
Norma K. Bailey
Robert Baker
Kelly Dawn Baum
Dorinda K. Belcher
Mitchell Bleier
Carl E. Blimline
Peggy Ann Brecheisen
Brittany Watling
Eric Watson
Aaron Joseph Watters
Adrienne M. Watts
Casey A. Webb
John C. Webb
Sandra Weber
Chloe L. Weeks
Summer Rose Weeks
Derek Carl Weicht
Alanna Weir
Sydney Weitkunat
Steve Welch
Nyle Major Weldon
Emily Rose Welk
Bethany Marie Welke
Timothy Alan Wellauer
Christine F. Wellborn
Carter Lee Wells
Nolan Welsh
Nina Welti
Kathleen Ann Wendt
Alyssa Marie Wentz
Bradley M. Werhun Sr.
Phillipe Alan Wernette
Zachary Julian Westfall
Samantha L. Weston
Siobhan Kathleen Whadcoat
Goodwin Wharton
Elizabeth Whitcher
Tina M. White
Joshua Whitney
Nina Millicent Whitney
Pamela Wichgers
Jeremy Robert Wick
Cary Scott Wicker
Holly Wickham
Justin Noah Wiggins
Jimmy D. Wilhelm
Duane J. Willard
Chadwick A. Williams
Drew Thomas Williams
Grif n Arthur Williams
Haley Briann Williams
Kersten Lee Williams
Rebecca Marie Williams
Ronald John Williamson
Jason Willson
Andrew Dai Harry Wilson
Matthew Joseph Wilson
Robert McMaster Wilson
Hannah E. Winkler
Crystell Wise
Cindy Wisniewski
Gregory Wissink
Zackery Wistort
Coty Austin Withorn
William Withrow
Brett Woelber
Justin Woerth
Phillip Wolfe
Alexander James Wood
Julia Wood
Megan Wood
Nathan Holland van Oort
Angelle van Oploo
Courtney Anne van Stolk
Nathan Earl Van Vranken
Richard Scott Van Winkle
Zachary Vance
Erik William VanDusen
Joshua Vanlandingham
David A. Vanosdall
Bastien Varoutsikos
Colleen Sue Vasquez
Veronica Vasquez
Angus Anson Vaughan
William Morrow Vaughan
Claire Elise Veale
Elzie Velasco
Gabriel Veloza
Angel Ventrelli
Steven Verdibello
Michael Vermeulen
Michael Francis Verrier
Andrew Vial
Daria Vilanova
Christie Villanueva
Marites Villarosa Garcia
Tania Villasenor Jorquera
Nathan Villeneuve
Natasha Vitek
Ashley Tabatha Viveiros
Christina Viviano
Evangelos Christos Vlachos
Natasha Vokhshoori
Wesley Alexander von Dassow
Nicholas K. Voss
Dan Voth
Matthew Benjamin Vrazo
Brent Vu
Thomas Lane Wacholz
Tyler Anthony Wade
Abdul Wahab
Ariel Walcutt
David Werner Waldron
Alex Walker
Brendon Singkofer Walker
Chelsea Walker
Sarah Marie Walker
Aaron Wallace
Danvey Walsh
Mary Elizabeth Walsh
Kevin Walter
Andrew Walters
Antony Munika Wamalwa
Jue Wang
Miao Wang
Mitchell T. Ward
Zakory Dean Ward
Lizzy Warner
James Harrison Warr Jr.
Kathleen Warrell
Rachelle Marie Warren
Kirstin Washington
Lauren W. Wasserstrom
Jordan Chris Waterman
Dawn Waters
John D. Tardieu
Megan Renee Taylor
Meghan Taylor
Michelle L. Taylor
Ryan Matthew Taylor
Timothy Raymond Taylor
Didem Temel
Caroline Templeton
Maximillian R. Tenaglia
Evan Thaler
Steven J. Therrien
Ethan J. Theuerkauf
Meagan Renee Thibodaux
Clara Thomann
Kevin Thomas
Lauren Thomas
Richard Michael Thomas
Caitlyn Elizabeth Thompson
Adele Thornton
Robert Saxon Threlkeld
Emily K. Thurston
Helena Rose Tiedmann
Jacob Tielke
Sonia M. Tikoo
David S. Tilghman
Katherine Tilghman
Khadijah Zabala Tividad
Jason Noel Toepfer
lent Tokay
Douglas Tolley
Gary D. Tomanka
Balázs Tö
Michelle Christine Torres
Felipe Torres de la Cruz
Annika Rose Tostengard
Kirk Forrest Townsend
Michael Rudolf Tracy
Shira Yoshimi Tracy
Eric L. Traub
Jacqueline Jean Treanor
Charelle Trim
Sarah M. Trimble
Donald Campbell Tripp
Stephanie Renee Trump
Cynthia Tselepis-Loertscher
Min-cheng Tu
Valerie Tu
Ross T. Tucker
Christina Jean Turpin
Drew Twitchell
Alex Tye
Zachary J. Tyler
Eric J. Uldrick
Ethan James Ulm
Nicholas M. Umholtz
Samuel Urista
Muhammed Ojoshogu Usman
Hamed Vahidpour
Ignacio Leyva Valencia
Eric Terran Valinor
Gregory Valitchka
Abigail Jane Valletta
Marco Vallotto
Mary Van Dyke
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | MeMBeRS
GSA Welcomes New Members
Frederick Lee
Mason Patterson Lindsey
Candice Manzanares
Dan Manzanares
Shannon Renee Miller
Ladislaus Nonn
Alexander Owen
Wiley Morgan Parsons
Holly Pellerin
Pamela L. Pollister
Tina Quitiquit
Brian M. Rife
Nathan King Roche
Gene Rosendahl
Jeremy Royall
Dornel Michael Ruelle
Megan Sapp Nelson
Michael L. Schaver
Joel Dean Skarnikat
Diana E. Smith
Bev Stevens
David F. Stringer
Paul Vincent Sullivan
Linda Denise Tutcher
Bruce Eiji Ueno
Joseph Vechnak
Grace Wheeler
Stephen Anderson Wheelock
Rachel Felicity White
Joan M. Wilkerson-Swanson
Steven Worley
Kathleen Wydler
Carl M. Zuzulock
Jill R. Truitt
Colby Tucker
Adam Wilson
Cheri M. Worley
Amy Zalisko
Tom Aagaard
Catherine S. Amidon
Tia Bakker
Ronald Barton
Robert Wallace Bectel
Giancarlo Bucchi
William W. Burke Jr.
Dana Derward Copeland
Neil Cunningham
Lawrence E. Evans
Guy S. Forsythe
J. Gary Fox
William Frohmberg
William J. Grizzle
Tisha Irwin
Fariha Islam
Bard Jackson
Irving Jacoby
Bazarjav Jargalsaikhan
Mary Bess Johnson
Garrett Jorgensen
Rose Kontak
Lucy Karwoski Korpi
Maurice K. Kurtz III
S.L. Kwok
Maggie LaBrasca
Wendy Lestelle
Stephen Robert Lindberg
Cynthia Long
Adam Looper
Reginald A. Magloire
Herbert Maysonet
Dan R. McClellan
Conor McDowell
Cindy A. McLaughlin
Erin Z. Menig
Celeste Michaud
Katona Lyn Miller
Melanie Mudarth
Sherrie Dawn Muse
Calvin N. Newberry
Vicky O. Newberry
Kathryn Newton
Maureen Annette Nichols
Rob Palmer
Roger D. Pence
Robin Pitts
Kim Ramsey
Randall P. Roussell
Vicky Rudolph
Karen A. Saul
Becky Unger Shorey
Mary Lou Blanchette Smith
Beth A. Spear
Ted P. Stoeckley
Krista A. Sullivan
John Scott Thiel
Shelly Bliss Thompson
Bob Toran
Melissa Breen
MaryBeth Bridges
Michael R. Brunt
Casey Bulaclac
Jo-Anne Rose Butt
Tara A. Carl
Michael Chapman
Mary Angela Christopherson
Donna S. Connery
Larry Davignon
Jonathan Everett
Stephanie Dawn Everett
Ronald W. Fabich
Alicia Farre
Dan Fraker
Tom George
Patrick M. Goff
Billy Goodman
Gini P. Greenlaw
Catrina Marie Groner
Jan Grout
Thomas Timothy Grzecka
Candice Carol Hanson
Susan E. Heiss
Rachelle D. Herlihy
Tracy L. Horn
Sabrina Hussain
Joseph Michael Jakupcak
Kurt D. Joviak
Sarah Anne Kingery
Jeff W. Kitching
William Brian Knox
Donna Lynn Knutson
GSAs Penrose Conferences were established in 1969 to provide opportunities for
the exchange of current information and exciting ideas in geology and related
elds and to stimulate and enhance individual and collaborative research. Go to
www.geosociety.org/Penrose/ for guidelines and a proposal form.
Have a great idea for a Penrose Conference that would be much more effective in
a fi eld setting or a fi eld trip idea that captures the essence of new discoveries or
a controversial topic? Then submit a Field Forum proposal! Field Forums provide
an opportunity for the exchange of current knowledge and ideas that are well
expressed by the geology of a specifi c area. Go to www.geosociety.org/fi eldforums/
for proposal guidelines and more information.
Penrose Conference & Field Forum Proposals Encouraged
Questions? Contact Becky Sundeen, +1-303-357-1041, bsundeen@geosociety.org.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
GSA OFFICERS ( July 2012–June 2013)
George H. Davis
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Suzanne Mahlburg Kay
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, USA
Jonathan G. Price
Nevada Bureau
of Mines & Geology
Reno, Nevada, USA
John W. Geissman
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas, USA
Meet Your Fiscal Year 2013 Officers and Councilors
July 2009–June 2013 July 2010–June 2014 July 2011–June 2015
Term: July 2012–June 2016
Lisa D. White
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, California, USA
Bruce R. Clark
The Leighton Group Inc
Irvine, California, USA
Barbara L. Dutrow
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Daniel Larsen
University of Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Janet S. Herman
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Isabel P. Montanez
University of California at Davis
Davis, California, USA
John M. Holbrook
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Marilyn J. Suiter
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Robert J. Tracy
Virginia Polytechnic Inst.
& State University
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
William W. Simpkins
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, USA
Victor A. Ramos
Ciudad Universitaria
Buenos Aires, Argentina
J. Douglas Walker
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas, USA
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
GSA Section Officers
Chair: Jonathan S. Miller
Vice-Chair: Paul J. Umhoefer
Secretary: Rodney V. Metcalf
Past Chair: Calvin G. Barnes
Chair: Alan E. Kehew
Vice-Chair: Duane R. Hampton
Secretary: Joseph T. Hannibal
Past Chair: Charles Ciampaglio
Chair: MaryAnn Love Malinconico
Vice-Chair: Mary K. Roden-Tice
Secretary-Treasurer: Stephen G. Pollock
Past Chair: Robert P. Wintsch
Chair: Andres Aslan
Vice-Chair: Erin Campbell-Stone
Chair-Elect: Emmett Evanoff
Secretary: Neil Fishman
Past Chair: Shari Kelley
Chair: Kevin M. Urbanczyk
Vice-Chair: Elizabeth Catlos
Secretary-Treasurer: Wm. Jay Sims
Past Chair: Mark A. Kulp
Chair: C. Scott Southworth
Vice-Chair: David M. Bush
Chair-Elect: Richard A. Laws
Secretary-Treasurer: Donald W. Neal
Past Chair: Christopher M. Bailey
Chair: Alan G. Smith
First Vice-Chair: An Yin
Second Vice-Chair: Anke M. Friedrich
Secretary: Nazrul I. Khandaker
Treasurer: Maurice J. (Ric) Terman
Past Chair: Joann M. Stock
Last Call for Nominations
Nominations accepted through 15 July
The GSA Committee on Nominations requests nomina-
tions for GSA Officers (Vice President and Treasurer) and
Councilors to serve beginning in 2013.
Each nomination should be accompanied by basic data
and a description of the qualifications of the individual for
the position recommended.
You can access the online nomination form at https://
rock.geosociety.org/forms/officerNomform.asp or you
may send nomination materials to Pamela Fistell, GSA,
P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA, pfistell@
GSA Annual Meetings
Look Toward the Future
Recent, Rare, and
Out-of-Print Books
geoscience, paleontology, mineralogy,
mining history, ore deposits,
usgs and usbm publications, petroleum,
surface processes and extractive metallurgy
purchase books and entire collections
125th Anniversary Event, 27–30 October, Denver,
Colorado, USA
(see p. 63 to learn more)
2014 19–22 October, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2015 1–4 November, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2016 6–9 November (tentative), Denver, Colorado, USA
2017 22–25 October, Seattle, Washington, USA
2018 4–7 November, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
GSA International Distinguished Lecture Tour 2012
GSA Distinguished International Lecturer:
Victor R. Baker
The Geological Society of America is proud to introduce the inaugural International
Distinguished Lecture Tour, arranged under the auspices of GSAs International Section.
This year’s speaker, University of Arizona Regents’ Professor Victor R. Baker, will be
presenting talks on two different themes: “Megafloods on Earth, Mars, and Beyond” and
“Geological History of Water on an Earth-Like Planet. Learn more at www.geosociety.org/
GSA seeks to be a leader in promoting programs that
actively involve the global
community in geoscience activities, in fulfillment of our strategic goals. This tour is
another step forward in communicating the importance and relevance of the geosciences
in a global context.
Gullies with Characteristics of Water-Carved Channels. False-color image of gully channels in a crater in the southern highlands of Mars, taken by the High Resolution
Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The gullies emanating from the rocky cliffs near the crater’s rim (upper left) show
meandering and braided patterns typical of water-carved channels. North is approximately up and illumination is from the left. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
No. of Vacancies Length of Term
Academic and Applied Geoscience Relations (AM, T/E) three 3 years
Annual Program (AM, B/E) two 4 years
one 2 years
Arthur L. Day Medal Award (T/E) two 3 years
Diversity in the Geosciences (AM, T/E) three 3 years
eGSA (AM, T/E) two 3 years
Education (AM, B/E, T/E) three 4 years
one 2 years
Geology and Public Policy (AM, B/E, T/E) one 3 years
Joint Technical Program (T/E) three 2 years, starts 1 Dec. 2012
Membership (B/E) two 3 years
Nominations (B/E, T/E) two 3 years
Penrose Conferences and Field Forums (T/E) two 3 years
Penrose Medal Award (T/E) two 3 years
Professional Development (T/E) two 3 years
Publications (AM, B/E, T/E) one 4 years
Research Grants (B/E, high time commitment during
review period)
six 3 years
Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal) (T/E) two 3 years
No. of Vacancies Length of Term
GSA Representative to the GSA and AASG Selection Committee
for the John C. Frye Memorial Award in Environmental Geology
one 3 years, starts 1 July 2013
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
(NACSN) (AM, possibly B/E)
one 3 years, starts 1 Nov. 2013
2013–2014 Committee Vacancies
Deadline to apply or submit nominations: 15 July 2012
If you are looking for the opportunity to work toward a common
goal, a way to give back to GSA, networking opportunities, or a place
to make a difference, then you should volunteer (or even nominate a
fellow GSA Member) to serve on a Society committee or as a GSA
representative to another organization. To learn more about the
committees and access the nomination form, visit www.geosociety
.org/aboutus/committees/. You can also download the form and
send a hardcopy nomination to Pamela Fistell, GSA, P.O. Box 9140,
Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA; fax: +1-303-357-1074; phone +1-303-
357-1044 or +1-800-472-1988, ext. 1044; pfistell@geosociety.org.
Terms begin 1 July 2013 (unless otherwise indicated).
Call for GSA Committee Service
Help Shape the Future of Geoscience
Serve on a GSA Committee!
AM—Meets at the Annual Meeting B/E—Meets in Boulder or elsewhere T/E—Communicates by phone or electronically
GSA Council acknowledges the many member-volunteers who,
over the years, have contributed to GSA and to our science through
involvement in the affairs of the GSA. Your time, talent, and exper-
tise help build a solid and lasting Society.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA CAMPuS RePReSeNTATIVeS
GSA Campus Representatives
Peter D. Clift, Aberdeen University
Sandra M. Barr, Acadia University
Sarah L. Hanson, Adrian College
Plamen N. Ganev (student rep), Aera Engery
Witold A. Zuchiewicz, AGH University of Science & Technology
Kuniyuki Furukawa, Aichi University
Ira D. Sasowsky, Akron University
Thomas I. Wilch, Albion College
Michele M. Hluchy, Alfred University
Ronald B. Cole, Allegheny College
Joseph I. Satterfield, Angelo State University
Cynthia M. Liutkus, Appalachian State University
Markos D. Tranos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Carleton B. Moore, Arizona State University
Steven C. Semken, Arizona State University
Richard R. Cohoon, Arkansas Tech University
David T. King, Auburn University
Kathleen A. Campbell, Auckland University
Michael B. Wolf, Augustana College
Robert Hugh Blodgett, Austin Community College
Phyllis A. Camilleri, Austin Peay State University
Scott Rice-Snow, Ball State University
John W. Creasy, Bates College
Donnie Franklin Parker Jr., Baylor University
Carl V. Mendelson, Beloit College
Tim J. Kroeger, Bemidji State University
Eric A. Oches, Bentley University
Timothy Flanagan, Berkshire Community College
Brett T. McLaurin, Bloomsburg University
J. Christopher Hepburn, Boston College
J. Lawford Anderson, Boston University
Rachel J. Beane, Bowdoin College
James E. Evans, Bowling Green State University
Henry L. Helenek, Bradley University
Simon A.J. Pattison, Brandon University
James H. Reynolds III, Brevard College
Michael A. Krol, Bridgewater State University
Bart J. Kowallis, Brigham Young University
Robert W. Clayton, Brigham Young University–Idaho
John C. Schumacher, Bristol University
Pedro J. Marenco, Bryn Mawr College
Thanks to GSAs Campus Reps!
The Society recognizes with thanks the following members
(listed in alphabetical order by institution) for their contri-
bution and service as GSA Campus Representatives. As Campus
Reps, these members provide valuable information regarding
GSA programs, opportunities, and deadlines to geoscience
students in their departments. If your school is not represented,
and you or one of your colleagues would like to volunteer to
be a Campus Rep for your department, please contact
Laura Briels, lbriels@geosociety.org, +1-303-357-1060.
R. Craig Kochel, Bucknell University
Gary S. Solar, Buffalo State College
Jason B. Saleeby, California Institute of Technology
William L. Bilodeau, California Lutheran University
Dirk Baron, California State University–Bakersfield
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman, California State University–Chico
John Wakabayashi, California State University–Fresno
Matthew E. Kirby, California State UniversityFullerton
Stanley C. Finney, California State University–Long Beach
Elena A. Miranda, California State UniversityNorthridge
Gregory R. Wheeler, California State UniversitySacramento
Joan E. Fryxell, California State University–San Bernardino
Kari N. Bassett, Canterbury University
Uwe Ring, Canterbury University
Terry Dale Lahm, Capital University
Sharon D. Carr, Carleton University
Ralph P. Harvey, Case Western Reserve University
Kent A. Sundell, Casper College
Timothy W. Grover, Castleton State College
Brian J. Exton, Cedar Crest College
Michael C. Wizevich, Central Connecticut State University
Mona-Liza C. Sirbescu, Central Michigan University
Lisa L. Ely, Central Washington University
Patrick T. Pringle, Centralia College
Adolph A. Oliver III, Chabot College
Gong Soo Chung, Chungnam National University
Jack Edward Morris (student rep), Claremont McKenna College
James W. Castle, Clemson University
Walter A. Sullivan, Colby College
Bruce W. Selleck, Colgate University
James L. Carew, College of Charleston
Mary M. Riestenberg, College of Mount St. Joseph
Cynthia S. Shroba, College of Southern Nevada
Alan I. Benimoff, College of Staten Island
David R. Bazard, College of the Redwoods
Eric D. Hetherington, College of the Sequoias
William H. Hirt, College of the Siskiyous
Brent Owens, College of William and Mary
Mark A. Wilson, College of Wooster
Jeffrey B. Noblett, Colorado College
Verner C. Johnson, Colorado Mesa University
John D. Humphrey, Colorado School of Mines
Judith L. Hannah, Colorado State University
William J. Frazier, Columbus State University
Danny Lee Redding Jr. (student rep), Columbus State University
Joseph L. Allen, Concord University
Francisco E. Nullo Sr., CONICET
Robert Frei, Copenhagen University
Benjamin J. Greenstein, Cornell College
Robert W. Kay, Cornell University
Zheng-Xiang Li, Curtin University
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA CAMPuS RePReSeNTATIVeS
GSA Campus Representatives
David B. Scott, Dalhousie University
Gary Dean Johnson, Dartmouth College
Marek A. Cichanski, De Anza College
Thomas E. McKenna, Delaware Geological Survey
Timothy L. Clarey, Delta College
David C. Greene, Denison University
James G. Mills Jr., DePauw University
Dorothy A. Satterfield, Derby University
Peter B. Sak, Dickinson College
Alexander Smirnov, Dowling College
Arno Kleber, Dresden University of Technology
Paul A. Baker, Duke University
Donald W. Neal, East Carolina University
James A. Hyatt, Eastern Connecticut State University
Craig A. Chesner, Eastern Illinois University
Kathryn A. Prejeant (student rep), Eastern Kentucky University
Steven T. LoDuca, Eastern Michigan University
Jay Van Tassell, Eastern Oregon University
Ernest H. Gilmour, Eastern Washington University
Joseph F. Reese, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Joseph W. Holliday, El Camino College
Thomas J. Rossbach, Elizabeth City State University
William B. Size, Emory University
James S. Aber, Emporia State University
Johann Tuduri, ENAG/BRGM School
Sean D. Willett, ETH-Zurich
Gorki Mariano, Federal Universidad de Pernambuco
James H. MacDonald, Florida Gulf Coast University
Grenville Draper, Florida International University
James F. Tull, Florida State University
Christopher G. DiLeonardo, Foothill College
Ronald C. Schott, Fort Hays State University
James D. Collier, Fort Lewis College
Roger D.K. Thomas, Franklin & Marshall College
Reto Giere, Freiburg University
Manuel Quiring (student rep), Freie Universität Berlin
William A. Ranson, Furman University
Richard J. Diecchio, George Mason University
Melanie L. DeVore, Georgia College & State University
John R. Anderson, Georgia Perimeter College
Pamela J.W. Gore, Georgia Perimeter College
Gerald D. Pollack, Georgia Perimeter College
Robert Kelly Vance, Georgia Southern University
Thomas J. Weiland, Georgia Southwestern State University
Shin-ichi Kawakami, Gifu University
Patrick M. Colgan, Grand Valley State University
Virginia L. Peterson, Grand Valley State University
John G. Van Hoesen, Green Mountain College
Robert H. Filson, Green River College
Martin Meschede, Greifswald University
Emmanuelle Arnaud, Guelph University
James L. Welsh, Gustavus Adolphus College
Stanley M. Totten, Hanover College
Mark Alan Ouimette, Hardin-Simmons University
Brian E. Bodenbender, Hope College
Carlos Fernandez-Rodriguez, Huelva University
Susan M. Cashman, Humboldt State University
Paul K. Link, Idaho State University
James E. Day, Illinois State University
Abhijit Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology
Sandra S. Brake, Indiana State University
Jonathan C. Lewis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Erika R. Elswick, Indiana University–Bloomington
Anne Argast, Indiana University–Purdue University–Fort Wayne
Benyamin Sapiie, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Paul G. Spry, Iowa State University
Aral I. Okay, Istanbul Technical University
Boris A. Natalin, Istanbul Tech University
Kristen E.K. St. John, James Madison University
Bruce D. Marsh, Johns Hopkins University
Laurence J. Mutti, Juniata College
Hee-Kwon Lee, Kangwon National University
Matthew E. Brueseke, Kansas State University
Reinhard O. Greiling, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Manuel M.I.A. Sintubin, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Robert Metz, Kean University
Peter A. Nielsen, Keene State College
Abdul Shakoor, Kent State University
Katherine A. Adelsberger, Knox College
Edward L. Simpson, Kutztown University
Hiroyoshi Sano, Kyushu University
Alice L. Hoersch, La Salle University
David Sunderlin, Lafayette College
Paul R. Kelso, Lake Superior State University
Mary Louise Hill, Lakehead University
Donald E. Owen, Lamar University
Darrel G.F. Long, Laurentian University–Sudbury
Lawrence H. Tanner, Le Moyne College
Edward B. Evenson, Lehigh University
Tom C. Walker, Lewis-Clark State College
Mohamed Khalequzzaman, Lock Haven University
Paul Buchheim, Loma Linda University
Douglas R. Britton, Long Beach City College
Valerian Bachtadse, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Anke M. Friedrich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Anupam Ghosh, Lund University
Karl R. Wirth, Macalester College
Tracy A. Rushmer, Maquarie University
Frederick R. Voner, Marietta College
Charles E. Whipkey, Mary Washington University
Samuel A. Bowring, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vincent E. Neall, Massey University
Carolyn H. Eyles, McMaster University–Hamilton
Richard E. Schofield, McMurry University
Melvin E. Schmidt, McNeese State University
Alison M. Leitch, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Yildirim Dilek, Miami University
William K. Hart, Miami University
Donald F. McNeill, Miami University
Arash Sharifi, Miami University
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA CAMPuS RePReSeNTATIVeS
GSA Campus Representatives
Dennis Lee Hipple, Miami-Dade Community College
F. William Cambray, Michigan State University
Simon Anthony Carn, Michigan Technological University
J. Warner Cribb, Middle Tennessee State University
Raymond A. Coish, Middlebury College
Pamela A. Buzas-Stephens, Midwestern State University
Jonathan D. Price, Midwestern State University
L. Lynn Marquez, Millersville University
George T. Stone, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Bryce W. Hoppie, Minnesota State University
Karl W. Leonard, Minnesota State UniversityMoorhead
Karen S. McNeal, Mississippi State University
Thomas G. Plymate, Missouri State University
John P. Hogan, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Garry F. Hayes, Modesto Junior College
James G. Schmitt, Montana State University
Larry N. Smith, Montana Tech
Matthew L. Gorring, Montclair State University
Eric A. Jerde, Morehead State University
Steven R. Dunn, Mount Holyoke College
Michael D. Clark, Mount Royal College
Lara Kristine Homsey, Murray State University
Stephen R. Van Horn, Muskingum University
Hongwei Yin, Nanjing University, China
Andrew Tien-Shun Lin, National Central University, Taiwan
Chin-Ho Tsai, National Dong Hwa University
Ju-chin Chen, National Taiwan University
Lawrence P. Rudd, Nevada State College
Howard Parish, New Jersey City University
Virgil W. Lueth, New Mexico Bureau of Geology
Jennifer Lindline, New Mexico Highlands University
Kent C. Condie, New Mexico Inst. of Mining & Technology
Nancy J. McMillan, New Mexico State University
John C. Fountain, North Carolina State University
Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, North Dakota State University
C. Reid Ferring, North Texas University
George F. Maxey, North Texas University
Stephanie Hennelly (student rep), Northeastern Illinois University
Abraham E. Springer, Northern Arizona University
Mark R. Frank, Northern Illinois University
John D. Rockaway, Northern Kentucky University
Robert S. Regis, Northern Michigan University
Callan X. Bentley, Northern Virginia Community College
Jonathan R. Bryan, Northwest Florida State College
Aaron W. Johnson, Northwest Missouri State University
Donna M. Jurdy, Northwestern University
David S. Westerman, Norwich University
Clive R. Neal, Notre Dame University
Wendi J.W. Williams, NorthWest Arkansas Community College
Dennis K. Hubbard, Oberlin College
Donald R. Prothero, Occidental College
William I. Ausich, Ohio State UniversityColumbus
Peter N. Webb, Ohio State University–Columbus
Alycia L. Stigall, Ohio University
Karen H. Fryer, Ohio Wesleyan University
Paul Belasky, Ohlone College
Tsugio Shibata, Okayama University
Tatsuki Tsujimori, Okayama University–Misasa
Tracy Michelle Quan, Oklahoma State University
Charles W. Carrigan, Olivet Nazarene University
Edward Erik Bender, Orange Coast College
Lawrence Edward O’Brien, Orange County Community College
Christopher G. Maples, Oregon Institute of Technology
John H. Dilles, Oregon State University
Arild Andresen, Oslo University
J. Michael Palin, Otago University
Peter B. Davis, Pacific Lutheran University
Steven G. Spear, Palomar College
Elizabeth A. Nagy-Shadman, Pasadena City College
Sotiris A. Kokkalas, Patras University
Laura A. Guertin, Penn State–Brandywine
Jeff Meyer, Pierce College
Thomas A. Bush, Pierce CollegePuyallup
Jason Noel Toepfer (student rep), Pikes Peak Community College
Roland Gehrels, Plymouth University
Daniel Mege, Polish Academy of Sciences
Jade Star Lackey, Pomona College
Scott F. Burns, Portland State University
Derek Rust, Portsmouth University
Maria Mutti, Potsdam University
Laurel Pringle Goodell, Princeton University
Michael J. Valentine, Puget Sound University
Jon Harbor, Purdue University
Terry R. West, Purdue University
Sung-Hyo Yun, Pusan National University
Daniel Habib, Queens College–CUNY
Allan Ludman, Queens College–CUNY
Herwart Helmstaedt, Queen’s University
Elizabeth A. McClellan, Radford University
Eleanor Camann, Red Rocks Community College
Miriam E. Katz, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Richard E. Faflak, RetiredAberdeen, S.Dak., USA
Paul K. Grogger, Retired—Monument, Colo., USA
David H. Walz, Reynolds Community College
John B. Anderson, Rice University
Michael J. Hozik, Richard Stockton College
Reed A. Schwimmer, Rider University
Derek J. Sjostrom, Rocky Mountain College
Prosun Bhattacharya, Royal Institute of Technology–Stockholm
Manfred R. Brix, Ruhr-Universität of Bochum
Gail M. Ashley, Rutgers State University
Alexander E. Gates, Rutgers State UniversityNewark
Peter E. Borella, Saddleback Community College
J. Brendan Murphy, Saint Francis Xavier University
J. Mark Erickson, Saint Lawrence University
Lindley S. Hanson, Salem State College
Brian J. Cooper, Sam Houston State University
Donald G. Buchanan, San Bernardino Valley College
Gary H. Girty, San Diego State University
Gary L. Peterson, San Diego State University
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA CAMPuS RePReSeNTATIVeS
GSA Campus Representatives
Karen Grove, San Francisco State University
John W. Williams, San José State University
Carlo Doglioni, Sapienza Università
Robin W. Renaut, Saskatchewan University
Kurt A. Shoemaker, Shawnee State University
Frank L. DeCourten, Sierra College
Patrick A. Burkhart, Slippery Rock University
Sara B. Pruss, Smith College
Renee Mauche Faatz, Snow College
Matty Mookerjee, Sonoma State University
Alvis L. Lisenbee, South Dakota School of Mines
Kirsten S. Habicht, Southern Denmark University
Sharon M. Locke, Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville
Robert T. Gregory, Southern Methodist University
Jad Alan D’Allura, Southern Oregon University
Mark R. Colberg, Southern Utah University
Tony Prave, St. Andrews University
Joachim Dorsch, St. Louis Community College
James C. Ingle Jr., Stanford University
R. LaRell Nielson, Stephen F. Austin State University
David M. Rohr, Sul Ross State University
H. Richard Naslund, SUNY Binghamton
Whitney J. Autin, SUNY College at Brockport
Gordon C. Baird, SUNY College at Fredonia
Richard A. Young, SUNY College at Geneseo
David A. Franzi, SUNY College at Plattsburgh
Devin N. Castendyk, SUNY Oneonta
Paul B. Tomascak, SUNY Oswego
Christopher R. Kelson, SUNY Potsdam
Troy Rasbury, SUNY Stony Brook
Steven H. Schimmrich, SUNY Ulster County Community College
Donald I. Siegel, Syracuse University
Carol A. Thompson, Tarleton State University
Samantha Caputi, Tarrant County College
Michael D. Guebert, Taylor University
Lothar Ratschbacher, Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg
Hugh H. Mills III, Tennessee Tech University
John R. Giardino, Texas A&MCollege Station
Thomas Naehr, Texas A&MCorpus Christi
Helge Alsleben, Texas Christian University
Calvin G. Barnes, Texas Tech University
Jacqueline A. Smith, The College of Saint Rose
Yehouda Enzel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ozeas S. Costa Jr., The Ohio State University
Ibrahim Çemen, The University of Alabama
Paul K. Doss, The University of Southern Indiana
John S. Wickham, The University of Texas at Arlington
John M. Sharp Jr., The University of Texas at Austin
John W. Geissman, The University of Texas at Dallas
Emilio Mutis-Duplat, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
J. Brent Wilson, The University of the West Indies
Bryan Tapp, The University of Tulsa
Peter J. Berquist, Thomas Nelson Community College
James F. Coble, Tidewater Community College
Kosei E. Yamaguchi, Toho University
Takeshi Kakegawa, Tohoku University
Haruo Yamazaki, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Dominique H.G. Chardon, Toulouse University
David A. Vanko, Towson University
Thomas W. Gardner, Trinity University
Ken-ichiro Hisada, Tsukuba University
Anne F. Gardulski, Tufts University
Stephen A. Nelson, Tulane University
Kurt T. Hollocher, Union College
Lois K. Ongley, Unity College
Rafael J. Barboza-Gudino, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Alejandra Gaviria Reyes (student rep), Universidad de Buenos Aires
Claudio Gaucher, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
B. Abalos, Universidad del Pais Vasco
Gabriel Gutierrez-Alonso, Universidad de Salamanca
Giorgio Basilici, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Marcio M. Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Carlos M. Gonzalez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Gerardo J. Aguirre-Diaz, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Campus Juriquilla
Carlos A. Zuluaga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Victoria Mejia, Universidad Nacional de ColombiaSede
Marcelo A. Zarate, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
Richard F. Hoefling, Universität Erlangen–Nuernberg
Pierre A. Cousineau, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Alain Tremblay, Université du Québec à Montréal
Matthias Bernet, Université Joseph Fourier
Philippe L. Masson, Université ParisSud
Mohd Shafeea Leman, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Harold H. Stowell, University of Alabama
LeeAnn Munk, University of Alaska–Anchorage
Michael T. Whalen, University of AlaskaFairbanks
Benjamin Jay Rostron, University of Alberta
Joaquin Ruiz, University of Arizona
Stephen K. Boss, University of ArkansasFayetteville
Jeffrey B. Connelly, University of ArkansasLittle Rock
Haralambos D. Kranis, University of Athens
Mary Lou Bevier, University of British Columbia
Tracy K.P. Gregg, University of Buffalo
Charles E. Mitchell, University of Buffalo
Edward D. Ghent, University of Calgary
Kenneth L. Verosub, University of California at Davis
Raymond V. Ingersoll, University of California at Los Angeles
Peter M. Sadler, University of California at Riverside
James W. Hawkins Jr., University of California at San Diego
Kevin T. Pickering, University College London
William Cavazza, University of Bologna
Sergio A. Sepúlveda, University of Chile
David L. Meyer, University of Cincinnati
Mary J. Kraus, University of ColoradoBoulder
Raymond L. Joesten, University of Connecticut
Daniel Goldman, University of Dayton
Robert E. Holdsworth, University of Durham
John M. Jaeger, University of Florida
Michael A. Dungan, University of Geneva
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA CAMPuS RePReSeNTATIVeS
GSA Campus Representatives
Marc A.O. De Batist, University of Gent
Samuel E. Swanson, University of Georgia
Juan I. Soto, University of Granada
Michael O. Garcia, University of HawaiiMa¯noa
Tapani Ramo, University of Helsinki
Koji Okumura, University of Hiroshima
J Bret Bennington, University of Hofstra
Henry S. Chafetz, University of Houston
Peter Isaacson, University of Idaho
Roy E. Plotnick, University of IllinoisChicago
Craig M. Bethke, University of IllinoisUrbana
J. Douglas Walker, University of Kansas
David P. Moecher, University of Kentucky
Jin-Han Ree, University of Korea
Daniel F. Belknap, University of Maine
William M. Last, University of Manitoba
John F. Hubert, University of MassachusettsAmherst
Allen M. Gontz, University of MassachusettsBoston
G. Nelson Eby, University of Massachusetts–Lowell
George Swihart, University of Memphis
James D. Gleason, University of Michigan
Joshua M. Feinberg, University of Minnesota
Gregg R. Davidson, University of Mississippi
Peter I. Nabelek, University of MissouriColumbia
Syed E. Hasan, University of MissouriKansas City
George D. Stanley Jr., University of Montana
Robert D. Shuster, University of Nebraska–Omaha
Andrew D. Hanson, University of NevadaLas Vegas
Jo Laird, University of New Hampshire
R. Laurence Davis, University of New Haven
M. Royhan Gani, University of New Orleans
John F. Bender, University of North CarolinaCharlotte
Martin B. Farley, University of North Carolina–Pembroke
Patricia H. Kelley, University of North Carolina–Wilmington
Kenneth D. Hopkins, University of Northern Colorado
John R. Groves, University of Northern Iowa
Jefferson Castillo Chang (student rep), University of Oklahoma
Gregory J. Retallack, University of Oregon
Carlo Baroni, University of Pisa
Charles E. Jones, University of Pittsburgh
Assad I. Panah, University of PittsburghBradford
Carrie Davis Todd, University of Pittsburgh–Johnstown
Robert F. Butler, University of Portland
Jane K. Willenbring, University of Pennsylvania
Cynthia J. Ebinger, University of Rochester
Patrick B. Luetkemeyer (student rep), University of Saint Louis
Franz R. Neubauer, University of Salzburg
David T. Allison, University of South Alabama
David L. Barbeau Jr., University of South Carolina
Franklin T. Heitmuller, University of Southern Mississippi
Irwin D. Novak, University of Southern Maine
Jeffrey G. Ryan, University of South Florida
Eve M. Arnold, University of Stockholm
Jonathan Aitchison, University of Sydney
R. Dietmar Muller, University of Sydney
Ann E. Holmes, University of TennesseeChattanooga
Robert D. Hatcher Jr., University of Tennessee–Knoxville
Michael A. Gibson, University of TennesseeMartin
Lydia K. Fox, University of the Pacific
Donald B. Potter, University of the South
Richard H. Becker, University of Toledo
Dennis R. Kerr, University of Tulsa
John M. Bartley, University of Utah
Joanne Bourgeois, University of Washington
Glenn R. Osburn, University of Washington
J. Brian Mahoney, University of WisconsinEau Claire
Steven I. Dutch, University of WisconsinGreen Bay
Jean M. Bahr, University of WisconsinMadison
Dyanna M. Czeck, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Norman P. Lasca Jr., University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
William N. Mode, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
Zhaohui Li, University of WisconsinParkside
William Sinclair Cordua, University of Wisconsin–River Falls
Daniel James Hogan (student rep), University of WisconsinRiver Falls
Stephen T. Johnston, University of Victoria
Janet S. Herman, University of Virginia
Trevor A. Jackson, University of the West Indies
Simon J. Cuthbert, University of the West of Scotland
Janet C. Dewey, University of Wyoming
Katherine McCarville, Upper Iowa University
James V. Jones, U.S. Geological Survey–Anchorage
Peter L. Guth, U.S. Naval Academy
Mary S. Hubbard, Utah State University
Thomas E. Lachmar, Utah State University
Steven H. Emerman, Utah Valley University
Sharon L. Kanfoush, Utica College
Henk Brinkhuis, Utrecht University
Calvin F. Miller, Vanderbilt University
Bernhard Grasemann, Vienna University
Robert J. Tracy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
S. Clark Cropper, Volunteer State Community College
Yoshihide Ogasawara, Waseda University
Christopher D. Connors, Washington & Lee University
Peter B. Larson, Washington State University
Paul F. Karrow, Waterloo University
David H. Voorhees, Waubonsee Community College
James R. Wilson, Weber State University
Peter C. Patton, Wesleyan University
Randy L. Kath, West Georgia University
Joseph C. Cepeda, West Texas A&M University
Helen M. Lang, West Virginia University–Morgantown
Kyle R. Mayborn, Western Illinois University
Fredrick D. Siewers, Western Kentucky University
Andrew H. Wulff, Western Kentucky University
Alan E. Kehew, Western Michigan University
Robert C. Thomas, Western Montana University
Mary E. Dowse, Western New Mexico University
Norman A. Duke, Western Ontario University
Jeffrey H. Templeton, Western Oregon University
Robert P. Fillmore, Western State College
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | GSA CAMPuS RePReSeNTATIVeS
GSA Campus Representatives
Alan Goldin, Westminster College
Jeffrey K. Greenberg, Wheaton College
Robert J. Carson, Whitman College
John C. Gries, Wichita State University
Sid P. Halsor, Wilkes University
Scott H. Pike, Willamette University
Reinhard A. Wobus, Williams College
Candace L. Kairies Beatty, Winona State University
Irene B. Boland, Winthrop University
John B. Ritter, Wittenberg University
Allan Ross Chivas, Wollongong University
Pawel Aleksandrowski, Wroclaw University
David T. Huycke II, Yakima Valley Community College
Brian J. Skinner, Yale University
Nazrul I. Khandaker, York College (CUNY)
Jose A. Gámez Vintaned, Zaragoza University
Deadline: 1 August
The Kerry Kelts Student Research Awards of the
Limnogeology Division for undergraduate or graduate student
research is named in honor of Kerry Kelts, a visionary
limnogeologist and inspiring teacher. This year, one award of
US$1,000 for research related to limnogeology, limnology, or
paleolimnology is offered. To apply, send a summary of the
proposed research, its significance, and how the award will be
used (five-page max.) in PDF format (include your name in all
PDF file titles) along with your name and a short CV (two-page
max.) to the chair of the Limnogeology Division, Daniel M.
Deocampo, at deocampo@gsu.edu. Awards will be announced at
the Limnogeology Division Business Meeting and Reception at
the 2012 GSA Annual Meeting in November.
Division members: GSA hopes to increase the number of these
awards in the future, and your membership dues help with this
important activity. If you are interested in supporting this awards
program more substantially, please send your donations,
designated for the Kerry Kelts Research Awards of the
Limnogeology Division, to GSA Grants, Awards & Recognition,
P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA.
Deadline: 15 July
2013 Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology
(MGPV) Division Distinguished Geologic Career Award:
Submit (1) a cover letter (three page max.) from an MGPV
Division member summarizing the nominee’s most important
accomplishments in geologic approaches to mineralogy,
geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology. Special attention
should be paid to describing how the nominee’s published work
demonstrates field-based multidisciplinary geologic
accomplishments of a ground-breaking nature. The letter should
include (1) the name, address, and contact information of the
nominator as well as those from whom letters of support can be
expected (they need not be members of GSA or the MGPV
Division); (2) the nominee’s CV; and (3) three letters of support to
J. Alex Speer, Mineralogical Society of America, 3635 Concorde
Pkwy, Suite 500, Chantilly VA 20151-1110, USA; jaspeer@
minsocam.org. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the
United States, and GSA membership is not required. For more
information on this award, go to www.geosociety.org/divisions/
Questions? Contact GSA Grants, Awards & Recognition, P.O. Box 9140, 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA,
+1-303-357-1028, awards@geosociety.org.
Section Meeting
Talks Online
Did you hear a great talk at a recent GSA Section meeting and want
to view additional information from the presenter? Or did you miss
the meeting and want to view some of the material that was pre-
sented from an abstract that intrigued you? Presenters have been
given the opportunity to upload their talks, handouts, and/or slides
to the GSA website. Access to the uploaded files is free and easy:
1. Go to www.geosociety.org/meetings/searchabstracts.htm.
2. Find the meeting you are interested in and select
“Search Abstracts.
3. On the next page, click on the link near the bottom (under the
searchable days): “View Uploaded Presentations.
4. Open the abstract you are interested in, and select the item(s)
under “Handouts.
Due to their size, these files may take some time to load. These files
will remain linked to the searchable abstracts indefinitely.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
P. Geoffrey Feiss, GSA Foundation President
GSAs Support of Research over the Past 124 Years
For GSAs first four decades, we
can only document that the Soci-
ety held annual meetings and
published GSA Bulletin and vari-
ous monographs in support of
geological research. All that
changed in 1931. The Society
learned that Richard Alexander
Fullerton (RAF) Penrose Jr. had
named GSA, along with the
American Philosophical Society,
as the recipient of the bulk of his estatefor purposes unspeci-
fied. Penrose was no stranger to GSA, having served as the
Societys president in 1930. The Council minutes of 10 Dec. 1934
report that GSA received a check for US$3,884,684.42 along with
Penroses library and office furniture. Most of the latter now
resides at GSA headquarters in Boulder.
How the Society responded to its good fortune is well-chronicled
by Ed Eckel, a former GSA executive director, in his centennial
history of the Society (GSA Memoir 155: The Geological Society of
America: Life History of a Learned Society). GSA had already
decided, a year or two prior to the Penrose bequest, that it should
support research, but only via small grants to complete and pub-
lish already mature research projects. Soon thereafter, however,
GSA began awarding research grants, in their own words, “[i]n
exceptional cases … to experienced workers to start new research
projects.” It surprised me to learn that among these grants in the
mid-1930s were several to the USGS to allow projects to continue
during the Depression when all Survey geologists were required to
take unpaid furloughs.
In the 1930s, all GSA members were professional geologists, so
students were ineligible for grants. That began to change in the
mid-1950sfirst with up to 10% of research funds designated for
Ph.D. candidates. Over the next few decades, the focus shifted
further, with a greater proportion of GSA research funds being
allotted to students, with master’s students becoming eligible, and
eventually with all GSA research funds being allocated for student
researcheven some for undergraduates.
This brings us to today. In 2012, 636 students applied for grants.
The 24-member GSA Research Grant Committee awarded 303
research grants, totaling US$554,164. These funds came from
GSAs Joseph T. Pardee Fund, contributions by GSA Divisions and
Sections, the National Science Foundation, and the GSA
Foundation. The Foundation’s contributions are generated from
the income on ~20 named funds in support of research and from
unrestricted donations from generous GSA members each year.
The demand is clearly there. Could we do more? Is the 125th
Anniversary of GSA an opportunity to ramp up our support of
student research?
I hope each GSA member will give these questions some
thought. Did you, an office mate, or a colleague receive a GSA
research award? Have students in your department received such
support? And, if you were not among the fortunate few, can you
imagine how US$1,829 (the 2012 average grant) could have
furthered your own research when you were a student?
Imagine the impact on our profession in future decades if, to
honor GSAs 125th Anniversary, we were able over the next few
years to increase the number of student research grants each year
by 125 (a 40% increase over 2012). That would require additional
annual contributions by members, corporations, and others
gifts that over GSAs next 125 years could support the research of
more than 15,000 aspiring geoscientists.
Think about joining in this effort by making a first gift or a
larger than normal gift in honor of GSAs birthday to the
GEOSTAR endowment for Student Research or to any of the
Foundations named research funds (see www.gsafweb.org/
You can make a contribution to the GSA Foundation
at www.gsafweb.org/makeadonation.html or by contacting Anna
Christensen, Chief Development Officer,
GSA Foundation, +1-303-357-1007, achristensen@geosociety.org.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
To honor a friend or colleague with a GSA Memorial, please go to www.geosociety.org/pubs/
memorials/mmlGuid.htm to learn how. Contact the GSA Foundation, www.gsafweb.org, if you
would like to contribute to the Memorial Fund.
William M. Adams
Ferndale, Washington, USA
Notified 27 Apr. 2012
John F. Akerley
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
29 Apr. 2012
Walther M. Barnard
Fredonia, New York, USA
1 Jan. 2010
Bruce F. Curtis
Boulder, Colorado, USA
15 Feb. 2012
Graham R. Curtis
Chino, California, USA
18 Mar. 2012
Robert J. Deacon
Tillamook, Oregon, USA
Notified 14 Feb. 2012
John J. Donohue
Danvers, Massachusetts, USA
Notified 27 Feb. 2012
Kenneth E. Eade
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
10 Feb. 2011
Alfred J. Frueh Jr.
Pelham, New York, USA
23 Mar. 2012
James L. Harding
Mobile, Alabama, USA
21 Sept. 2010
Richard A. Hoppin
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
6 Jan. 2012
Rodney V. Kirkham
Delta, British Columbia,
29 Feb. 2012
Chao-Li J. Liu
Champaign, Illinois, USA
Notified 23 Apr. 2012
Jim O’Donnell
Pasadena, California, USA
Notified 8 Mar. 2012
Henry D. Olson
Houston, Texas, USA
Notified 22 Feb. 2012
Richard E. Oppel
Edmond, Oklahoma, USA
12 Sept. 2011
Claude M. Quigley Jr.
Cibolo, Texas, USA
Notified 21 Feb. 2012
Robert Raskin
Pasadena, California, USA
2 Mar. 2012
Carl Reiterman
Ashland, Oregon, USA
22 Jan. 2012
Perry O. Roehl
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Notified 21 Feb. 2012
Pierre Saint-Amand
Ridgecrest, California, USA
Notified 15 Jan. 2012
James B. Thompson Jr.
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
1 Nov. 2011
John H. Way
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania,
Notified 20 Mar. 2012
James E. Werner
Houston, Texas, USA
21 Jan. 2012
Frank C. Whitmore Jr.
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
18 Mar. 2012
David V. Wiltschko
College Station, Texas, USA
2 Mar. 2012
Scott Woods
Missoula, Montana, USA
Notified 23 Apr. 2012
In Memoriam
About People
The Society notes with regret the deaths of the following members
(notifications received between 6 January and 30 April 2012).
GSA Fellow Dennis Kent, a leading expert in the history of
Earths magnetic field, has been elected to the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences. Other members of the 2012 class include
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, playwright
Neil Simon, and Hollywood director Clint Eastwood.
GSA member Michael Mann has been awarded the European
Geosciences Union’s 2012 Oeschger Medal “for his significant
contributions to understanding decadal–centennial scale cli-
mate change over the last two millennia and for pioneering
techniques to synthesize patterns and northern hemispheric
time series of past climate using proxy data reconstructions.
GSA Fellow Susan L. Brantley, Distinguished Professor of Geo-
sciences in the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at
Penn State, and GSA member Patricia Dove, C.P. Miles
Professor of Science at Virginia Tech, have been elected to the
U.S. National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their dis-
tinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
GSA Fellow Sean C. Solomon, “a leading geophysicist whose
research has combined studies of the deep earth with missions
to the moon and the solar system’s inner planets,” has been
appointed as director of Columbia Universitys Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory.
GSA Fellow David R. Lageson of Montana State University
(MSU) is a climber on the current North Face/National
Geographic/MSU Mount Everest expedition and will take on
the mountain’s Southeast Ridge. Learn more at www.montana
Register Today!
Full meeting registration fees run from US$40 to US$430 through 1 October. Some travel
grants are available (see www.geosociety.org/meetings/2012/grants.htm).
Submit an AbstractOral, poster, or digital poster!
Abstract deadline: 14 August
Our Sessions Have Something for Everyone
This year we’ll have three Special Sessions, six Pardee Keynote Symposia, and 181 Topical
Sessions, as well as Discipline Sessions for your particular specialty.
View to west of Tablerock Mountain (high peak to south) and Hawksbill Mountain (high peak to north) in North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains.
Photo by Andy R. Bobyarchick, 2008.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
View to west of Tablerock Mountain (high peak to south) and Hawksbill Mountain (high peak to north) in North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains.
Photo by Andy R. Bobyarchick, 2008.
USGS scientists studying old organic carbon in the Yukon
River, Alaska, USA. Image courtesy USGS: http://gallery
Cover of April/May 2010 GSA Today: Westward-looking view of a Google
Earthbased geologic map of the mountain of Knock Kilbride, Ireland.
Pardee Keynote Symposia Highlights
Symposia are special sessions consisting of
invited abstracts on innovative topics presented in
a creative way.
P1. Digital Geology Speed-Dating: An Innovative
Coupling of Interactive Presentations and Hands-On
Workshop, with Declan G. De Paor, Steven Whitmeyer,
and John E. Bailey. This new style of Pardee Keynote
Symposium features six simultaneous presentations that
will occur at adjacent digital poster stations. Presentation
topics will include digital field work, GigaPan imaging,
KML and Google Earth API scripting, digital data portals
and dynamic digital maps, 3D COLLADA models and
Google SketchUp, and virtual field experiences and
Google Earth tours. Six active participants will be invited
to sit in front of each station with laptops and directly
engage with the material being presented. Participants will
rotate to a new station every half hour. Standing room for
observers will be available behind the seated participants.
Cosponsored by the GSA Geoinformatics Division; GSA
Geophysics Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division;
and GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division.
P6. Understanding Earth through Carbon, with Craig M. Schiffries, Robert M. Hazen, and Russell J. Hemley.
The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) is an international, interdisciplinary, decade-long initiative to improve
our knowledge of the deep carbon cycle and foster a fundamental understanding of Earth through carbon. This
session addresses DCO’s goals: (1) to improve our understanding of the physical and chemical behavior of
carbon at extreme conditions found in planetary interiors; (2) to identify the principal deep carbon reservoirs
and fluxes and to assess Earths total carbon budget; (3) to document the nature, sources, and evolution of
subsurface organic molecules, including hydrocarbons and biomolecules; and (4) to assess the nature and
extent of the deep microbial biosphere. Cosponsored by the Deep Carbon Observatory.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
Photo by Patrick Schneide, courtesy of Visit Charlotte.
SOUTH ENDA trolley-stop away from Center
City, South End pairs restaurants, antique shops, and trendy
stores with performing and visual arts, monthly gallery
crawls, and festivals.
Places to Eat
Prices Chicken Coop features some of the best fried
chicken around.
Pewter Rose Bistro serves up fresh, local dishes and
boasts a wine list more than 200 selections long.
Icehouse serves casual American fare complemented by
more than 200 beers.
Amos’ Southend offers live indie, local, and national
Places to Shop
With the world’s furniture capital just down the road,
Charlottes furniture district gets designs from renowned
The Furniture Connector and Boulevard Bazaar both
feature visually stunning collections.
Elder Gallery hosts monthly exhibitions and represents
more than 50 American and European artists working
with a variety of media.
Canine Café: Teach your dog new tricks with all-natural
biscuits, cookies, and cakes.
NODAThis mill-community-turned-arts-district is
bohemian chic, with live music, vibrant restaurants, and
gallery crawls. Learn more at www.noda.org.
Places to Eat
Cabo Fish Taco for the best fi sh tacos in town.
Crêpe Cellar Kitchen & Pub offers tasty French-
baguette pizzas and sandwiches, but the savory crêpes
are the star attraction.
Growlers Pourhouse serves all-American craft beer as
well as beer food” like house-made hot dogs, peel-and-
eat shrimp, and soft pretzels.
The Evening Muse offers an amazing array of live music,
from blues to hip-hop.
Places to Shop
Red@28th is a multicultural, independent bookstore/
wine bar/community gathering spot.
Sunshine Daydreams’ eclectic selection includes
funky jewelry, vintage concert t-shirts, and tie-dye
and hemp goods.
For more information on these and other Charlotte neighborhoods go to www.charlottesgotalot.com/default.asp?charlotte=75.
Over the next few months we will highlight some of Charlotte’s eclectic neighborhoods, family-
friendly adventures, and local spots for Carolina brews. In addition to having the nations second-
leading fi nancial district, Charlotte offers some of the most diverse streetcar-era neighborhoods
and tree-lined streets scattered with boutiques and restaurants. You will be surprised when you
arrive in the Queen City!
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
4–7 NOVEMBER 2012 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, USA www.geosociety.org/meetings/2012
U.S. National Whitewater Center. Photo courtesy of Visit Charlotte. U.S. National Whitewater Center. Photo courtesy of Visit Charlotte.
GSA’s monthly e-news magazine brings you
current information on
GSA programs, events, books, government
and international affairs, pending deadlines,
and media coverage. Read it now at
“Like” us on Facebook at
Check here for publication updates, photos,
and links to journals, events,
and more.
Follow GSA on Twitter at @geosociety.
Peruse our prole, updates, and followers at
Most of GSA’s 4,500 followers are
“geotweeps”—your fellow scientists, students,
and colleagues.
GSA is LinkedIn at
We invite GSA members and interested
geoscience professionals to use this space for
discussion and networking opportunities.
GSA Today is always open access at
Issues from 1995 to the present are
posted online; we are working now to get
the rst ve years of GSA Today onto the
web. We’ll keep you posted!
Connect with GSA
through the Web and Social Media
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | ClASSIFIed AdS
View Classified and GeoMart ads online at www.geosociety.org/advertising.htm
Classified Rates—2012
Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@
geosociety.org, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. To estimate cost,
count 54 characters per line, including punctuation and
spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, boldface
type, or special characters. Rates are in U.S. dollars.
Per line each
Per Line for addtl month
Classification 1st month (same ad)
Positions Open $8.95 $8.70
Fellowship Opportunities $8.95 $8.70
Opportunities for Students
First 25 lines $0.00 $4.75
Additional lines $4.75 $4.75
Positions Open
We invite applications for two tenure-track faculty
positions at the Assistant Professor level, one in the
general area of Earth Surface Processes and one in
the general area of Hydrogeologic Processes. We are
seeking colleagues who will build innovative re-
search programs and complement and extend our
research and teaching strengths.
Areas of focus for the Earth Surface Processes
position could include physical, chemical, and/or
biological aspects of Earth-surface dynamics and
evolution; for example, interactions of tectonic,
glacial, and/or coastal systems with landscapes;
research on changing surface environmental con-
ditions and their causes in modern or ancient
systems; critical zone processes; planetary surface
dynamics; natural hazards; surface response to cli-
mate change; or near-surface processes associated
with energy, mineral, and water resources.
Areas of focus for the Hydrogeologic Processes
position could include physical, chemical, and/or
biological aspects of groundwater geology; for ex-
ample, groundwater, solute, and/or energy transfer
dynamics; groundwater-lake-surface water interac-
tions; environmental hydrogeology; groundwater
and climate change; connections between hydro-
geologic processes and tectonics, seismicity, land-
scape evolution, ore genesis; role of groundwater
in biological and/or geochemical cycles; or life in
extreme environments.
Successful candidates will teach courses in their
fields of expertise at the undergraduate and gradu-
ate levels and will participate in the breadth of
instruction in our curriculum; see www.esci.umn
The Department of Earth Sciences is part of the
N.H. Winchell School of Earth Sciences, which also
hosts NSF-funded research centers (the National
Lacustrine Core Repository; the National Center
for Earth-surface Dynamics; and the Institute for
Rock Magnetism) and includes the Limnological
Research Center, the Minnesota Geological Survey,
and the Polar Geospatial Center. College and Uni-
versity resources include: St Anthony Falls Labora-
tory, Institute on the Environment, Materials Char-
acterization Facility, Supercomputer Institute, and
Digital Technology Center. Further information
concerning the Department and School of Earth
Sciences is at www.esci.umn.edu.
Appointment could begin as early as summer
2013. A Ph.D. degree must be earned by the time
of appointment. Review of applications will begin
4 Sept. 2012 and will continue until an appointment
is made.
All candidates must complete an online application
via the University of Minnesota employment system at
https://employment.umn.edu (requisition numbers
178172 for Earth Surface; 178199 for Hydrogeology).
The application includes (1) a curriculum vitae that
includes a complete list of publications; (2) a state-
ment of research interests; (3) a statement of teach-
ing interests; and (4) names, addresses, and e-mail
addresses of at least three references. Questions about
these positions can be directed to Professor Katsumi
Matsumoto, [email protected]u (Earth Surface Pro-
cesses), and Professor William Seyfried, [email protected]
(Hydrogeologic Processes).
The University of Minnesota is committed to
the policy that all persons shall have equal access
to its programs, facilities, and employment without
regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
age, marital status, disability, public assistance status,
veteran status or sexual orientation.
California University of Pennsylvania invites ap-
plications for this tenure-track faculty position in
the Dept. of Earth Sciences. A Ph.D. in Geology or
related field is required, along with demonstrated
experience in undergraduate education and a will-
ingness to teach a broad spectrum of courses. The
candidate will be an outstanding educator who can
integrate classroom, technology, field, and labora-
tory approaches to teaching geosciences. Candi-
dates must demonstrate experience working with
diverse populations. For position details and to ap-
ply, visit https://careers.calu.edu.
Integrity, Civility and Responsibility are the official
core values of California University of Pennsylvania.
Cal U is M/F/V/D/AA/EEO.
The University of South Alabama Earth Sciences
Dept. invites applications for a tenure-track faculty
position at the Assistant Professor or Associate Pro-
fessor level beginning 15 August 2012. Candidates
with research and industry experience in petroleum
geology, geophysics, and related sub-disciplines are
particularly encouraged to apply. Minimum quali-
fications are a Ph.D. degree in geology at the time of
appointment. Interested potential applicants may
review position requirements at the following web-
site: www.usouthal.edu/geography/. The University
of South Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Equal
Access Employer.
Tufts University invites applications for a full-time,
tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor of
Earth and Ocean Sciences in the area of Climate
Change beginning 1 Sept. 2013. This position re-
sides in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sci-
ences but is part of a multidisciplinary cluster-
hiring initiative designed to deepen and broaden
the Environmental Studies program as well as to
enhance traditional academic departments.
The successful candidate will be expected to
teach an undergraduate introductory course in cli-
mate science, and one or more upper level courses
in a field related to the persons expertise. At least
two courses will count toward both the EOS and
the Environmental Studies majors, and the success-
ful candidate will work with others in the cluster
hire to create a capstone experience for students in
the program. We are particularly interested in those
with research interests in the geological record of
climate change, methods for interpreting climate
change, or implications of climate change that may
span a range of temporal scales.
Qualifications include a Ph.D. by time of ap-
pointment in an Earth and Ocean Science disci-
pline; demonstrated potential for research sup-
ported by external funding; and preferably teaching
experience at the college level. The applicant should
be able to fit into a small, well-equipped depart-
ment where teaching diverse student populations
is highly valued, and will be able to work with the
Environmental Studies faculty to offer courses that
also complement that interdisciplinary program.
A letter of application, statement of teaching and
research interests, transcripts, CV, and the names
and addresses of three references should be sent to
Professor Jack Ridge, Chair, Department of Earth
and Ocean Sciences, Tufts University, Medford, MA
02155 ([email protected]). Review of applica-
tions will begin 15 Sept. 2012 and will continue
until the position is filled. Tufts University is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
We are committed to increasing the diversity of our
faculty. Members of underrepresented groups are
strongly encouraged to apply.
The SUNY Geneseo Dept. of Geological Sciences
invites applicants for a staff position as an Instruc-
tional Support Specialist beginning Fall 2012. Re-
sponsibilities of the position include operation
and maintenance of departmental equipment (e.g.,
rock prep. facilities, XRF, XRD, SEM, etc.), training
of undergraduate students on use of equipment,
assisting with development and organization of
weekly lab exercises, assisting with field trip logis-
tics, and curating departmental collections (rocks,
maps, fossils). The successful applicant must have
an M.S. degree in geoscience or a related area at the
time of appointment. Required experience includes
demonstrated interest in and aptitude for teaching,
demonstrated ability to develop laboratory exer-
cises using current pedagogy, interest in outreach,
and superior organizational, written, and oral com-
munication abilities. Must also be able to bend and
lift up to 40 pounds. Position opportunities include
mentoring undergraduate students in research and
club activities.
The College strives to provide a diverse learning
environment in which to prepare students for an in-
creasingly multicultural society and interconnected
world. For further information about SUNY Gen-
eseo, please see our homepage, www.geneseo.edu.
To apply, submit an online professional applica-
tion at https://jobs.geneseo.edu and attach a cover
letter, vita, and references. Applicants should ar-
range for academic transcripts and three recent let-
ters of recommendation to be sent directly to Scott
Giorgis, Chair, Dept. of Geological Sciences, 1 Col-
lege Circle, Geneseo, NY 14414.
To ensure full consideration, complete applica-
tions should be received by 15 Aug. 2012. All appli-
cants are subject to drug and criminal background
SUNY Geneseo is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity, Equal Access Employer committed
to recruiting, supporting, and fostering a diverse
community of outstanding faculty, staff, and stu-
dents. The College actively seeks applications from
women and members of underrepresented groups.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July | ClASSIFIed AdS
The Dept. of Geology & Geophysics at the Univer-
sity of Utah invites applications for a tenure-track
faculty position in structural geology and/or active
tectonics available as early as spring semester 2013.
We anticipate hiring at the Assistant Professor level
but will consider exceptional candidates at the Asso-
ciate Professor level. Applicants must have a Ph.D.,
and the successful candidate is expected to build a
productive and internationally visible research pro-
gram. Expertise in structural geology is desirable,
but a broad range of field-oriented tectonic special-
ties will be considered. For further details and to
apply, please go to http://utah.peopleadmin.com/
The University of Utah is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action employer and educator. Mi-
norities, women, and persons with disabilities are
strongly encouraged to apply. Veterans preference.
Reasonable accommodations provided. For ad-
ditional information, go to www.regulations.utah
The University of Utah values candidates who
have experience working in settings with students
from diverse backgrounds, and possess a strong
commitment to improving access to higher educa-
tion for historically underrepresented students.
The Dept. of Geological Sciences and Geological
Engineering at Queen’s University, which has a long
history of excellence in undergraduate and graduate
education and world-class research, is seeking
individuals with outstanding research and teaching
capabilities for a tenure-track position at either the
Assistant or Associate Professor in Applied Geophys-
ics to begin on 1 Jan. 2013 or 1 July 2013. The suc-
cessful candidate will be a Professional Engineer or
will be eligible to apply for Professional Engineering
status immediately, by virtue of having graduated
from an accredited engineering program. The can-
didate will build on the existing applied geophysics
specialization stream in the Geological Engineering
program and may also teach students from Geo-
logical Sciences and other departments at Queens.
Demonstrated excellence in teaching and field
investigation in a variety of geophysical techniques,
data analysis, and interpretation will be an asset. The
candidate is expected to carry on an active, externally
funded research program of international caliber and
to supervise graduate students at the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
levels. A willingness to engage in collaborative research
with departmental colleagues will also be considered in
the selection process. For more information about fac-
ulty research interests, the full range of undergraduate
and graduate teaching programs, and our laboratory
facilities, visit www.geol.queensu.ca.
The University invites applications from all quali-
fied individuals. Queens University is committed to
employment equity and diversity in the workplace
and welcomes applications from women, visible
minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabili-
ties, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender
identity. All qualified candidates are encouraged to
apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents
will be given priority.
Academic professionals at Queens University are
governed by the Collective Agreement between the
Queens University Faculty Association (QUFA)
and the University, which is posted at www
collectiveagreement.html. Remuneration will be in
accordance with the Collective Agreement, which
considers qualifications and experience.
Applications should include a complete and
current curriculum vitae, letters of reference from
three (3) referees of high standing, a statement of
teaching experience, a statement of research in-
terests and future plans, and samples of research
writing. Please arrange to have applications and sup-
porting letters sent directly to Dr. D.J. Hutchinson,
Head, Department of Geological Sciences and
Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Room
240 Bruce Wing, Kingston Ontario Canada K7L
Applications will be accepted until 31 August
2012 or until a suitable candidate is identified.
Review of applications will commence shortly there-
after, and the final appointment is subject to budget-
ary approval.
The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at
the University of Michigan is searching for tenure-
track faculty candidates for a university-year ap-
pointment in the areas of Aqueous/Low-Temper-
ature Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Global
Climate Change, starting September 2013. Appoint-
ments at the assistant professor level are preferred,
but exceptional candidates at higher levels will be
considered. We encourage applications from candi-
dates with records of research and teaching in any
one of these areas.
Successful candidates are expected to establish
an independent research program and contribute
to both undergraduate and graduate teaching in a
large public university. Candidates whose research
and teaching complement and enhance the existing
programs in the Department of Earth and Environ-
mental Sciences will receive special consideration.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. and should submit a
CV, statement of current and future research plans,
statement of teaching philosophy and experience,
and contact information for at least four persons
who can provide letters of recommendation.
Further information about the department and
the positions can be found at: www.lsa.umich.edu/
earth. To apply, please go to www.earth.lsa.umich
.edu/facultysearch/newapplicant, complete the online
form, and upload the required application docu-
ments as a single PDF file. If you have any questions
or comments, please send an e-mail message to
The application deadline is 24 Sept. 2012 for full
consideration, but applications will continue to be
reviewed until the position is filled. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply. The University
is supportive of the needs of dual career couples.
The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/
affirmative action employer.
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The term Anthropocene recently entered into the rhetoric of
both the scientific community and the popular environmental
movement. Scientific proponents argue that global
industrialization drives accelerated Earth-system changes
unrivaled in Earths history. The discussion now filters into
geological stratigraphy with proposals to amend formal time
stratigraphic nomenclature (Zalasiewicz et al., 2008, 2010).
Environmentalists suggest that terms like Anthropocene foster
broad social and cultural awareness of human-induced
environmental changes. Advocates argue that greater awareness
of humanitys role in environmental change encourages
sustainable resource utilization.
Formal recognition of a new geologic epoch helps the broader
scientific community solidify the idea of humanity as an Earth-
system driver. Before the scientific community ventures too far,
we wish to offer comment that considers the practicality of the
Anthropocene to geological stratigraphy, the science to which it
ultimately applies.
Crutzen and Stoermer (2000) suggest that modern technology
initiated the transformation of Earth-system behavior and
altered environmental processes. They offer the term
Anthropocene for the time interval dominated by human
activities and indicate that the onset of the human ability to
significantly shape Earths environment became notable with
the Industrial Revolution. Steffen et al. (2011) argue that The
Great Acceleration after World War II records a dramatic
departure in monitored Earth processes from Holocene proxy
trends. In contrast, Ruddiman (2005) infers that Holocene-scale
anthropogenic greenhouse effects began when humans
abandoned hunter-gatherer lifestyles for subsistence settlement,
animal domestication, and cultivation agriculture.
The idea that humans interact with nature is not new, and
philosophical ideologies about human responsibility permeate
historical thinking (Hamilton, 2010; Steffen et al., 2011).
Anthropocene offers a concept fundamentally different from
GSA Today, v. 22, no. 7, doi: 10.1130/G153GW.1.
many precursors. Present human society does not have a
symbiotic relationship with nature. Humanity now modifies
natural processes, such as biogeochemical cycles, ocean-
atmosphere transfers, and flux of surficial sediments (Steffen et
al., 2011). Accelerated mass transfer of sediments (Hooke, 2000;
Wilkinson, 2005) has particular interest because erosion and
sedimentation produce stratigraphic records.
The Anthropocene has taken root in popular culture as a new
time term, and scientists embroiled in research and debate on
anthropogenic climate change should benefit from formal
stratigraphic adoption. However, identification of a basal
boundary for the Anthropocene and the suggestion that the
concept can be validated with a global stratigraphic marker is at
best a bit premature. A distinct stratigraphic marker should have
been forming since anthropogenic change began. As practicing
stratigraphers, we are taken aback by the claim that scientists
currently have sufficient evidence to define a distinctive and
lasting imprint of our existence in the geologic record.
Formal stratigraphic practice (ISSC, 1994; NACSN, 2005) uses
a codified approach to the development, recognition, and
amendment of a timescale relevant to Earths history. Concepts
for stratigraphic units require criteria that allow for the
definition, delineation, and correlation of stratiform sequences
of Earth materials. Time stratigraphic units represent layers of
rock containing lithologic, fossil, mineral, chemical, or
geophysical signatures that allow for the recognition and
measurement of geologic time.
Because the strata anticipated by the Anthropocene has not yet
fully developed and it is only currently possible that a
recognizable basal boundary separates it from the Holocene
epoch, researchers should find difficulty in using this concept in
stratigraphic practice. Stratigraphic boundaries commonly
appear as abrupt in the rock record but are often imprecise in
time. A boundary as broad as a few thousand years resolves most
problems in deep-time stratigraphy but would be of little use to
identify a boundary intended to separate events of recent
centuries. Definition and delineation of a basal Anthropocene
boundary would be sufficient to introduce the term, but the
boundary could be potentially arbitrary if it lacks temporal
precision. For example, a global marker could be diachronous
across millennia if human-accelerated sedimentation were the
specific attribute used to mark the basal Anthropocene.
Formal stratigraphic hierarchy (ISSC, 1994; NACSN, 2005)
implies that Anthropocene would either hold the rank of epoch
if equivalent to the Holocene or age if defined as a subset of the
Holocene. Either way, a stratotype that records a continuous,
preferably marine, sedimentation record and separates the
Anthropocene from underlying units needs to be identified and
correlated into the global time stratigraphy. This is a daunting
task that may or may not generate significant gains in the
Furthering the Influence of Earth Science
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
scientific understanding of anthropogenic Earth processes.
Nonetheless, Anthropocene is in fact being used seriously among
selected research circles. Workers commonly use Anthropocene
informally, and stratigraphic practice does allow for informal
nomenclature where suitable to resolve geological problems.
Perhaps the most relevant issue before the International
Stratigraphic Commission is the establishment of a scientifically
relevant concept that forwards an understanding of the
problems we face as humanity interacts with the Earth system.
Stratigraphic code clearly states the physical, temporal, spatial,
and conceptual requirements for the development of
stratigraphic units. On the other hand, the discipline of
stratigraphy may also have a reputation to protect. Scientific
disciplines maintain their reputation by providing the credible
voice a scientific community needs in public debate.
Anthropocene provides eye-catching jargon, but terminology
alone does not produce a useful stratigraphic concept. Social
commentators and environmental activists benefit from the
term, and it is gaining momentum among the media and writers
of popular scientific literature. Scientific use of the term appears
to be increasing with public acceptance, although Steffen et al.
(2011) argue that the public adopted Anthropocene because of
increasing scientific popularity. Perhaps this acceptance is
simply because scientists from disciplines other than
stratigraphy embrace the concept of Anthropocene while not
appreciating the nuances of its application to formal
stratigraphic practice. The most important assertion unfolding
among these groups is that Anthropocene creates public
awareness and formalizes the concept of human-induced
environmental change.
Although we acknowledge a distinct allure for the term
Anthropocene and recognize merit in the concept, pop culture
does not have an interest in the stratigraphic implications of this
debate. If there is an underlying desire to make social comment
about the implications of human-induced environmental
change, Anthropocene clearly is effective. However, being
provocative may have greater importance in pop culture than to
serious scientific research.
Perhaps one of the more relevant issues we in the scientific
community have with terms like Anthropocene is a tendency to
market catch phrases that produce questionable labels.
Anthropocene has already appeared in the titles of journal
papers, presentations at conferences, and proposals for research
funding. Modern scientists face pressure to develop and sustain
a credibility that fosters research production (Hessels et al.,
2009). Could there be a clever end game in mind?
We have no issue with people who recognize the ability of
modern technology to transform the Earth system as humans
manage a global society and economy, nor do we wish to take a
stand as to whether the Earth system will eventually be
enhanced, catastrophically damaged, or something in between.
However, we see value in recognizing the cause and effect of one’s
actions. The idea that humanity should adopt the role of Earth
steward is not new. Global awareness about environmental
change is a separate issue from the definition of practical
stratigraphic units that solve geological problems.
Modern society struggles with the implications of climate
change and now ponders if humans actually alter climate.
Anthropocene forces us to consider the implications of sending
the Earth system into a completely new domain driven by our
actions. Does humanity operate on such a grand scale that we
drive Earth processes in ways that overshadow tectonic, climatic,
and eustatic processes?
Before we amend our stratigraphy and end the Holocene, it
would be best to settle the question of where in the stratigraphic
record to drive the golden spike that defines when humanity
became one of the preeminent forces of nature. Even so, will
finding this layer lead to a globally relevant correlation? As
stratigraphers, we require criteria to map the Anthropocene with
relevant and consistent meaning. Presently, we are left to map a
unit conceptually rather than conceptualizing a mappable
stratigraphic unit.
If the prescribed conditions are met, then Anthropocene
might be a useful time stratigraphic term. In essence, it describes
the disruptions driven by human activities. However, elevating
terms that may become iconic in pop culture is not in itself
sufficient evidence to amend formal stratigraphic practice.
Science and society have much to gain from a clear
understanding of how humans drive Earth-system processes
instead of conducting an esoteric debate about stratigraphic
nomenclature. Let the Anthropocene retain its rightful place as a
focal point in the culture wars over the recognition and
interpretation of environmental process.
Crutzen, P.J., and Stoermer, E.F., 2000, The Anthropocene: Global Change
Newsletter, v. 41, p. 17–18.
Hamilton, C., 2010, Requiem for a species: Why we resist the truth about
climate change: Washington, DC, Earthscan, 286 p.
Hessels, L.K., van Lente, H., and Smits, R., 2009, In search of relevance: the
changing contract between science and society: Science and Public
Policy, v. 36, p. 387–401.
Hooke, R.LeB., 2000, On the history of humans as geomorphic agents:
Geology, v. 28, p. 843–846.
ISSC (International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification) of IUGS
International Commission on Stratigraphy, 1994, International
Stratigraphic Guide (Second edition, Amos Salvador, ed.): Trondheim,
Norway, International Union of Geological Sciences, 214 p.
NACSN (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature), 2005,
North American stratigraphic code: AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, no. 11,
p. 1547–1591.
Ruddiman, W.R., 2005, Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum: Princeton, New Jersey,
Princeton University Press, 202 p.
Steffen, W., Grinevald, J., Crutzen, P., and McNeill, J., 2011, The Anthropocene:
conceptual and historical perspectives: Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society, v. 369, p. 842–867.
Wilkinson, B.H., 2005, Humans as geologic agents: A deep-time perspective:
Geology, v. 33, p. 161–164.
Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Smith, A., Barry, T.L., Coe, A.L., Bown, P.R.,
Brenchley, P., Cantrill, D., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, F.J., Hounslow,
M.W., Kerr, A.C., Pearson, P., Knox, R., Powell, J., Waters, C., Marshall, J.,
Oates, M., Rawson, P., and Stone, P., 2008, Are we now living in the
Anthropocene?: GSA Today, v. 18, no. 2, p. 4–8.
Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Steffen, W., and Crutzen, P., 2010, The new world
of the Anthropocene: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 44,
p. 2228–2231; doi: 10.1021/es903118j.
Manuscript received 1 March 2012; accepted 9 April 2012.
GSA TodAy | 2012 July
To submit an article, visit www.editorialmanager.com/geosphere/.
a. Evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
b. Intra-continental deformation, mineral resources, and geologic hazards
c. Environmental changes, biologic evolution, geochemistry, and carbon sequestration
Post-meeting field trips will be held from 20–27 June
Scientific Program Chairs
GSC: Dong Shuwen, Executive Member of GSC Council in charge of international cooperation
GSA: J.G. Liou, Stanford University
Roof of the World
Joint Scientific Meeting of the Geological Society of China
and the Geological Society of America
1719 June 2013
Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China
Roof of the World
Joint Scientific Meeting of the Geological Society of China
and the Geological Society of America
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Now is the Time to Plan
GSA is calling all members, Divisions, Sections, and Associated Societies
to help plan its 2013 meeting as well as our year-long celebration.
Here are some ways to get involved:
Plan field trips to classic localities that demonstrate our scientific advances;
Propose Penrose Conferences and Field Forums to explore current controversies,
drawing on our advances and planning for future resolution of current debates;
GSAs Divisions and regional Sections have great opportunities to get involved through
special sessions, field trips, workshops, lectures, and more, both during meetings or
throughout the year;
Pardee sessions will cover reoccurring controversies and themes over the past 50
years, focusing on current perspectives, and we encourage topical session proposals
and special lectures focusing on this theme;
Members of GSAs Associated SocietiesSponsor sessions at your society’s annual
meetings and at GSA; sponsor a field trip, topical session, publication, or meeting; or
create other events to celebrate the geosciences.
Help make the 125th Anniversary Celebration an event to remember for the next
125 years: Send your ideas to GSA125@geosociety.org.
125th Anniversary:
Celebrating Advances in Geoscience —Our Science, Societal Impact,
and Unique Thought Processes
27–30 October Denver, Colorado, USA
2013 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition
Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Photo by Ron Ruhoff. Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau. Echo Lake with Mount Evans in the background. Photo by Richard Grant. Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau.
We are the geosciences; let’s celebrate!
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